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Clinical Legal Education in a Developing Island Jurisdiction – A Unique Environment
This article provides an insight into the environment and background of the Law Clinic, a clinical legal education course offered on a placement basis by the University of the South Pacific (USP) School of Law based in Port Vila, Vanuatu. The article briefly examines the structure of the course before focussing on some of its unique features. By providing a description of the course and identifying some important issues, it is hoped that the article will provide a different perspective of clinical legal education.
The Social and Legal Landscape of Vanuatu
Vanuatu is a Melanesian country that gained its independence from Britain and
France in 1980. It is a developing country with a small
There are three official languages: English, French and Bislama.
Bislama is a type of pidgin which is spoken by most ni Vanuatu people.1
also speak English or French, which are the languages of most expatriates. In
addition, there are approximately 110 indigenous
languages spoken in the
The country is small, but comprises 83 islands. The population is
approximately 200,000. Port Vila, the capital and largest city,
is said to have
a population of about 30,000.2
Commercially, the
country is a tax haven and offshore banking centre. The private legal profession
services mainly the commercial
and financial interests of residents and offshore
clients. The private profession is predominantly expatriate, mostly from
and New Zealand.
The countries of the South Pacific have formal
legal systems that are similar. These similarities arise out of their colonial
While there are differences, they all share a common law tradition
that either comes directly from the United Kingdom or indirectly
through New
Zealand (Cook Islands, Samoa) or Australia (Nauru). All have written
constitutions. One country, the Marshall Islands,
was a dependency of the United
States before independence and therefore has a legal system that is quite
American in nature.
The Law Council (comprising the Chief Justice, the
Solicitor General and an appointed private practitioner) has statutory
for the admission of lawyers to practice in the
country.3 There is a growing proportion of ni-Vanuatu
Lawyers. Until recently most were graduates of the University of Papua New
Guinea law
school. Now, however, most new lawyers are graduates of the USP
The legal profession is nevertheless tiny by Western standards.
There are about 15 private lawyers in the country and a similar number
lawyers in the public service. The largest private firms have three lawyers.
There are several government law offices including
the State Law Office (the
Attorney General) but these too are small. The State Law Office has four lawyers
including an expatriate
legislative drafter working on a consultancy
arrangement. The Public Solicitor has only two lawyers.
The country is served
by a Public Solicitor who is a constitutional office holder appointed by the
President.4 His mandate is to provide
legal assistance to needy persons or any
person when so directed by the Supreme Court.5 The fact
that the Public Solicitor has a support staff of one lawyer and two secretaries
effectively narrows the definition of needy
persons to be those in custody in
respect of criminal cases and the occasional civil case. There is a serious
backlog of civil cases
at the office of the Public Solicitor. There is no system
of legal aid referrals to members of the private profession.
Vanuatu has no
statutory law society. The Port Vila Law Society is a largely informal
association of private lawyers. Its primary
function has been as a convenor of
social events without a significant role in the regulation of the
There is no code of professional
conduct for lawyers in Vanuatu. The level of consumer awareness in relation to
legal services among
the local population is very low; lawyers are seldom if
ever subject to an official complaint in relation to services rendered to
client, and none has successfully been sued for any form of malpractice.
The University of the South Pacific
The University is controlled by 12 countries in the
South Pacific region.7 The USP School of Law is
relatively new. It grew out of a Department of Law which was part of the School
of Social and Economic Development
at USP. Beginning in 1985, the Department of
Law began to offer sub degree courses, mostly by extension.
Although the main
campus of the USP is in Suva, Fiji, there are extension centres and campuses in
other countries throughout the region.
The School of Law was built in Vanuatu
and completed in 1996. There are presently approximately 200 full time students
studying law
on the campus. A number of students take courses (particularly 1st
year courses) in Suva, and by extension, a mode of learning which
is an area of
increasing importance at the USP Law School.8
LLB program is of four years duration and is broadly similar in content and
structure to that of Australian or New Zealand
Universities.9 The first class graduated with LLBs in
Students come to the School of Law (as they do for all the USP
programs) from the 12 countries of the South Pacific that control the
University. The main countries represented at the School of Law are Fiji,
Solomon Islands, Tonga, Samoa, Vanuatu and Kiribati. The
rest are tiny
jurisdictions, not all of which are represented in each year. The student
population comprises a number of languages,
ethnic groups and cultural
backgrounds. For many students, English is a second or even a third language.
These diverse backgrounds
must be taken into account in the provision of
clinical learning opportunities. All instruction at USP is in English.
