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Legal Education Review |
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Struggle is the common experience of first year
students undertaking a degree in law in tertiary education. This struggle takes
forms: the newly found freedoms for those accomplished students recently
released from high school; the need to ‘re-think’
and transfer
skills for graduate or mature aged students or; the ‘burning both
ends’ struggle for part-time students
balancing paid work with study. So,
studying first year law is difficult, and not just because of the challenging
nature of the subject
In this article we argue that peer-to-peer
small group tutoring is a highly effective form of building a community of
critically active
participants at UNSW Law School. The purpose of this article
is to highlight the significant factors that make it effective from
perspective of the co-ordinators, the students and the Law Peer Tutors. First,
we will describe the philosophies or theory underlying
the program. Second, we
will outline how the program is organised and maintained. Third, we will analyse
data gained over the past
five years (2001–2006) and organise it under
three headings: confidence through participation, collaboration and caring; and
tolerating uncertainty. These three headings focus on three important themes in
contemporary debates about education: active learning,
learning in terms of
building relationships, and approaches to learning content.
In terms of philosophy or theoretical framework, this
program reveals an extensive list of readily identifiable influences. The UNSW
Law School builds its foundations of teaching quite clearly on notions of social
justice both in terms of content and teaching. The
program draws heavily on
ideas from a broad spectrum of theories of liberatory education. In particular,
Brazilian educator, Paulo
Freire’s dialogical approach to learning is
significant to all peer-to-peer learning as it is based on mutual respect, and
rejects the more traditional notions that students as ‘learners’ are
‘empty vessels’ filled by the ‘knower’.
This notion of
dialogue is hardly new; it can be traced back to Socratic philosophy and in more
recent times was suggested by Antonio
Gramsci in 1930s Fascist Italy, where it
was used as a way of countering the ‘know-all’ attitude of
authoritarian societies.
Indeed, today it is considered an essential feature of
the teaching and learning landscape in democratic societies.
For Freire, the
idea of dialogue is essential to teaching democratic values, which is
fundamental to the Foundations of Law course.
So, the Law Peer Tutors become
what Freire calls ‘democratic educators’, who ‘must do
everything to ensure an atmosphere
in the classroom where teaching, learning and
studying are serious acts, but also ones that generate
happiness’.1 As African American educator and
social theorist, bell hooks correctly notes, what is demanding and difficult is
less the content
of the work, but rather having to actively work against the
expectations that students bring with them about what academic work is
and how
it is studied:
as democratic educators we have to work hard to find ways to teach and share knowledge in a manner that does not reinforce existing structures of domination (those of race, gender, class, and religious hierarchies). Diversity in speech and presence can be fully appreciated as a resource enhancing any learning experience.2
Here hooks is
not offering a recipe for what should be done in any situation, rather her point
supports the assertion that by thinking
differently about the content of law,
the students and themselves, the Law Peer Tutors can be supported to act
differently, and thereby
create more learning space for the students in their
Significantly, peer to peer tutoring means that the role of the
mentor is not marginalised as a mere facilitator of learning, rather
the focus
is on the relative expertise in terms of knowledge and study strategies, to
which the younger learners can be encouraged,
cajoled and inspired to learn. The
Law Peer Tutors then adopt Freire’s notion that they must act with younger
students, rather
than for or on behalf of them.3 By
working with students, they are more able to empower them in quite specific and
material ways. While this program is infused with
idealism in terms of
potential, it is also quite pragmatic in terms of the threshold of learning.
Although the context is significantly
different, the underlying aim is similar
to Freire’s, for whom appropriate pedagogy was to make Brazilian
dispossessed farm
workers literate, so that they could be registered to vote, so
that the large numbers of dispossessed could no longer be totally
excluded from
political power. Our aims in a relatively privileged law faculty are perhaps
somewhat more immediate — to build
a community of critical learning in
which students are able to adapt to the demands of first year law.
year students could hardly be called ‘oppressed’ even in a relative
way. However, university systems effectively
disempower students if a law degree
is treated solely as vocational. For example, if a course only encourages a
transmission approach
or only asks students to apply knowledge to a given
situation uncritically, then we are consolidating approaches to law which are
both unintellectual and impractical. So, the Law Peer Tutor program is an
effective way for students to learn to be academically
literate in terms of law
by critiquing the concept, the context and the content of law.
