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Editors --- "Index: Australian Indigenous Law Reporter, Volume 4 Issue 3 - Digest" [1999] AUIndigLawRpr 39; (1999) 4(3) Australian Indigenous Law Reporter 149


Australian Indigenous Law Reporter,
Volume 4 Issue 3

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

international contact 63
rights 40
basic citizenship rights 4041, 56-57
control over natural resources 40
cultural 40
distinct and unique 40, 40,41
international law 41

self determination 40, 42, 56, 94-95, 109
services, funding for 56-61
Commonwealth Grants Commission 59, 59,60
control 58
direct funding 59
grants based system 59
local government 59, 59,60
multiple sources 58
National Commitment process 58
negotiation of bilateral agreements 58
problems with existing arrangements 57
recommendations 61
review, proposal for 59-61
Royal Commission recommendations 57-58

socio-economic disadvantage 40, 57, 91, 109
health 42, 90-92

standard of living 59

Aboriginal customary law 5

Aboriginal land claim

costs 3038
Crown land 28-29
nature conservation, land needed for 28, 29
public interest litigation 31-32


mediation see National Native Title Tribunal regional see Regional agreements
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 1971 50

Appropriation of indigenous culture

arts and cultural expression 6
cultural property 6-7
cultural resources 7
new technology, effect 7
patenting of life forms 7

Australian Constitution 44

possibilities for change 47-48

Bateman's Bay Local Aboriginal Land Council v Aboriginal Community Benefit Fund Pty Ltd 19

Birrigan Gargle Aboriginal Land Council v Minister Administering the Crown Lands Act (1812199) 28-29

Birrigan Gargle Aboriginal Land Council v Minister Administering the Crown Lands Act (3115199) 3038

Bringing Them Home Report 67-1 16

Follow Up Project 67-1 16
list of meetings and participants 99-101
methodology 72-73
objects 71-72
outlook 98-99
purpose and form of report 71

governments' responses to recommendations
access to records 84-90
apologies 8081
child welfare and juvenile justice 96-97
compensation 83-84
contemporary separation, issues of 94-97
coordination between governments 80
counselling 88-89
cross-portfolio coordination 75
divisions of responsibilities 78, 98-99
education and training 93-94

professionals and public servants 94

schools 93-94

funding specifications 74
Genocide Convention 96
health care 9092
implementation, monitoring 75-76, 98
indigenous communities, involvement 76-77
Link-Ups 89-90
national legislation 78-79
necessity of action 77-80
oral history projects 81-82
overview 73-80
progress 73-74
record keeping 84-90

destruction of records, prohibition 88

self-determination and social justice 94-95
statements of regret 8081
structure 75
summary 67-70
themes 75-77

overview 71
recommendations 102-113


indigenous constitutional reform _45-46
regional agreements 51-52

Daniels v State of Western Australia 26-27

Donnelly v Tenterfield Shire Council 17-18

Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 41

Expressions of indigenous culture 2

appropriation 6
definition 3-4, 144
economic benefits 6
elements of 4-5
nature of 4
new technology, effect 7
protection see also Protection of indigenous cultures
copyright laws 9-1 1
need for 6


definition 2
expressions of, protection 9-10
protection 1, 2-3
use of term 2

Fritz v Torres Strait Regional Authority 20-25

Future act regime 129-137

mediation see National Native Title Tribunal overview 129

Ganalbingu people 5

customary law 5

Human rights

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, enjoyment by 40
international law 41

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) 67

statutory obligations 71

Indigenous children

best interest 1 10
Indigenous Child Placement Principle 1 1 1
juvenile justice 96-97, 111-113
national standards 1 10 removal see Stolen generation
welfare 96-97

Indigenous culture

appropriation 6-7
arts, use without consent 6
cultural material
new technology, effect 7

cultural property
dispersal 6-7
repatriation 6-7

cultural resources
appropriation 7
exploitation 6, 7

customary laws
colonisation, effect of 1 1-12
constitutions 12
proof of title 12
protection of traditional culture through 11, 12
recognition 1 1-12
traditional copyright 12

expressions of see Expressions of indigenous culture
preservation 6
protection 1, 6
what is 2

Intellectual property 8-1 1

collective administration system for managing author's rights 14
copyright protection 8-1 1, 61
authorship- 9
deceased and unknown authors 8
legislation 9-1 1
moral rights 8-9
publication 8

legislation, inadequacies of 10-11
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Agreement (1994) (TRIPS) 13

International indigenous work 61-66

Australian policy makers, relevance for- 63-64
history 62-63
World Council of Indigenous Peoples 62, 63

International law

indigenous rights recognised in 41

Mabo (No 2) decision

government response
Indigenous Land Fund, establishment 39, 41
Native Title Act 1993, enactment 39, 39,41
social justice package 39

significance 42


native title applications see National Native Title Tribunal


future act regime 1 29-137
lease, validity 17, 18

National Commitment to Improved Outcomes in the Delivery of Programs and Services for Aboriginal Peoples and Torres Strait Islanders 58

National Indigenous Working Group on Stolen Children 72, 73

National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families see Bringing Them Home Report