The Law Clinic course was approved by USP in 1996 and was launched in second
semester 1997, in time to allow some students of the
first graduating class to
take the course before the completion of their LLB studies. A unique position,
that of Law Clinic Supervisor,
was created. This position was divided equally
between the Law School in Port Vila, Vanuatu, and the Institute of Justice and
Legal Studies in Suva. After one year, this arrangement proved to be
unworkable with the result that the IJALS portion of the contract
“bought out” by the Law School. Much of the initial momentum behind
clinical education was generated by the Coordinator
of Clinical Education who
came to USP on secondment from Sheffield Hallam University in the UK. He had
experience in autonomous live
client clinics in the UK and tended to favour such
a model for USP – both in the LLB course and the professional practice
program offered by IJALS.
A live client clinic, as originally
envisaged, would have adhered to the model of a law practice with an admitted
lawyer supervising
law students who would provide legal information and advice
to clients from the community.10 Although academic
approval had been granted, no steps had been taken to prepare for such a clinic
before April 1997.
The writer arrived in Port Vila as the newly appointed Law
Clinic Supervisor. It was clear that, in the time available before the
of second semester, a live client clinic based on an autonomous law practice
could not be established. Instead, a clinic
based on the placement (or
externship) model was planned for the beginning of second semester, 1997.11 The
Law Clinic course has
continued to operate on this model since its
When the Law Clinic course was being introduced, there was a
detectable reluctance (or at least hesitation) on the part of the profession
even the judiciary to embrace the USP Law School – which had suddenly
appeared in its midst. Apart from one lawyer who
worked part time at the Law
School, there was little cross over between the university and the legal or
judicial community. They
existed in separate worlds. This separation has now
diminished somewhat due in part to the existence of the Law Clinic
Enrolment in the course is restricted to
maintain a staff/student ratio of approximately 12 to one although this has been
exceeded each year. When more students apply than there are places, the
selection is conducted on a random basis. Most students coming
into the course
have had little or no experience with practical legal skills.
The Law Clinic course has been offered on a placement basis during second semester each year. It is divided into two parts: the placements themselves, and a weekly, on-campus workshop. These parts are assessed equally. There is no final examination.
One part is the placement of students with law
offices in Vanuatu. Students are required to work a minimum of five hours each
at their placement office. To the extent possible, they choose their
placement from among a range of public and private law offices
in Vanuatu. They
then arrange their work schedule individually with the office in which they are
Recruiting suitable placement offices was a challenge and required a
degree of trust (and risk) as, apart from some word of mouth
guidance regarding
several private practitioners, the options were very much unknown quantities in
respect of quality of practice
and ability to supervise law students. A great
deal of personal contact, promotion and explanation was required in order to
many potential placements into a state of willingness to participate.
During the first year of the course, one private law firm,
six government
departments employing lawyers and one non government organisation were selected
as placements.13 All placements have been willing to
accept students in subsequent years with the exception of the State Law Office
which has recently
experienced office space constraints. Two of the original
placements have been dropped due to concerns about quality of supervision.
other private firms have been added and some other public law offices have
increased the number of students they are prepared
to take. The Supreme Court
now accepts two students. The maximum number of students who have been placed at
any one placement is
three. Overall however, there has been little variation in
the placement offices during the three years that the Law Clinic course
Students from each placement office meet once each week with the Law
Clinic Supervisor to discuss progress, practice issues and any
other concerns
that arise in relation to placements. This is separate from the weekly workshop
where all students meet together.
This weekly meeting is an opportunity to
monitor the students’ progress at their placements in a confidential
atmosphere and
to deal with any concerns which arise.
Assessment of
students’ performances at their placements is based on a major case report
and a detailed journal. These are both
submitted at the end of the semester.
Weekly Skills Workshop
This is a two hour weekly session held on campus. The entire class meets together. The workshop is intended, in part, to provide some uniformity to the students’ experiences and, to the extent that it is possible to do so, to practise those skills that are common to all placements. This is a challenge given the wide range of experiences of students. For instance, drafting, interviewing, negotiation and advocacy, are each featured in some placements. However, none is common to all placements. What is common to all placements is a concern about professional ethics and practice standards. These have therefore become an area of concentration in the weekly on-campus workshops. The examination of these issues combines nicely with other more generic skills such as public speaking and debating. These take place in the context of classroom presentations, discussions and debates of hypothetical fact scenarios based on real cases. Moot court exercises have also been included in the weekly skills workshops. These however have not been included in the current year.14 Interviewing, which is the most common skill used in placements and which is useful in a number of contexts, is the only other major skill which is currently included.