One effective
way in which students can be empowered is to see themselves as part of a
learning community and then act accordingly.
This communitarian notion is
discussed in partnership with the idea of building social capital. Robert Putnam
has been acknowledged
as a latter day pathfinder, even if unintentionally, of
the importance of social capital to respond to the apparent decline in
forms of community making.4 Martin Krygier,
Australian legal philosopher, in particular, has drawn on these notions to speak
about the strengths of traditions
in law.5 As a
response to the increasing emphasis on individualism in educational systems, the
Law Peer Tutor program has implemented small
group learning. Indeed, rescuing
law from the myth of heroic individualism is part of our task. This example of
informal collaborative
learning ensures that students are made aware of the
strengths which emerge from working with others on a common project in which
bring different capacities and knowledges.
Part of the strength of
collaboration is a respect for what others bring with them to the bargaining
process, particular those who
belong to groups which are systematically socially
marginalised. On entering the degree there are many different types of students:
their blueprint of ‘law’ is fragmented, contradictory, and general
uncritical in an academic sense. The first year program
is an attempt to help
them contextualise this knowledge and become critically aware agents in the
formation of law. So, initially
we must be aware of these
‘depositions’ of knowledge; and consequently, the habits that we
engender as teachers or Law
Peer Tutors become the process which turns these
depositions into ‘dispositions’.6 These
dispositions can also be expressed as the Graduate Attributes which represent
the benchmark of attainment for students at UNSW.
A number of different
approaches current in adult education also inform the philosophy which underpins
the program. Many of these
approaches can be grouped under the rubric of student
centred learning or self directed learning in which students are expected to
take responsibility for their own learning.7 Shifting
the expectations of the student that the Law Peer Tutor will be the expert on
all matters is a crucial step to allow students
to move from apparent surface to
deep learning strategies. As has been pointed out on numerous occasions, it is
incorrect to view
this deep-surface dichotomy as referring to unchanging
properties of the student, rather they are strategies adopted by each student
adapt to different situations. Deep learning strategies are a valuable tool, but
they should be used appropriately — often
a surface approach will be quite
suitable for short answer or MCQ assessments.
In order to encourage
different learning strategies and thereby create new types of learning
communities, we need to affirm and then
critique the assumptions that students
bring with them. These assumptions underlie their existing views and attitudes
on social modalities,
such as ‘race’, gender, class, sexuality, age,
ethnicity, geographic location and ability. Generally, students are quite
unaware of their unreflexive positioning. There is little in the education
system which prepares them for this kind of reflection,
and even in their law
course little time is given for critiquing the supposed neutrality or
objectivity of how we look at law. bell
hooks’ writings over the past
decades have highlighted how the normalising of knowledge has effectively
marginalised other
views and ways of acting.8 By
unveiling the hidden discourses of law, we are able to introduce students to the
rules of the game, in terms of both academic
skills as well as content.
Consequently, these rules are not seen as arbitrary, rather emerging from
conventions based on social/political
ideas and events.
At UNSW Law School
there is an ‘aphorism wall’ containing quotes from philosophers,
activists, intellectuals and scholars,
chosen by faculty staff which all in some
way answer the question: ‘what is law?’ Each sentence to a great
degree echoes
the many divergent opinions about the content, practice and
context of law. Next to Aristotle is Gerard Winstanley (political radical
spiritual visionary from the 1649 ‘Diggers’ revolts), who sits
uncompromisingly above feminist Carol Pateman and
next to Sir Owen Dixon, who
would probably be very uncomfortable with the company he keeps here. It is
eclectic, and thereby represents
a clear cross-section of the philosophies
underlying the faculty’s work. Often the Law Peer Tutors will take their
groups down
to the wall, and ask them to think about these comments, and put
together their own reactions to these comments, as well as to historicise
decisions in law, rather than to see it as a museum piece.
Since the 1980s
there have been many studies focussed on the benefits of peer-to-peer tutoring.
