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Aboriginal Law Bulletin --- "Maralinga Atoms" [1985] AboriginalLawB 2; (1985) 1(12) Aboriginal Law Bulletin 5

Maralinga Atoms

Cabinet documents released on January 2, 1985, after the 30 year expiry rule, indicate the British Government "nearly had Maralinga made into a testing ground for its atomic weapons for 10 years", according to a report in the Sydney Morning Herald (3.1.85, p.2).

It seems that in 1954, the Prime Minister, Mr. Robert Menzies, was approached by the British High Commissioner, in a letter, requesting a testing deal.

The article, in the S.M.H., reveals that the letter indicated a need by the British Government to establish a permanent atomic testing area.

It also states:

It said the choice of site 'would seem to lie. between Emu Field and a new site at Maralinga' with British experts suggesting that Maralinga 'would provide an adequate margin of safety for bursts of atomic weapons of somewhat higher power than those used in previous trials'.

(It is understood that seven tests, ranging from one to 25 kilotons, were conducted at Maralinga between September 1956 and October 1957, although there have.been claims that tests were conducted as late as 1963.)

Further on it is said, “It is not clear from documents so far released why Maralinga was not in fact made into the testing ground”.

Another interesting point.brought to light is that it was indicated during the Cabinet meeting discussing the British request for Maralinga that, “Mr. Playford (the then South Australian Premier) proposed to revoke the reserve but has indicated that he would want to choose his own time.”

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