What Lawyers? What Standards?
It is important in any placement-based clinical program, just as it is in any
professional practice, that practice standards be identified
and adhered to.
This is not only for obvious educational reasons but also to preserve the image
of the clinical program and the University.
These include ethical standards,
competency standards and general standards relating to file management and
client relations.
In the Law Clinic program in Vanuatu, where students come
from a variety of jurisdictions and anticipate returning to them to practise
law, a question arises as to what professional standards should apply to the
clinical work of the students. In other words, should
they be the standards of
Vanuatu, Fiji, the Solomon Islands, Tonga, Australia, or some other real or
hypothetical jurisdiction? This
question does not exist (or does not exist to
the same extent) in a larger jurisdiction that has a more homogeneous and
profession, disciplinary proceedings, continuing legal education,
etc, and where most if not all students anticipate remaining in
jurisdiction to practise.
This issue presents itself in a real way in
relation to the Law Clinic. For instance, in some jurisdictions, appearing late
for court
without a very good excuse would be a matter approaching contempt. In
other jurisdictions it is almost routine. In some jurisdictions
acting for more
than one party in a real estate transaction is controlled or forbidden. In
others, it is neither. Varying standards
apply to a range of other aspects of
practice including conflict of interest, billing practices, preparation for
court, file management
and a range of ethical issues.
The issue of practice
standards arises in relation to the Public Solicitor’s Office. In it,
there are files that have been unattended
for longer than would be acceptable to
a Law Society in a jurisdiction such as New Zealand or Australia. However, the
operation of
the Public Solicitor’s Office takes place under severe
resource constraints which are unlikely to exist in either Australia
or New
Zealand. These sorts of constraints are not uncommon in many parts of the
Pacific. A similar clinical course, operated in
a placement model in Australia
might not accept a placement such as the Vanuatu Public Solicitor’s Office
as a suitable placement.
The evaluation of such a placement therefore depends
upon what yardstick is being used.15
It is
platitudinous to say that the highest standards possible should be identified
and encouraged in any clinical legal program.
The difficulty arises when this,
by implication, imputes sub-standard conduct to any placement. At the same time
students must not
be permitted to regard standards that fall below international
optimum as being the highest possible level of practice. A responsibility
to a Law Clinic Supervisor to deal with this issue in a sensitive yet responsive
manner. Significant attention must be given
to providing students with a
comparative and critical perspective on all placements. This is possible through
the sharing of experiences
and through examination of practice standards which
take place during the weekly on-campus workshops. Students, presented with
of standards of practice in various placements are, to a great
extent, able to draw their own conclusions.
A significant number of
placements are within the public service of Vanuatu. This parallels the general
expectations of students within
the Law Clinic in the sense that many of them
expect to find future employment within the public service of their home
country.16 The weekly workshops place a significant
focus on ethical standards for lawyers in the public service. This aspect of
conduct is not common to most clinical courses or texts on
professional ethics and responsibility. However, the issues of professional
conduct within the public service are common to all jurisdictions and especially
applicable to the high proportion of South Pacific
Customary law exists alongside and, to some extent is
integrated with, adopted law in many Pacific Island countries. In Vanuatu,
law is recognised in the Constitution. Section 95 (3) states:
“Customary law shall continue to have effect as part of the law of the
Republic of Vanuatu.”
Further, all land in Vanuatu is held by customary
owners. Legislation provides for a system of island courts within the country.
courts have exclusive jurisdiction and are mandated to deal, at a trial
level, with customary disputes and customary land matters.
However, these courts
are moribund at present and, in any event, the rules of procedure do not permit
lawyers to represent clients
in the island courts. This aspect of customary law
is therefore beyond the reach of the Law Clinic.
Customary law also has a
place in the societies and the constitutions of most other Pacific Island
countries. However, it is difficult
to find a practising lawyer who incorporates
customary law into his or her practice. Custom seldom arises within the
practice of law probably for a range of reasons. Arguably lawyers
are not familiar with how it can be used in the service of their
clients. They
are not familiar with it because they perceive that the interests of their
clients are best served by the application
of substantive and procedural laws
which adhere to the adopted “western” laws found in the legal
systems of each country.
Much custom that is applied is outside the formal legal
and judicial structures of the countries in the region.
The Law Clinic
experience at USP does not include a significant component of customary law.