Frances McGlone summarised concisely
many of the threads from both a perspective
of legal education and also of university education in
general.9 In particular, she notes the importance in
the Australian perspective of Madeline Le Brun and the Supplemental Instruction
in the USA.10 In addition, official reports
into legal education, such as the Pearce Report 198711
and Craig McInnes’ review of this report in 1994,12
emphasise that these concerns are a well ploughed field. Indeed, McGlone
quotes appreciatively from Janet McRae that learning from
peers who have more
extensive knowledge has been a fundamental part of education since ancient times
in all cultures.13
One further point on theory
before discussing the elements of the program — all discussions of a
concept start with definitions,
even when unstated. There is always the need to
clarify the normal or perhaps tortured understandings of terms shared or not
by writer and reader. The phrase ‘Law Peer Tutor’ contains
significant terms that convey a significant degree of ambiguity,
especially when
placed together. While many have examined the rhetoric of this discourse, it is
always illuminating to return to
the words themselves — first separately,
then in various compound forms.
First, ‘Law’. It is a discourse
that, try as it might to be participatory and inclusive, tends to be segregated
and exclusive.
The moniker ‘Law’ immediately suggests something
distinctive, a difference from other peers or tutors. It certainly places
‘peer’ and the ‘tutor’ in a particular context —
one mediated by norms, standards and professional
expectations. Consider the
significance of the phrase ‘Peer Tutor in Law’ — this label
might emphasise the commonality
of peer tutoring in many different disciplines.
Our label reverses this, whether intentionally or not.
‘Peer’. Lawyers trained in the common law tradition might turn to
the Peers of the House of Lords, and elsewhere.
This notion of
‘peer’ has little do with having ‘common’ experiences or
views — although being united
in not being a commoner might be relevant.
More relevantly, ‘peer’ in both the regular and noble sense suggests
an equal,
a person of similar rank and station, someone to whom one can be
reasonably compared. In this context, it is the supposedly shared
status of
‘student’ that provides the basis for comparison or equality. Of
course, our program necessarily distinguishes
between members of this peerage by
immediately distinguishing between first year students and senior students
— much like the
distinction between a marquess and a viscount, although
without the coronets. More seriously, our program assumes a shared experience
amongst all students, whether junior or senior, that can be the basis of our
peer groups. This assumption is challenged when our
students may be of different
ages or language capabilities.
Third, ‘Tutor’. The more
traditionally understood role of the university tutor comes to mind —
modified in some
way in this context. In this light, the tutor is an agent of
the lecturer and maintains a privileged position as a source or provider
knowledge. Despite efforts to disavow this position, students may have
expectations of someone in this position and these expectations
can often be
difficult to manage.
So, what does the amalgam ‘Law Peer Tutor’
convey? What do I expect of a Law Tutor? Can someone be a peer and a tutor?
first year and final year students peers in law? To us, it reflects the mixed
(and sometimes inconsistent) hopes of the program’s
founders and
participants. In particular, it highlights the aim to be both
‘friendly’ (peer) and ‘about learning’
Certainly, in our program the notion of a ‘tutor’ was an important
signifier to distinguish the program from
other ‘non-academic’ peer
mentor programs run by Colleges, Cultural Groups and Student Associations. The
term ‘tutor’
provided a distinct ‘academic’ context to
the operation of the peer mentoring program. Yet, the tension inherent in the
title remained present. As discussed below, student expectations for academic
content always required ‘handling’ or ‘management’.
call for academic direction or content, for the font of knowledge to flow, was a
constant pressure provided by students on the
Ultimately, the
question becomes what is modified — is it the concept of the Peer that
provides a role for the group’s
tutor or do we see the traditional role of
the tutor modified into a peer mentoring context or paradigm? The founders of
the program
adopted the first, students seem to adopt the second. The challenge
then is to match these expectations.
The important question therefore is
what kind of expertise does a tutor or mentor need. All expertise is to some
degree relative,
so it comes down to a decision about where to set the threshold
of power difference between students and peers. Students are well
aware of this
and so Law Peer Tutors must be very careful not to fall into the trap that being
a ‘lawyer’ means to be
a ‘knower’. As all teachers
recognise, when you choose to say for the first time ‘I don’t
know’ in
a class is a crucial decision. If you say this too early in the
semester, you may lose credibility: if you say it too late, students
will ignore
the message and assume that you are not being genuine in ‘not
knowing’. Likewise, for Law Peer Tutors trying
to work against this
traditional approach of being the knower takes both a great deal of thought and
perhaps a re-thinking of their
own position in relation to knowledge. Integrity
here lies in the recognition that Law Peer tutors are only a few steps further
the journey, and so have many newly acquired strategies for overcoming
challenges to learning.
