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Australian Indigenous Law Reporter |
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abolition of, 2:67, 89-90, 92, 96, 99, 3:20, 107, 4:97
date of proclamation, 2:89, 95
demise of Regional Councils, 2:89-90, 92, 93, 4:97
report of CERD Committee, 2:118
achievements and performance 2:96-97
criticism of Government processes, 2:93-95
report of Senate Select Committee, 2:67, 89-102
transfer of most powers and functions, 2:67, 89-91,
93, 118
Indigenous Coordination Centres (ICCs), 2:90, 93, 98
National Indigenous Council, 2:93
Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination (OIPC), 2:93
vendor of land under s 21 of ATSIC Act 1989, 3:19-23
effect, 2:67, 92-93, 3:20, 4:18
purpose, 2:67
website, 2:68
changes to ATSIC Act 1989, 2:67, 92-93
recommendations by Australian Democrats, 2:99-100
Vanstone v Clark decision in Federal Court
aims and objectives, 1:1, 9-11
Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Bill 2005(Cth), 3:78-81
civil penalties scheme for serious offences, 3:79
duties of directors and CEOs, 3:78
meetings, 3:78-79, 80
member numbers, 3:78
naming requirements, 3:78, 79
offences, 3:79, 80
penalty notice scheme, 3:79
outline of provisions, 3:79-81
registration, 3:78, 79
reporting requirements, 3:78
Aboriginal education funding see Indigenous education funding
open letter from Wadjularbinna Nulyarimma to Prime Minister, 4:110-113
Aboriginal land rights under, 2:4
application of s 73, 2:31-33
defining features, 2:4
future of, 2:8
Tasmanian definition, 3:76-77
agreement by New South Wales Government to reimburse moneys owed, 2:79
proposed framework, 2:79
administration arrangements, 2:79-80
claimant costs, 2:80
counselling, 2:80
determination of claims, 2:80
establishment of Panel, 2:79
future action, 2:80
principles for decision-making, 2:81
registration, 2:80
resources, 2:81
search of records, 2:80
role of Panel, 2:81
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) see also Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Family Mediation Program (ATSIFAM)
adequacy of mainstream ADR mechanisms, 1:9
literature on Indigenous mediation, 1:1-4, 9
neutrality and impartiality issues, 1:4-6, 12
Anangu Pitjantjatjara Lands
amendments to South Australian legislation, 4:59-75
South Australian inquests into deaths, 4:76-84
findings, 4:-78, 79-84
mental health issues, 4:77-78
Opal fuel issue, 4:78, 81
recommendations, 4:-82-84
2002 inquests, 4:76
2004-05 inquests, 4:76-77, 79-84
permanent participants, 1:91
functions of representatives, 1:91
Arctic pollution report, 1:90-91
conclusions and recommendations, 1:92-95
persistent organic pollutants (POPS), 1:91, 94-95
Stockholm Convention regarding, 1:91-93
persistent toxic substances (PTS), 1:90, 93-95
impacts on human health, 1:90-91, 93-95
PCBs, 1:90, 93-95
use reduction, 1:92, 95
Assimilation policy, 2:90-91, 99
analysis of sex discrimination legislation, 1:18-19
conditions in Clumpoint v Director or Public Prosecutions, 2:47-49
repeat offenders in Northern Territory, 3:73-75
effects of Bail Amendment (Repeat Offenders) Act 2005, 3:73
no entitlement for adults with history of serious offences, 3:73
relevant provisions in amendment act, 3:73-75
Aboriginal institutions of higher learning, 4:85-88
recommendations by Canadian Race Relations Foundation, 4:87-88
Aboriginal rights and title cases 1:46-68, 2:50-61, 3:2-4
approaches to pre-proof regime for native title, 3:1-4
comparison to Australian pre-proof regime, 3:10, 13-14
content of Canadian Statute, 3:11-13
Blackwater v Plint Supreme Court decision, 4:40-44
conflict between legislation and customary law, 1:105-106
constitutional guarantee of equality, 1:17
duty to consult and accommodate Aboriginal peoples, 1:46-68, 3:12
Supreme Court decision in Gitanyow case, 2:50-55
Supreme Court decision in Haida Nation case, 1:46-47, 60, 64, 2:19, 51-53, 56, 58-59, 61
Supreme Court decision in Taku River Tlingit First Nation case, 1:60-68, 2:52-53, 57-60
