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Book Title: A Shifting Empire
Editor(s): Suthersanen, Uma; Gendreau, Ysolde
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN (hard cover): 9781781003084
Section Title: Index
Number of pages: 8
Acts of Union (1801) 5 Berlin Act (1908) 20, 66, 74
ACUM (Hebrew Performing Rights Berlin Revisions (Berne Convention)
society) 98, 102 (1908) 17, 65
Agitha, T.G. xi Berne Act (1886) 74
ALAI 12 Berne Convention xi, 11, 12, 1314, 17,
Almagor v Godik 103 18, 22, 52, 60, 62, 65, 67, 738, 88,
Alteco Chemical Pte Ltd v Chong Yean 100, 102, 139, 149, 155, 157, 172,
Wah t/a Yamayo Stationery 180, 183, 184, 190, 196, 235, 236,
Manufacture 1612 240, 241
Anglo-Canadian relations 1 Berne Union 15, 16, 20, 55, 7071, 75
Anglo-Irish Agreement (1922) 78 Birnhack, Michael xi
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement Blackwood & Sons Ltd. & Others v
(2011) xi Parasuraman & Others 11718
APRA (Australasian Performing Right Blum, Arno A. 101
Society) 7880 book prices, in colonies 5662
artistic craftsmanship 21819 British Empire, extent of 78
artistic works 121, 123, 21819 British Guiana, and Copyright Act
assignment 1335 (1956) 175
Associated Booksellers of Great Britain British North America Act (1867) 226
and Ireland 16 broadcast reproduction 129
Association for the Protection of the broadcast rights 20, 1289
Rights of Authors 16 Brussels Act (1948) 20, 173
Australia xii, 5283 Brussels Revision Conference (1948)
authors 133 76, 81, 101
authors' rights 15762, 223 Burke, Shirley Maynier 201
Authors' Rights Act (1953) (Israel) 103 Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd v Ng
Sui Nam 151, 1535
Bahamas, and Copyright Act (1956)
175 ...
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