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"Contributors" [2006] ELECD 150; in Smits, M. Jan (ed), "Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law" (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2006)

Book Title: Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law

Editor(s): Smits, M. Jan

Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing

ISBN (hard cover): 9781845420130

Section Title: Contributors

Number of pages: 6



Masaki Abe is Professor of Law at Osaka City University.

David Bradley is Reader in Law at the London School of Economics.

William E. Butler is Professor Emeritus of Comparative Law in the
University of London and John Edward Fowler Distinguished Professor of
Law at Dickinson School of Law, Pennsylvania State University.

Raffaele Caterina is Professor of Private Law at the University of

Colm O'Cinneide is Lecturer in Law at University College London.

Monica Claes is Associate Professor of European and Comparative
Constitutional Law at Maastricht University.

Herman Cousy is Professor of Law at Leuven University.

Eugenia Dacoronia is Lecturer of Civil Law at Athens University.

Michael Deturbide is Associate Professor of Law at Dalhousie University.

Rolf Dotevall is Professor of Commercial Law at Gothenburg University.

J.H.M. (Sjef) van Erp is Professor of Civil Law and European Private Law
at Maastricht University.

Michael G. Faure is Professor of Comparative and International
Environmental Law at Maastricht University and Academic Director of
the Ius Commune Research School.

Jörg Fedtke is Reader in Law at University College London.

Franco Ferrari is Full Professor of International Law at Verona University,
Hauser Global Visiting Professor at New York University School of Law
and former legal officer at the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs,
International Trade Law Branch.

xii Elgar encyclopedia of comparative law

Damien Geradin is Professor of Law and Director of the Institute for
European Legal Studies, University of Liège and Professor and Director of

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