First Nations education in Ontario, 4:114-116
First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Bill, 1:73-79
Indigenous rights issues, 1:104, 110
Inuit Partnership Accord, 4:100-103
Musqueam Indian Band v British Columbia (Minister of Sustainable Resource Management), 2:56, 3:4
Nunavut, 1:104
persistent toxic substances see Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP)
treaty rights
Chingee v Canada appeal decision, 4:45-46
interpretation of ‘truckhouse’ clause, 3:57
unauthorised logging, 3:57-58
complaints of serious violations of rights of Indigenous, 1:103, 110
protection of, 1:112
Redfern/Waterloo inquiry, 2:83, 86
removal of Indigenous children, observations of CERD Committee, 2:119
rights to religion and language, 1:108
sentencing issues see Sentencing
sexual abuse
Blackwater v Plint Canadian Supreme Court decision, 4:40-44
R v GJ Northern Territory decision, 4:34-39
human rights issues, 1:104, 111
human rights issues, 1:104, 110, 111, 3:117-119
recommendations by special rapporteur, 3:117-119
Resolution of the Economic and Social Council on Human Rights and Indigenous Issues, 2:120-122
agenda for action, 3:109
agreed priority areas, 3:110
bilateral agreement principles, 3:110
duration of agreement, 3:111
future consultation and representation arrangements, 3:111
joint machinery, 3:111
objective, 3:109-110
shared responsibility, 3:110-111
Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP), 2:91
application of s 21 of ATSIC Act 1989, 3:19-23
principle of free, prior and informed consent (FPIC), 2:111-116
commencement of 1:69
effect of, 1:69-70
acceptance of, 1:97
definitions, 1:98-99
education, awareness and capacity building, 1:100
programmes, projects and activities, 1:101
purposes of Convention, 1:98
Representative List, 1:100
role of UNESCO, 1:97-98, 101
Committee report on Australia, 2:117, 4:89
concerns and recommendations, 2:117-119
positive aspects, 2:117
definition of racial discrimination, 1:19, 23
link to Racial Discrimination Act, 1:16, 21
New Zealand legislation opposed under, 1:80, 3:115
purpose of, 1:21
rights of Indigenous people to free, prior and informed consent (FPIC), 2:112
rights under art 5, 1:18, 2:118
definition of discrimination against women, 1:19
inclusion of certain provisions by Sex Discrimination Act, 1:17
Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1:108, 110
places of cultural and spiritual significance
electricity transmission line decisions 4:27-33
Gumana decision, 2:27-42
UNESCO Convention see Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
admissibility of, 1:40-45, 71, 2:34-36
conflict between legislation and, 1:105-106
R v GJ decision, 4:34-39
Gumana case, 2:36-40
New Zealand legislation regarding foreshore and seabed reserves, 1:80-83, 3:115
Sami people, 3:82, 85, 87
Sampi v Western Australia, 3:42-47
existence of body of traditional law and custom, 3:44
possession of rights under traditional law and custom, 3:44-45
sentencing, relevance to, 1:71-72
succession law and, 1:31-32
Malaysian appeal decision, 4:47-57
CERD Committee observations on Royal Commission recommendations, 2:119
exhumation orders see Scott v Northern Territory of Australia
Palm Island response and riot, 2:47
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, 1:16
effect on Indigenous people of Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), 1:16-17
Productivity Commission report, 1:19-20, 22, 23
Racial Discrimination Act distinguished, 1:17-18
elimination of disability discrimination, 1:19-20
equality before the law for disabled persons, 1:20
EOC inquiry and report, 1:85-89
conduct of inquiry, 1:86
findings, 1:86-87
high number of complaints against Homeswest, 1:85-86
key recommendations, 1:89
legal framework, 1:85-86
summary of main issues in submissions, 1:87-89
terms of reference, 1:86
mediation of, in ATSIFAM program, 1:7
public housing issues in Western Australia, 1:88-89
recommendations in Parliamentary Joint Committee report on law services, 3:98, 100-102
