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"Index" [2019] ELECD 788; in Krajewski, Markus; Hoffmann, T. Rhea (eds), "Research Handbook on Foreign Direct Investment" (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019) 685

Book Title: Research Handbook on Foreign Direct Investment

Editor(s): Krajewski, Markus; Hoffmann, T. Rhea

Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing

Section Title: Index

Number of pages: 40



AANZFTA see ASEAN (Association of current number of 345
South East Asian Nations), FTA with early BITs with African states 340,
Australia and New Zealand (AANZFTA) 343­4, 346­7
ACIFTA see Australia-Chile FTA (ACIFTA) FDI inflows, relationship with 339, 361
Additional Facility rules of ICSID 111­12, history of 341­2, 343­6
215, 219, 540 `right to regulate' protections 347, 350,
see also ICSID (International Centre for 352, 355, 358
Settlement of Investment Disputes), substantive standards of BITs 346­52
jurisdiction see also international investment
adjustment clauses of investor-state contracts agreements (IIAs)
see investor-state contracts, stabilization ISDS
clauses development objective of IIAs, relevance
Africa 6 to 361, 362
African Economic Community 352­3
ICSID membership 360
Arab Investment and Export Credit
institutions 75, 122, 123, 125
Guarantee Corporation (Dhaman)
316­17 scepticism towards 95­6, 107
see also political risk insurance and see also developing countries; under
investment guarantees individual African states
Cotonou Agreement between EU and African Union 352
African, Caribbean and Pacific Group African Continental Free Trade Area
of States 2000 353­4 initiative 163, 355­6
EPAs between EU and African states 354 PAIC see Pan-African Investment Code
EU-ECOWAS EPA 356­7 (African Union)
see also economic partnership see also Africa
agreements (EPAs) Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of
FDI governance reforms 152 Intellectual Property Rights 1994
by African Union see African Union (TRIPS) 402
by EAC see EAC (East African see also WTO (World Trade Organization)
Community) Agreement ...

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