National Native Title Tribunal

community education 139-140
research and information 140

cultural and customary concerns of indigenous people, addressing 140-142
effectiveness 117-142
future act applications
agreements 1 31-133
Bauxite mines (Old) 132
Century Zinc project (Qld) 131
Gawler Craton (SA) 133
Gold Mine (NSW) 131-132
Mining Code of Conduct (Qld) 132
number of 133
Striker Resources exploration project (Kimberley WA) 132
Tjupan Ngalia agreement (Goldfields WA) 132-133

assistance 1 24
development and application of procedures ..133-1 34
Koara determination 135-136
mediation 130-137
approach of State and Territory governments 134-137
Kimberley diamond exploration 130
New South Wales 136
Northern Territory 136
Queensland 136
South Australia 136
stakeholder liaison 134
Tasmania 137
Victoria 136-137
Western Australia 134-136

native title applications
ability to reject 121
acceptance test 121
agreements 1 18

components 124

definition 123

number of 122.124

Spinifex Framework Agreement 127

assistance to applicants 121-122, 124
development and application of procedures 120-122
mediation 117, 118-129

approach of State and Territory governments 125-129

Australian Capital Territory 129

costs 119

New South Wales 129

Northern Territory 128-129

power imbalances 124-125

Queensland 128

Rubibi Working Group 127-128

South Australia 126

timeframes 121-122

Victoria 129

Western Australia 126-127

negotiation process 123, 124
non-claimant 124
notification 121
overlapping 124
referral to Federal Court 1 19-120
right to negotiate process 124

role as mediator
future act mediations 130
native title applications 1 18-120

stakeholder liaison 137-139
culture studies 139
customer feedback 137-138
State Liaison committees 138-139

Native title

future act regime 17, 18
holders as 'owners' 17
indigenous inhabitants only, rights for 20, 23
Land and Environment Court, jurisdiction 17

Native Title Act 1993 (Cth)

discriminatory, whether 20, 23
Racial Discrimination Act 1975 )Cth), inconsistency with 20, 23

Native title claims

amendment of 26
registration 121
requirements 26

mediation see National Native Title Tribunal


future act regime 129-137
regional agreements see Regional agreements
right to negotiate 129, 130

Palau delegation 4, 4,5

Protection of indigenous cultures 1, 6, 61

appellation of origin 13
authenticity label 15
codes of ethics 15-16
contracts 15
database and registration systems 14
heritage laws 1 1
immigration laws 13
industrial property laws 9 intellectual property see Intellectual property
international debate, Pacific position 144-145
language maintenance 14
legal measures 8-13
national archives 13-14
national policy development 15
non-legal measures 13
protocols 15-16
recognition of customary laws 11-12
regional harmonisation 145
research agreements 15
Treaty of Waitangi 13
trusts 12-13

Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth)

Native Title Act 1993 (Cth), inconsistency with ....20, 23

Regional agreements 49-56, 126

Aboriginal control over land use, sea use and development 54
Aboriginal local government, strengthening of 54
Australia, in 53-54
benefits 55
definition 49
effectiveness, important factors 52-53
federal government, role of 54-55
funding of Aboriginal organisations 54
international experience 50-53
Greenland 51
Northern Canada 51-52

native title claims, settlement of 53-54
need for 49-50
pastoral leases 54
recommendations 55-56
resource development 54
trigger for 53

Social justice initiatives

constitutional reform 44.49
Canada 45-46, 48
negotiation 49
strategic options 48

framework 41-43
indigenous identity and culture, maintaining 43
international connections 61-66
need for 39
recognition of indigenous rights 42, 44-45
regional agreements see Regional agreements
rights-based policy 40, 41, 50

Sorry Day 68, 80, 81

statement 102

Stolen generation

see also Bringing Them Home Report
access to records 84-90, 106
assistance 86-88
fees 86

apologies to 80-81, 103
assistance to return to country 104
compensation 83-84, 104-105
National Compensation Fund 105

counselling 88-89, 109
Link-Ups 89-90
National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families see Bringing Them Home Report
reparation 103
Sorry Day 68, 80, 81, 104
statement 102

Symposium on the Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Expressions of Indigenous Cultures in the Pacific Islands

declaration 16, 143
outcomes 16, 143
recommendations 145-146
report on 1-16

Traditional knowledge 2

appropriation 6-7
authorisation to use 5
definition 3-4, 144
economic benefits 6
elements of 4
nature of 4-5
new technology effect, 7
protection see also Protection of indigenous cultures
copyright laws 9.1 1
international debate, Pacific position 144-145
need for 6
regional harmonisation 145

UNESCO Recommendation on the Safeguarding of Traditional Culture and Folklore 1989 (the UNESCO Recommendation) I

minimal awareness 2
principles and measures 1-2

UNESCO-WIPO Model Provisions for National Laws for the Protection of Folklore Against Illicit Exploitation and Other Prejudicial Actions (the Model Provisions) 1, 2-3

WIPO-UNESCO Regional Consultation on the Protection of Expressions of Folklore for Countries of Asia and the Pacific 147-148

Zero Tolerance Policing (ZTP)

criticisms 114-115
definition 114
implications for indigenous people 114-116
increased criminalisation 115
international human rights standards, contrary to 116
Northern Territory 116
Royal Commission recommendations, contrary to 115

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