elimination of discrimination under Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (WA), 1:85
report on Discriminatory Practices in Relation to the Provision of Public Housing and Related Services in Western Australia, 1:85-89
admissibility of anthropological report under Native Title Act 1993, 1:40-45, 2:34-36
Scott v Northern Territory of Australia, 2:43-46
jurisdiction and cross-vesting, 2:43-45
proposed exhumation orders, 2:43, 45-46
Family mediation see Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Family Mediation Program (ATSIFAM)
content, 3:82-92
enactment, 3:82
Finnmarkseiendommen Estate, 3:82-85, 87-88
minerals, 3:84-85, 92
recognition of existing rights, 3:84, 90-92
Tana and Neiden watercourses, 3:90
Gumana decision, 2:27-42
New Zealand legislation, 1:80-83, 3:115
effect on Maori customary title 1:80, 82-83, 3:115-116
purpose and status of foreshore and seabed reserves, 1:82
negotiation of forest and range agreement, 2:52-54
negotiation of memorandum of understanding, 2:54
remedies, 2:54-55
persistent toxic substances see Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP)
human rights issues, 1:107, 110-111, 112
Haida Nation v British Columbia (Minister of Forests)
Supreme Court of Canada decision 1:46-47, 60,
2:50-52, 55, 56, 58-59, 61
analysis 1:49-59, 64, 3:1-4, 12-14
Native Hawaiian Government Reorganisation Act of 2005, 2:73-77
‘Akaka Bill’ provisions 2:73
establishment of Native Hawaiian Interagency Coordinating Group, 2:76-77
establishment of United States Office for Native Hawaiian Relations, 2:76
United States policy and purpose, 2:76
CERD Committee report on human rights legislation in Australia, 2:117-118
Commission on Human Rights, resolution of the Economic and Social Council, 2:120-122
reports by special rapporteur on fundamental freedoms of Indigenous peoples, 1:102-113, 2:120-122, 3:117-119, 4:126-127
administration of justice, 1:105-106
call for urgent action, 1:112-113
education and culture, 1:108-110
legal framework, 1:103
mandate, 1:102-103, 110
official visits and activities, 1:110-112
political representation, autonomy and self-determination, 1:107-108
poverty and access to basic services, 1:106-107
progress and status of human rights issues, 1:103-110
rights to land, territory and access to natural resources, 1:104-105
social organization and local government, 1:105
women and girls, 1:110, 112
Thailand reports, 4:121-125
violations of, 1:102-103, 110-112
world trade issues 2:16-20
availability of remedies under, 1:17, 23, 38, 39
CERD Committee observations on lapsed reforming Bill, 2:117-118
Draft National Policy on Tribal People, 2:103-107
displacement and resettlement, 2:105-106
forest villages, 2:106
formal education, 2:104
health, 2:104-105
intellectual property rights, 2:107
land alienation, 2:107
participatory approach to development, 2:107
shifting cultivation, 2:106-107
traditional wisdom, 2:104
tribal languages, 2:107
Forest Rights Bill, 2:69-72
offences and penalties, 2:71-72
rights of forest dwelling scheduled tribes, 2:70-71
statement of objects and reasons, 2:71-72
website, 2:72
arrangements under Parent School Partnership Initiative (PSPI), 3:94-95, 104-106
disregard of community consultation, 3:104, 105
effect on Indigenous children, 3:106
arrangements under previous Aboriginal Student Support and Parent Awareness Scheme (ASSPA), 3:93-94, 103-105
dare to lead strategy, 3:103, 105
Federal Government policy, 3:103, 105-106
policy implementation issues, 3:95-97
final report of Senate Committee, 3:93-97
background to inquiry, 3:93
concept plans, 3:96-97
extent of dissatisfaction with new policies, 3:93
leverage, targeting and accountability, 3:94-95
observations on legislation, 3:93-95
response from States and Territories, 3:95-96
Indigenous Education Agreements, 3:94
Indigenous Education Programmes Provider Guidelines, 3:95, 96
Ontario manifesto on First Nations education,
report to UNESCO on Australia’s Indigenous education practices, 3:104-105
