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"Index" [2011] ELECD 1012; in Graycar, Adam; Smith, G. Russell (eds), "Handbook of Global Research and Practice in Corruption" (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011)

Book Title: Handbook of Global Research and Practice in Corruption

Editor(s): Graycar, Adam; Smith, G. Russell

Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing

ISBN (hard cover): 9781849805018

Section Title: Index

Number of pages: 24



Abacha, Sani (of Nigeria) 211 Alexander, R.A. 353
Abbas, Fouad 236 Alford, C. 434
Abu Ghraib, prisoner abuse at 429 Allen, N. 421
accountability al-Qaeda 335
climate change financing 138, 146 American Bar Association 104
cross-country assessment 42­3, 45 Andersson, S. 21, 195
measurement of corruption 19, 23 Anechiarico, F. 6, 299
public procurement 69 Angelson, A. 157­8, 159, 160, 167
activist regulatory practices, Annual Allowable Cut (AAC) 183­4
corruption prevention 378­400 Anti Money Laundering and Counter
anti-corruption agencies, role Terrorism Act (Cth) (2006) 326
379­83 Anti Terrorism, Crime and Security
future research suggestions 395­6 Act (2001), UK 323
Montenegro, corruption prevention Anti-bribery Convention (OECD),
see Montenegro, corruption 1997 27, 105, 160, 319, 320, 328,
prevention 333, 360
Adaptation Fund (AF), climate change and Australia 322­3, 337­8
financing 139, 141­2, 147­8 business purpose test 333
ADB (Asian Development Bank) 65, and United Kingdom 323, 324
142 see also bribery
Administration for Children's Services anti-bribery regime 319­39
(ACS), New York City 475­6 accounting provisions 324­7
administrative corruption 46 background 321­2
Administrative Procedure Law, business purpose test 333­4
Montenegro 390 corrupt intent 327­8
advertising, public procurement 81, facilitation payments 329­31
83­4 penalties/enforcement 334­6
AF Operational and Policy Guidelines recipients of bribes 331­3
(AF OPGs) 147 scope/jurisdictional reach 322­4
Africa, diamond production 225, 227, Anti-Corruption Action Plan (2009),
230 Montenegro 383, ...

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