Whether it should and, if so, how it could
be done remains moot. In any event,
it is clear that, during a one-semester course, the inclusion of a significant
customary legal
component would displace other experiences to an extent that
would significantly change the nature of the course.
Diversity, in a number of respects, pervades the Law
Clinic course. Students bring to the course a variety of cultural, ethnic,
and educational backgrounds. Some have a career background and are at
law school to upgrade their qualifications. Others are young
and have no working
experience. Nearly all are expatriates living in
Vanuatu.17 The writer’s background as a lawyer
comes from outside the countries of the
The range of law offices into which
students are placed also presents a picture of diversity. The private firms tend
not to be specialised
but provide legal services across a broad spectrum of
legal practice, including maritime law, offshore banking, and trusts.
range of public service placements is also diversified. It includes the Public
Prosecutor, the Public Solicitor, the Attorney
General, the Financial Service
Commission (which is charged with the incorporation and regulation of offshore
banking, companies
and trusts, among other things) and the
From the outset of the USP Law Clinic,
it was recognised that this diversity could not be eliminated. The challenge was
to find a
way to turn it into a strength. The key to this was the realisation
that the placements and the students’ collective experiences
in them cut
across the entire legal and judicial systems of the country. Together, they have
a unique picture of the entire legal
and judicial system of a country. This
feature provides significant learning opportunities.
The method for
capitalising on this range of practices is the use of exercises in the weekly
on-campus workshops that allow students
to share their insights. This takes the
form of oral reports to the class. The first, called an Orientation Report, is
during the first three or four weeks of the semester. Students are
expected to include some or all of the following matters in their
None of these topics requires students to report on the
particulars of any specific file and therefore the exercise avoids an issue
confidentiality. Delivery of the orientation reports takes between two and three
weeks of the semester. Questions and class discussion
follow each presentation
as time allows.
In the final weeks of the semester, students are required to
present a Final Placement Report. This is similar to the Orientation
Report but
allows a greater opportunity for reflection and evaluation of the placement
after a semester’s worth of exposure.
Both the Orientation and Final
Placement Reports are videotaped, critiqued and assessed for content and
delivery. Students who share
a placement with another student are permitted to
co-operate in their presentations as they wish.
These exercises combine a
number of objectives. Firstly, they provide a context for practising the skill
of public speaking and a
basis for being assessed on this skill. Students are
provided with guidelines for their own presentation and for the evaluation of
the reports of their fellow students. Secondly, they require students to reflect
upon, structure and articulate their thoughts about
their placement experience
and, by doing so, gain further insights into their own placement experience.
Thirdly, they allow students
to learn about other students’ placement
experiences. Together the class acquires a broad appreciation of the entire
system of the country. In turn, this comparative perspective (learning
about others’ placements) allows students to gain further
insights into
their own experience. Another benefit is that any specific weakness in the
quality or standards of a placement is revealed
in a comparative way, in the
overall context of both the placement and the legal community.
Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest
Not only are the issues of conflict of interest and
confidentiality important in any private or public practice of law. They carry
over and are integral to the operation of any clinical program operated on a
placement model. It is therefore necessary, particularly
when operating a clinic
by placements in a small community, to implement procedures and rules that
minimise the potential for conflict
of interest or breach of confidentiality to
In the USP Law Clinic, it is not uncommon for students in different
placements to become involved in a specific case on behalf of
different clients
(or, in the case of students placed at the Supreme Court, to gain confidential
insights from a judicial perspective).
It is extremely important that all
students appreciate the high importance of maintaining
The potential for conflict
requires that, during weekly meetings to discuss placement matters, the clinic
supervisor meet with students
from different placements separately. This
diminishes the potential for disclosure of confidential information relating to
files and clients. Some instructive issues can later be raised in
hypothetical form at a weekly workshop. Separate meetings with
students from
each placement increases the time burden on the clinic supervisor from what it
would be if students from different
placements could meet together in larger
groups to discuss specific cases.
It is necessary for the Law Clinic
Supervisor to maintain a particularly detached position with respect to client
matters at all placements.
During the weekly meetings, an attempt is made to
deal with all issues in a hypothetical and anonymous manner. However, ongoing
from different sides of a specific case do occasionally become apparent.
This creates a potentially compromising position. While
assisting students to
isolate issues and explore options, the Law Clinic Supervisor must refrain from
giving anything that could
be construed as legal advice, leaving that to the
lawyers acting as placement supervisors. At the weekly meetings, there is still
plenty of scope for discussion and guidance in relation to students’
experiences at their placements without compromising confidentiality
or creating
conflict of interest.