Indigenous family mediation see Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Family Mediation Program (ATSIFAM)
application and content of, 3:9-10
benefits, 3:10
announcement of ten representative bodies by Minister, 4:99-101
decisions of United Nations intergovernmental committee, 1:114-126
beneficiaries, 1:117, 124
criteria for protection, 1:117
exceptions and limitations, 1:118, 124-125
international and regional protection, 1:122, 126
management of rights, 1:117
misappropriation, 1:122
prior informed consent, 1:124
prior use, 1:118-119, 125
protection of traditional cultural expressions or expressions of folklore (TCEs/EoF), 1:115-120
protection of traditional knowledge (TK), 1:119-126
sanctions, remedies and enforcement, 1:118
scope of protection, 1:117-118
scope of subject matter, 1:123
term of protection, 1:118, 125
general issues 1:109
Indian scheduled tribes, 2:107
Indigenous interest in, 2:16, 17-18, 19-20
Softwood Lumber case, 2:16-20
background to dispute, 2:16-17
Interior Alliance aboriginal group, 2:17-19
intervention as amicus curiae, 2:16, 18-19
stumpage fees and programs, 2:16-17
subsidies schemes in Canada and United States, 2:16-17, 19
agenda behind proposed review of Indigenous land titles, 4:1-10
administration of NTA, 4:1, 4-10, 89-92
native title representative bodies (NTRBs), 4:1,
4-7, 89
amendments to South Australian legislation, 4:59-75
budgetary changes, 4:61-62, 69
commencement, 4:62
nature of amended Act, 4:60-62
objects, 4:61, 64
performance and functions of director and general manager, 4:62, 69-72
performance of executive board, 4:60-61, 65-69, 73-74
provisions, 4: 64-75
reform process, 4:60
review, 4:62, 74-75
Canada see Canada
Federal Court decisions, 1:40-45, 4:2, 7
communal interests of claim group, 3:52-56
consent determination for Ngaanyatjarra Lands, 3:39
dismissal of traditional land claim application, 1:33-36
Jango v Northern Territory of Australia (No 4), 1:40-45
Nguraritja traditional custodian claim, 3:32-38
Rubibi Community v Western Australia (No 5), 3:48-51
Sampi v Western Australia, 3:41-47
Western Australia v Ward, 1:23, 38, 2:29, 33, 3:34-36
Native Hawaiian Government Reorganisation Act of 2005, 2:73-77
Oneida Indian Nation of New York case, 2:62-65
tidal foreshore land grant Gumana case, 2:27-42
Law and Justice Program, 3:100
Parliamentary Joint Committee recommendations on access for Indigenous Australians, 3:98-102
administrative arrangements, 3:100-102
coordination of services, 3:99, 101
funding and distribution of resources, 3:98, 100
Indigenous women, 3:98, 100-101
prevention and diversion initiatives, 3:102
retention of expert staff, 3:98, 101
tendering contracts and practices, 3:99, 101-102
non-Indigenous respondents, for 4:7-8, 89-90
mediation processes, 1:1
Family Law Conferencing program, 1:4
mediator training issues, 1:9
policy on domestic violence, 1:7
effects on Indigenous peoples’ rights, 1:104
confidentiality issues, 1:6
definitions, 1:2-5
family program see Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Family Mediation Program (ATSIFAM)
longer term impacts, 1:10-11
neutrality and impartiality issues, 1:4-6, 12
voluntary attendance, 1:6-7
human rights issues, 1:111, 112
definition of mediation, 1:2-3
advisory role, 2:67, 93, 3:107
appointments to, 3:107
establishment, 2:67, 3:107
terms of reference, 3:107
National Library of Australia website, 3:121
creation under NTA, 3:7
functions and operation of, 3:7-9, 4:6-10
decisions regarding electricity transmission corridor 4:27-33
announcement of proposed changes, 4:89-95
assistance to non-Indigenous respondents, 4:7-8, 89-90
consultation with state and territory ministers,
4:92, 93-95
effect of amendments on native title 4:90-91
establishment of Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBCs), 4:91-92
reasons for changes, 4:91-92
review of claims resolution process 4:91
anthropological reports, admissibility under 1:40-45, 2:34-36
approach of federal government to, 4:1, 4-10, 89-92
