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"Index" [2015] ELECD 1008; in Wouters, Jan; Braekman, Antoon; Lievens, Matthias; Bécault, Emilie (eds), "Global Governance and Democracy" (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015) 277

Book Title: Global Governance and Democracy

Editor(s): Wouters, Jan; Braekman, Antoon; Lievens, Matthias; Bécault, Emilie

Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing

ISBN (hard cover): 9781781952610

Section Title: Index

Number of pages: 16


accountability 5­6, 10, 26­31, 79, Association of South East Asian
137­8, 140­41, 242­6, 260­63 Nations (ASEAN) 182
corporate 121­3, 128 associations of democratic states 6,
democratic 137­8, 230, 266 38, 46, 48, 50, 55, 57
external 5, 27­8, 33 ATCA (Alien Tort Claims Act) 122,
Great Powers 169­75 147
horizontal forms 30­31, 245 authority 19­20, 22, 47­50, 161­3,
internal 27­8 166­9, 196­8, 209­11, 220
public 137 exclusive 160, 185
and representation 6, 10, 166, 226, implied 196
242­6, 254 political 16­21, 25­6, 29, 33, 130,
vertical 30 132, 259, 268
Acemoglu, D. 108­9 private 123, 128
adaptation 75, 81, 86­7 regulatory 129, 138
external 56­7 structures 206, 208, 210­11, 215,
advanced economies 7, 99, 109­11, 219
113, 261 ultimate 209, 211
Afghanistan 171­2 authorization 53, 157, 159, 172, 183,
Africa 164, 166, 172, 180, 182, 185­6 217, 269
African Union 26, 167, 182, 184, 186 Security Council 173, 177­9, 186
agency 9, 15, 24­5, 31, 33, 72, 193, autonomy 42, 50­51, 56, 85, 121, 182,
195­8 209­10, 218
political 83, 88
scope 5, 16­17, 24­5, 29 Bäckstrand, K. 77­8, 80, 89, 268
agents 24, 55­6, 194, 196­8, 200­201, beliefs 8, 18, 20, 84, 104, 126, 131, 174
203­5, 219­20, 243 normative 217
global governance 88, 197, 212 ...

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