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Book Title: Competition Policy and Regional Integration in Developing Countries
Editor(s): Drexl, Josef; Bakhoum, Mor; Fox, M. Eleanor; Gal, S. Michal; Gerber, J. David
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN (hard cover): 9781781004302
Section Title: Index
Number of pages: 14
absolute poverty 49 real problem 15057
abuse of dominant position 5, 479, 64, Tribunal of Justice 1345, 148
91, 1012, 112, 1823 anti-competitive conduct/practices
abuse of economic dependence 96, 99, 2021, 623, 978, 11213,
314 12830, 1826, 2059
accountability 158, 205, 288 cross-border 2, 7, 60, 62, 177, 182,
acquisitions 1819, 25, 3840, 46, 48, 185
60, 21314 APEC see Asia-Pacific Economic
adaptability 66, 124 Cooperation
administrative penalties 75, 77 ASEAN (Association of Southeast
AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) Asian Nations) 34, 1353, 235,
43 247, 291, 300, 3034
AEGC (ASEAN Experts Group on ASEAN Economic Community
Competition) 43 (AEC) 43
AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area) 13, 43 ASEAN Experts Group on
agriculture 119, 1678 Competition (AEGC) 43
AIA (ASEAN Investment Area) 13, 20, ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) 13,
43 43
allocation of competences see ASEAN Investment Area (AIA) 13,
distribution of competences 20, 43
Andean Community 3, 56, 109, 113, bases of regional competition law
13358, 237, 245 2336
Decision 608 of 2005 13545 competition law and policy 4253
distribution of competences 13645 background 42
practical results 1425 Brunei 50
downloading approach/option 134, Cambodia 49
1459, 158 Indonesia 467
introduction 1334 Laos 49
lack of competition culture 152 Malaysia 49
lack of use 15057 Myanmar 4950
breaking the vicious circle 1557 ...
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URL: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/ELECD/2012/900.html