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Book Title: Implementing Environmental Law
Editor(s): Martin, Paul; Kennedy, Amanda
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN (hard cover): 9781783479290
Section Title: Index
Number of pages: 24
Aalders, M. 295 Convention on International Trade in
Abbot, C. 14 Endangered Species (CITES)
Abbott, K. 102, 150 195, 196, 200, 204, 206, 207
Adams, D. 134 Convention on the Law of the Sea
Adams, M. 74 (UNCLOS) 198, 199, 200, 201,
Africa, Lake Victoria see Lake Victoria, 202
collective action challenge Convention on Pollution from Ships
Agranoff, R. 320, 321, 323, 324, 327, (MARPOL) 198, 199, 201
328, 330 Convention for the Regulation of
air pollution Whaling (ICRW) 196, 1978,
Antarctic Waters 21213 204
Nova Scotia 73, 74, 75, 77, 81 coordinated implementation
Alexander, L. 243, 255 assistance 204
Allot, A. 220, 235 dispute settlement 200202
Ameli, P. 322 enforcement measures 192
Andreoli, S. 138 environmental audit 193
Ansell, C. 323 fisheries exploitation 1958, 199,
Antarctic Waters, international marine 200, 2012, 2034, 210
protection treaties 191216 Food and Agriculture Organisation
Antarctic Secretariat 203 (FAO) 202
Antarctic Treaty System (ATS) hazardous waste movement 199, 202,
1945, 1968, 202, 203, 209 203, 21112
atmospheric pollution 21213 implementation measures 1912
Basel Convention on Transboundary implementation, performance
Movement of Hazardous Wastes auditing 192, 2047
information exchange 192, 2047
199, 203
international compliance
compliance and enforcement
mechanisms 192
199200 International Maritime Organisation
Convention on Biological Diversity (IMO) 202
(CBD) 195, 200, 2012, 207 Japanese Whale Research Program,
Convention for the Conservation of breach of ICRW obligations
Antarctic Marine Living 1978, 202
Resources (CCAMLR) 194, joint secretariat ...
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