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"Index" [2020] ELECD 49; in Valaguzza, Sara; Parisi, Eduardo (eds), "Public Private Partnerships" (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020) 221

Book Title: Public Private Partnerships

Editor(s): Valaguzza, Sara; Parisi, Eduardo

Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing

Section Title: Index

Number of pages: 10


accountability xvi, 21, 22, 89, 138, 152, administrative law 19, 21, 25, 99­100,
171 120, 123­4, 128, 152, 166, 171
activism 46, 98­9 efficacy and efficiency 146, 147,
administrative action 140­141, 142 167
mutation of expected results European xviii­xix
from compliance to better general principles enriched 148­9
response to social needs governing from bottom up 141­4
166­7 advantages of PPP 28­9
from economy principle to participatory democracy 22, 23­5
value for money 167­70 public authorities and isolation
mutation of modalities of 19­23
awarding procedures 162­4 responsible enterprises 25­8
from direct intervention to advocacy groups 39
co-administration Agenda 21 38­9
154­62 agent-principal relationship 97
public interest to common agreement: element of PPP 108, 110­111
interests 164­5 agriculture 33­4, 46
mutations of principles of alliancing 156­9, 161
competition and consistency Aquinas, Thomas 119
150­151 Aristotle 119
from good administration to Asian Development Bank 43, 52
sustainable development Australia xiii, 95
146­9 authorization or permits 98­100, 111,
from reason-giving duty to 165
reinforced motivation awarding procedures 150­152, 162­4
integrity, awareness and background: strengths and weaknesses of
flexibility 151­2 PPPs 2­8
non-discrimination 144­6, 153 Bangladesh 34­5
public image 150, 152 banks, multilateral development 42­5
mutations of public administration's criticism 52­3
liability 170­172 barter, administrative 72, 109
administrative authorization or permits behavioural economics 126
98­ ...

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