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Duncan, W D --- "Joint Ventures Law in Australia" (The Federation Press, 2012) [2012] ELECD 68

Editor(s): Duncan, W D

Title: Joint Ventures Law in Australia

Abstract (book): Following upon the success of the 2nd edition published in 2005, this new edition not only updates its predecessor but also adds considerable new material in consequences of changes in the law generally and commercial approaches to financing joint ventures in particular. Of special note are the following: financing of Joint Ventures has been completely re-written with considerable additions to take account of the new legislative regimes such as the Personal Property Securities, the impact of climate change legislation, specifically carbon pricing with additional material on structuring generally and particularly in relation to large joint ventures with governments through Public Private Partnerships, a new Chapter called Resources Joint Ventures undertakes a thorough analysis of a typical resources joint venture and is heavily cross referenced into the chapter on Default which has also been updated, International Joint Ventures now includes additional material on structuring and dispute resolution, Joint Ventures and the Competition and Consumer Act has been substantially re-written to take account of 2009 legislative amendments on cartel conduct, and the impact of changes wrought by the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. All other chapters and material has been updated to accommodate other legislative changes and new case law over the seven years since the last edition.

Publisher: The Federation Press

Date of publication (hard cover): 26 November 2012

ISBN Hard cover: 9781862879010

Topic: Company & Securities Law; Commercial Law

Length (hardback; soft): 592

Edition: 3rd

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