A fundamental part of teaching is to help students to
devise strategies to understand the content of first year law. This concern
hardly new; the training of lawyers has been a focus of intellectual thinking
and legislative review since mediaeval times. Since
the 1970s the twin
influences on legal education have been social justice as a fundamental element
of transformative education, and
the new vocationalism underpinned by economic
rationalism. As a result, a significantly new focus has been placed on the
and methodology of teaching law. Curiously, both influences stress the
importance of the individual as the agent of change. So, being
aware of the
social and cultural identity of students and their ‘learning
baggage’ has become important in terms of how
the interplay of the
individual identity and the identity of the law school can both help and hinder
their endeavours to learn. The
Law Peer Tutors program is one response to
helping the students confronted by the pressures exerted by these twin
influences which
are often not obvious when they begin.
Academic researchers,
Paul Redmond and Chris Roper identified a number of competencies to which
contemporary legal education aspires:
general intellectual development; specific
law-based skills such as case reading, problem solving, general professional
such as professional ethics, and constructing and delivering an
argument; and practical legal and ethical training.14
The first year is particularly designed to lay the foundations for these first
two skills.
A recent strategy at UNSW to better induct students into
university study is titled The First Year Experience and is promoted by the
newly-established Learning and Teaching Unit. This strategy has been adopted in
different forms at many Australian universities as
the pressure on students to
see themselves as ‘consumers’ of education has clashed with the
traditional roles of intellectual
critique and vocational preparation. The UNSW
Law School has participated in the First Year Experience by taking both a broad
narrow focus: first, by clearly adopting methods outlined in the Guidelines
on Learning that Inform Teaching as part of the regular
classes in the
Foundations of Law course; and second, a more specific process, by expanding the
Law Peer Tutor program begun in 1997.
This latter initiative is available to the
350–400 students who begin their law studies at UNSW each year.
Law Peer Tutor Program at UNSW has two levels of mentoring. The most obvious
level is between the Law Peer Tutors and the students
in their groups. The other
level, which is crucial to the success of the program, is the training and
ongoing mentoring of the Law
Peer Tutors by a Peer Mentor, who is a Learning
Adviser from the Learning Centre.
This first level begins with the allocation
of students by the Program Co-ordinator. In response to applications by
students, the
Program Co-ordinator uses email to allocate students to Law Peer
Tutors who have outlined their preferred meeting times, generally
in blocks of
1–2 hours. The Program Co-ordinator can also act as point of pastoral care
for both Law Peer Tutors and for first
year students. In this arm, the first
year students meet in groups of 2–4 with their Law Peer Tutor for between
one and two
hours every week during session. Discussion in groups is driven by
students — the role of the Law Peer Tutors is to facilitate
discussion by
asking questions and by using their experience to highlight different
perspectives on issues discussed in classes,
as well as to show students how to
learn. Despite much pressure from students, the role of the Law Peer Tutor in
this program is
not to be an alternate font of knowledge.
The second arm of
mentoring consists of training and meetings between the Law Peer Tutors and the
Peer Tutor Mentor, Dominic Fitzsimmons,
a Learning Advisor at The Learning
Centre and also lecturer in first year law. The role of the Peer Tutor Mentor is
to support and
encourage the peer tutors through fortnightly de-briefing
meetings. The role of the de-briefing meetings is to allow Law Peer Tutors
share concerns or questions with other peer tutors. Traditionally, the Peer
Tutor Mentor has played an active role in suggesting
techniques and methods that
the Law Peer Tutors can use to facilitate the students in overcoming challenges
of learning new skills
such as reading cases, legal writing and how to apply
legal concepts in actual cases. The Mentor also invites members from other
such as Counselling to talk with Law Peer Tutors. At the beginning of each year,
the Peer Tutor Mentor also conducts initial
training and induction sessions for
Law Peer Tutors. While not as exhaustive as some other training schemes —
the sessions
last for half a day — they cover an extensive range of issues
from developing academic skills, to building workable groups,
to developing
empathy with stressed and needy students.