The Law Clinic course at USP is now operating on a sound and sustainable basis using a placement model. The placements themselves are complemented by an on-campus skills and professional ethics workshop component. The course is flexible in that it could operate during one or both semesters and can easily be interrupted during semester breaks. The Law Clinic course has been structured to meet the educational goals of students and the unique environment represented by the Vanuatu legal and judicial systems. In future, the Law Clinic course is likely to evolve further and perhaps to adopt the model of an autonomous clinic serving clients directly. While this might be a natural progression, it would have been difficult to introduce such a model without first employing an intermediate placement model. The Law Clinic course has helped integrate the students and the university into the legal and judicial communities while at the same time helping make legal education more relevant for students from the South Pacific.
* Law Clinic Supervisor, University of the South Pacific.
© 2001 (2000) 11 Legal Educ Rev 253.
1 Ni Vanuatu is the expression by which indigenous people of Vanuatu refer to themselves. It is comparable to Fijian or Solomon Islander. Rather than diminishing in importance, Bislama appears to be providing a linguistic bridge between indigenous communities which have either a French or English background.
2 Accurate population statistics are difficult to find in Vanuatu and several other Pacific Island states.
3 The writer and other members of the School of Law staff have repeatedly applied for admission to practise law in Vanuatu. In the case of the writer and a USP colleague, temporary admission was granted that contained a series of restrictions which effectively precluded either pro bono or paid legal services. No legal challenge has been brought in relation to this. It remains a constraining factor in the development of a law clinic program.
4 Article 56 of the Constitution of the Republic of Vanuatu.
5 Section 5(2) of the Public Solicitor’s Act 1984 provides that the term “needy person” is to be “interpreted in relation to each particular case and, without limiting the generality of this expression, account shall be taken of the means of the person to meet the probable cost of obtaining alternative legal assistance, the availability of such assistance and the hardship which might result to the person if compelled to obtain legal assistance other than by the Public Solicitor".
6 There are recent signs that the Law Society is taking on a more significant role. Although, until now, membership has only been open to private practitioners, consideration is being given to opening membership up to all lawyers. Also, a committee of practitioners has formed a Rules Review Committee to advise the judiciary regarding possible revisions to the existing civil rules of court.
7 The 12 countries of the USP region are Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Cook Islands, Vanuatu, Niue, Tokelau, Nauru, and Marshall Islands.
8 This is understandable in view of the vast area (approximately 20 million square miles) and the isolated populations serviced by USP.
9 One significant difference is that the law of up to 12 jurisdictions is covered in any one course. This is not as difficult as it sounds because the adopted laws of the various countries are quite similar in many respects. Most of the central concepts and principles are common if not identical in all of the countries represented. Students are encouraged to write assignments and answer examination questions taking into account the laws of their own jurisdiction.
10 The Monash-Springvale Community Legal Service operated by Monash University is a highly evolved example of this type.
11 Australian universities with similar models include the University of Newcastle and Griffith University.
12 A non-credit mooting program has also attracted lawyers as volunteer judges. Other social and formal connections between members of the Law School and the profession have also developed.
13 The public law offices were the Attorney General’s Office (now known as the State Law Office), Financial Services Commission, Ombudsman’s Office, Public Prosecutor, Public Solicitor, and Reserve Bank of Vanuatu. The NGO was the Vanuatu Women’s Centre.
14 Mooting at USP is required in at least one compulsory course. It is also available on a non credit basis to students who wish to compete in a round of internal moots. Students may also apply for a place on the USP moot team which competes annually in the South Pacific International Moot Court Competition.
15 In fact, the level of encouragement and responsibility given to the students and the range of experiences gained by students in the Public Solicitor’s Office make it one of the better placements – provided students placed there are able to put their experience in a broader practice context. The weekly on-campus workshops serves this purpose.
16 In fact, many students are sponsored by the governments of their home country and are bound to serve the government of that country for a minimum number of years after qualifying for practice.
17 During the three semesters that the course has run only 2 ni Vanuatu students have been enrolled.
18 Comprising 12 years of litigation practice in British Columbia. I am also admitted to the High Court of Fiji.
19 In the South Pacific jurisdictions, a greater proportion of the legal profession is employed within the public service than in private practice capacities. This is in part attributable to the fact that, despite its small size, each country is obliged to maintain a full range of government legal services.
20 This is a topic that receives particular emphasis at the beginning of the semester. It is the subject of a declaration that students sign before they begin work at their placements.
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