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"Index" [2009] ELECD 521; in Brauneis, F. Robert (ed), "Intellectual Property Protection of Fact-based Works" (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009)

Book Title: Intellectual Property Protection of Fact-based Works

Editor(s): Brauneis, F. Robert

Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing

ISBN (hard cover): 9781848441835

Section Title: Index

Number of pages: 8


abstraction-filtration-comparison test see Canada
software development as a middle standard
Australia 88­91, 93, 100, 102, 104­5
factual compilations 94­5 non-mechanical and non-trivial
skill and labor standard of originality exercise of skill and judgment
94­5 standard of originality 88­92,
Austria 102­4
personal intellectual creation standard codes of law see `lack of
of originality 82 copyrightability' under `facts';
authorship copyrightability
`author' (meaning) and originality collective fact approach see compilations
142­3, 145, 238 common law copyright protection news
facts and fact-based works and 57­8 and see news
`creation' v. `discovery' of facts by compilations
author 135­6, 142, 145, factual 3, 29, 31, 71­2, 93, 145­6,
152­4, 158, 175, 179, 195, 282
207, 238 protection for
see also facts collective fact approach 110­11,
indeterminate works see indeterminate 115­16, 126­32
works collective facts as content and
intellectual invention as a basis of protectable expression
143 126­32, 187, 239
labor as a basis of 8­9, 15, collective facts as `original'
intellectual labor as a basis of 121­5, 154, 326­7
41­2, 49, 60, 72­3, 181 copyright protection of fictional
see also news works in comparison with
see also industrious collection 111, 113, 116, 121, 126,
doctrine 130, 132
lack of creativity requirement 238 creative spark standard see
see also `lack of creativity creativity
requirement' under distinguishable variation
`originality' standard see creativity
personality or individuality as a basis parallel independent creation

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