native title representative bodies (NTRBs), 4:1, 4-7, 89
CERD Committee observations, 2:118, 119, 4:89
construction of s 223, 3:32-37, 42, 53
connection of claimant, 3:37, 42, 50
compensation claim, 1:40-45
consent determination for Ngaanyatjarra Lands, 3:39
effect of 1998 amendments, 3:10, 14, 16-17, 4:8-9
Indigenous land use agreements (ILUAs), 3:9-10
operation of pre-proof regime for native title, 3:1, 4-10
comparison to Canadian regime, 3:10, 14
content of right to negotiate, 3:6-7
duty to negotiate, 3:6, 8-9
future act regime, 3:4-5, 7-9
lesser procedural rights, 3:9
obligation to negotiate in good faith, 3:8-9, 12
origin of right to negotiate, 3:6
procedural obligations, 3:6-9
registration requirements before any protection for claimants, 3:5-6, 12
operation of ss 47A and 47B, 3:40-47
prior extinguishment disregarded under s 47B, 3:52-53, 56
validity of s 47A, 2:29, 42
registration under Northern Aboriginal Sacred Sites Act (NT), whether consistent with 1:29-30
Agreement in Principle with Crown to settle historical Maori claims, 4:106-111
Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004, 1:80-83, 3:115-116
aims, 1:80, 82
CERD response to, 3:115-116
effect on Maori customary title, 1:80, 82-83, 3:115-116
jurisdiction of High Court, 1:81
object, 1:80
provisions relating to Maori Land Court, 1:82-83
purposes, 1:80-81
territorial customary rights in public foreshore and seabed areas, 1:81-82
foreshore and seabed reserves, 1:82
Maori incorporation, 3:59-64
‘indoor management’ rule, 3:59, 64
powers of, 3:59
Treaty of Waitangi, 1:80-81, 3:115, 4:104
report on health, education, housing and family support, 1:22-23
Indigenous rights issues, 1:104
agreement with Federal Government see Commonwealth and Northern Territory Agreement on Indigenous Affairs
concept of Aboriginal Domain, 2:3-4, 13
constitutional development and Indigenous people, 2:1-13
Sessional Committee on Constitutional Development (SSCD), 2:6-8
SSCD’s draft Constitution, 2:8-9
Statehood Convention, 2:9-12, 13
consitutionalism theories as framework for Statehood, 2:2-6, 12-13
government power over Aboriginal Affairs, 2:4-5
Indigenous response to Statehood, 2:5, 12-13
referendum, 2:5, 12-13
role of Northern and Central Land Councils, 2:4, 9
Statehood process, 2:5-12
Statehood Steering Committee, 2:2
area of Finnmark, 3:82
effect of Finnmark Act, 3:82-92
Nordic Sami Convention, 3:85
ratification of ILO Convention, 3:82, 85, 87
website for further reading, 3:121
Peace Agreements, 1:111
Petrol related deaths see Anangu Pitjantjatjara Lands
Indigenous rights issues, 1:104, 110-111
rights of Indigenous people, 2:111-116
disability discrimination report, 1:19, 22, 23
elimination of disability discrimination, 1:19-20
equality before the law for disabled persons, 1:20
discrimination in see Discrimination in public housing in Western Australia
Indigenous mediation, 1:1
see also Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD)
Bropho v State of Western Australia, 1:37-39
CERD Committee report on Australia, 2:117-119, 4:89
concerns and recommendations, 2:117-119
positive aspects, 2:117
Edwards v Bourke Shire Council, 2:23-26
effect of Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (RDA),
1:15-16, 23-24, 32, 37-39
availability of remedies, 1:16-17, 37-39
burden of proof, 1:18, 20-21, 2:118
consideration of what constitutes unlawful acts, 1:20-24
inadequacies in legislation, 1:16-18, 21, 24, 2:118
indirect discrimination, 1:16, 19-24
statistical inequality, 1:15, 20-24
Vanstone v Clark, in 4:23-24
Gerhardy v Brown, 1:21-22, 38, 39
Koowarta v Bjelke-Petersen, 1:21-22
principle of free, prior and informed consent (FPIC), 2:111-116
report on public housing by Equal Opportunity Commission see Discrimination in public housing in Western Australia
West Papua statement at UN WGIP, 3:113-114
CERD Committee observations, 2:119
constitutional recognition of Indigenous people in Northern Territory, 2:2
‘practical reconciliation’ for education funding,
3:103, 105
Tasmanian legislation, 3:76-77
