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Book Title: Maritime Legacies and the Law
Editor(s): Forrest, Craig
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
Section Title: Table of Conventions
Number of pages: 2
Table of Conventions
1856 Declaration Respecting Maritime 1958 Convention on the High
Law ........................................ 101 Seas ....................................... 104
1907 Convention (VI) Relating to the 1958 Convention on Fishing and
Status of Enemy Merchant Ships Conservation of the Living
at the Outbreak of Resources of the High Seas . 104
Hostilities ........................ 42, 101 1967 Protocol to amend the
1907 Convention (VII) Relating to the Convention for the Unification of
Conversion of Merchant Ships Certain Rules of Law Relating to
into War-Ships ................ 42, 101 Assistance and Salvage at
1907 The Convention (XI) Relative to Sea ......................................... 140
Certain Restrictions with Regard 1969 European Convention on the
to the Exercise of the Right of Protection of the Archaeological
Capture in Naval War ..... 42, 102 Heritage ................................. 206
1907 Convention (XII) Relative to the 1969 International Convention
Creation of an International Prize Relating to Intervention on the
Court ............................... 42, 102 High Seas in Cases of Oil
1909 Declaration Convening the Laws Pollution Casualties ...... 113, 187
of Naval War ......................... 102 1969 International Convention on
1910 Convention for the Unification Civil Liability for Oil
of Certain rules with respect to Pollution Damage (CLC
Assistance and Salvage at Convention) ........................... 187
Sea ........................ 100, 113, 128 1970 UNESCO Convention on the
1948 Universal Declaration of Human Means of Prohibiting and
Rights .............................. 76, 198 Preventing the Illicit Import,
1950 European Convention on Human Export and Transfer of
Ownership of Cultural
Rights ...................... 76, 198, 203
Property ................ 115, 228, 233
1956 UNESCO Recommendation on
1971 International Convention on the
International Principles Establishment of an International
Applicable ...
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URL: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/ELECD/2019/2392.html