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Book Title: Research Handbook on the WTO and Technical Barriers to Trade
Editor(s): Epps, Tracey; Trebilcock, J. Michael
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN (hard cover): 9780857936714
Section Title: Index
Number of pages: 26
AB see Appellate Body alcoholic beverages 20, 56, 335, 467,
accreditation 389, 68, 845, 1001, 477, 4801
11617, 2246, 296 alternative measures 1846, 1912,
bodies 16, 11617, 224, 281, 283, 194, 2001, 3757, 450, 4702
2957, 306 reasonably available less
regional 283, 295 trade-restrictive 477, 483
definition 85 alternatives 186, 194, 243, 289, 3734,
laboratory 2956 430
accreditation certificates 116, 225 less trade-restrictive 60, 62, 148, 162,
accredited certification bodies 229, 234 1889, 199200, 3746
adaptation 1456 reasonably available 189
period 142, 147, 162 American National Standards Institute
additional costs 160, 445, 4523, 468, see ANSI
479, 563 animal health 209, 247
adequate confidence 59, 924, 99, ANSI (American National Standards
11718 Institute) 35, 745, 240, 281, 502
adjudication 9, 157, 2356 Anti-dumping Agreement 165, 16770,
administrative entities 104, 108, 258, 182
416 anti-protectionism discipline 316, 355
adoption of standards 15, 142, 540, 543 anti-regulatory agenda 509
Agreement on Government APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic
Procurement see Government Cooperation) 284, 3003, 5601
Procurement Agreement APEC Electrical and Electronic
Agreement on Sanitary and Equipment Mutual Recognition
Phytosanitary Measures see Arrangement see EE MRA
Sanitary and Phytosanitary APLAC (Asia Pacific Laboratory
Measures (SPS), Agreement Cooperation) 296
Agreement on Technical Barriers to Appellate Body (AB) 111, 2533,
Trade see Technical Barriers to 1427, 16785, 187202, 259 ...
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