grants of certain land of historic or cultural significance, 3:76
inquiry by NSW Standing Committee into social issues, 2:82-85
addressing the future, 2:84-85
children and DoCS, 2:83, 86
Final Report, 2:82, 85-88
government and non-government services,
2:83-84, 86
Grant Administration Review, 2:85
housing and employment, 2:84, 86-88
human services review, 2:83, 85-88
Interim Report, 2:82, 84
policing issues, 2:82-83, 85, 86
summary of recommendations, 2:85-88
Youth Taskforce, 2:86
Redfern Waterloo Authority (RWPP), 2:84, 87
Redfern Waterloo Partnership Project (RWPP), 2:82-88
extension until 2008, 2:84
findings, 1:16
AMAP report on Arctic pollution issues, 1:90-91
conclusions and recommendations, 1:92-95
persistent organic pollutants (POPS), 1:91, 94-95
Stockholm Convention regarding, 1:91-93
persistent toxic substances (PTS), 1:90, 93-95
impacts on human health, 1:90-91, 93-95
PCBs, 1:90, 93-95
use reduction, 1:92
Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North (RAIPON), 1:91
activities and functions, 1:92-95
registration under Northern Aboriginal Sacred Sites Act, whether inconsistent with Native Title Act 1993, 1:29-30
Sakurai v Northern Territory of Australia, 1:29-30
tidal foreshore land grant Gumana decision, 2:27-42
clan’s right to ‘exclusive possession’, 2:37-38
connection of native title holders with relevant land and water, 2:38-39
continuity of tradition, 2:36-38
Djalkiri sites, 2:28, 38, 40
essential issue, 2:29-30
Fisheries Act (NT), relationship to grant, 2:30
inter-tidal zone, 2:39-40
validity of s 47A of Native Title Act, 2:29, 42
customary law, relevance to, 1:71-72
mandatory sentencing, observation of CERD Committee, 2:119
youth offenders, 3:24-31
guilty plea in Children’s Court, 3:25
history of offending, 3:24-25
home lives, 3:27
leave to appeal, 3:24-25
prospects of rehabilitation, 3:30-31
effect and purpose of, 1:71-72
Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC), 1:18-19
recommendations for change, 1:19, 23
effect on Indigenous people of Sex Discrimination Act (SDA), 1:16, 23
levels of operation of legislation, 1:15
Racial Discrimination Act distinguished, 1:17-18
basis of, 3:110-111
criticism of, 2:99
Supreme Court of Canada decision 1:60-61, 2:51-52, 55, 57-60
analysis 1:64-68
concluding observations of Human Rights Committee, 4:124-125
initial periodic report on human rights, 4:126-129
agreement to settle historical claims under, 4:106
Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004, 1:80-81, 3:115
conclusion of, 1:103, 113, 2:16
progress regarding human rights, 1:103
second decade, 2:109-110
commencement date, 2:120
proclamation by General Assembly, 2:16, 110, 120
principle of free, prior and informed consent (FPIC), 2:111-116
context of principles, 2:111
international level, 2:111-113
national level, 2:114
regional level, 2:113
towards a common understanding, 2:114-115
background to privatisation of Indigenous lands, 4:3
class action to recover Indian Trust fund moneys, 3:65-72
background, 3:65-68
breach of trust obligations by Interior and Treasury secretaries, 3:65
Interior’s management of trust, 3:66-67, 71-72
procedural history, 3:68
relief sought by plaintiffs, 3:65, 68-69, 71-72
burden and cost of providing class-wide notice, 3:69-70
content of required notice, 3:70-71
New York land claim by Oneida Indian Nation (OIN), 2:62
compensation and tribal sovereignty issues, 2:62-66
decision by Supreme Court of United States of America, 2:63-64
dissenting comments, 2:64-65
Constitution (Recognition of Aboriginal People) Act 2004 (Vic), 1:69-70
joint statement by Papuan religious leaders, 4:117-119
statement at UN WGIP, 3:113-114
access to legal services for Indigenous women,
3:98, 100-101
definition of discrimination against, 1:19
mechanisms to protect Indigenous women in Columbia, 3:118
serious violations of human rights of, 1:110, 112
Softwood Lumber dispute see International trade law
Vol 9 No 4, 2005
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