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"Index" [2018] ELECD 1497; in Kenna, Padraic; Nasarre-Aznar, Sergio; Sparkes, Peter; Schmid, U. Christoph (eds), "Loss of Homes and Evictions across Europe" (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018) 361

Book Title: Loss of Homes and Evictions across Europe

Editor(s): Kenna, Padraic; Nasarre-Aznar, Sergio; Sparkes, Peter; Schmid, U. Christoph

Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing

ISBN: 9781788116985

Section Title: Index

Number of pages: 20


Index affordable housing affordable housing policies in the Netherlands 216 in Spain 295 housing costs, cross European data 13 shortages 13 in Belgium 86, 87 in Ireland 15, 167, 184 in Spain 297­8 in the UK 16, 333, 335, 357 Akkermans, Catelijne 232, 236 alternative dispute resolution for housing disputes in Belgium 73, 90 in France 100­101, 102, 103, 104, 109 in Ireland 170 in Italy 22, 204 in Poland 264, 267­8 in Slovenia 280, 283, 290 in Spain (Autonomous Regions) 312, 313 in the UK 339, 342, 354 Belgium 66­7, 93­4 constitutional and human rights law see also human rights and eviction constitutional right to housing 44, 70 international human rights law ratified 69­70 evicted persons data on 57, 66, 84­5 regional authorities' duties towards 93 homelessness in 60 see also homelessness 361 homeless persons, social support 24 links between eviction and homelessness 87­9 housing policy Law on the Humanization of Evictions (1998) 91 regional Housing Codes 70­71 mortgage foreclosures see also mortgages and their enforcement data on 55, 66, 79­80 rules and procedures on 71­2 private rental sector 14, 68 see also private rental markets barriers for evicted persons 88 data on evictions from 56, 66, 80­82 Flemish fund compensating landlords for rent arrears 23, 90­91 possession proceedings 73­4 rent burden 68, 86­7 protections against eviction see also protections against eviction alternative dispute resolution 73, 90 duty to notify PCSW of impending evictions ...

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