Responses from students indicate
that one of the most important factors which influence their learning is the
quality of the Law Peer
Tutors. So, there are a number of things that we look
for when appointing students as Law Peer Tutors. Generally, they are recruited
from law students in their final or penultimate year of study. Positions in the
Program are advertised and students are required
to submit a CV and academic
transcript. Traditionally, we have required students to have a good level of
achievement at law school
(a credit average or higher) although there has been a
strong emphasis on not merely selecting students with outstanding academic
records, but those who are able to demonstrate some form of empathy. Students
who have a broad range of experiences and are involved
in social or cultural
activities have proved, not surprisingly, to be some of our most effective and
popular peer tutors. Frequently,
Law Peer Tutors continue from year to year. We
encourage this continuation so that turnover is minimal, as often it takes at
one semester to learn the ropes and it is more valuable for the Law Peer
Tutors themselves to pass on knowledge rather than the Convenor
or Mentor of the
program. While generally Law Peer tutors are part of the program for two years,
several have reached the three year
mark. Carrying on the traditions, rather
then having to constantly re-invent them, is a core factor in the ongoing
of this program.
Funding for the Program is shared by The
Learning Centre, a specialist unit of UNSW dedicated to assisting students in
improving their
academic skills, and the Law School. The Learning Centre funds
the initial training and induction, and the fortnightly de-briefing
between the Peer Mentor and the Law Peer Tutors, while the Law School funds the
hours peer tutors spend with first year
students. Law Peer Tutors are paid at
the rate of a Level 5 Research Assistant.
The Law Peer Tutors program is
designed to complement the pedagogy and practice of the first year Foundations
of Law course. Since
its inception in 1970, the mode of teaching of first year
students at UNSW Law School is based on a number of transformative pedagogical
values. For example, students are taught in classes of less than 30 if at all
possible. They meet in seminar format with their teacher
twice a week for two
hours each. They are expected to read material before, and the majority complete
the reading and are able to
participate in facilitated discussions. Their
assessment is varied and includes a mark for class participation. Class
is fundamental to the philosophy of the Law School because it is
seen as a valuable way to introduce students to the intellectual
discourse of
law, such as in journal articles, conferences, media and other forms of public
events. By drawing on these materials,
teachers can implement Freire’s
notion of the ‘dialogical’ as a form of teaching and discussion in
the academic
community, in which intellectual reflection is intimately connected
to just social action. Classes, therefore, are interactive and
are based on a
version of the ‘Socratic’ method of
‘question-and-answer’. Some examples include mini moots,
small group
discussion of constructed or hypothetical scenarios, analysis of current events
in the light of legal theories and frameworks,
or individual presentations of
facts and interpretations.
As a result, first year legal studies raises a
number of issues for students and for the faculty. A predominant challenge for
student help program, as revealed in previous literature, is that there is
not a single set of ‘first year student problems’
nor a single group
of students. This challenge can be met by recognising these problems and helping
students to devise strategies
to understand both the content of first year law
and how to study in a new environment. Being aware of the identity of students
their ‘learning baggage’ may help us to advise them in their
endeavours to learn. At UNSW there are some disparate groups
who enter with
different concerns.
The first group is the largest cohort numerically, the
school leaver group who enter immediately after completing the HSC. Usually,
they undertake a combined law degree and in first year law study only
Foundations of Law, Legal Research and Torts. The challenges
for these students
are generally balancing the intellectual with the social: on the one hand, they
have extraordinary freedom in
comparison to the ‘spoonfeeding’ or
‘hothousing’ at both private and state selective schools, and on the
other hand, they are challenged and stimulated by the more diverse social life
offered on campus. Notably, many such students feel
lost in the anonymity of
university compared to the paternalism and maternalism of their previously
well-knit social support groups.
Crucially, having ‘succeeded’ at
high school, they often carry the ongoing burden of parental, peer and self
A second group are the ‘Grads’, fulltime students
who have completed another degree. Their load of law subjects is much
(five per session) as their focus is only these subjects. They often suffer an
overwhelming sense of stress and dismay that
mastery in one discipline cannot
automatically be transferred to another. Often they are significantly older, are
caring for families
and have some kind of accrued cultural capital. So, their
use of time in class discussion is predicated quite differently. These
are exacerbated by the need to study subjects that assume a fair degree of legal
skill and knowledge at a time when students
are still making their way through
the ‘foggy dew’ of legal terminology.
A third significant group
known as transfer students, who like the first group have just finished high
school, but ‘transfer’
into law after one year of university study.
They are quite similar to the first group in many ways, for example, their
to immediately acquire the cultural capital of being a lawyer. Yet
transfer students at UNSW face a heavy subject burden which resembles
pressure placed on graduate students.
Fourth, part-time mature aged students
take the course while doing a fulltime job. These students work hard to balance
the competing
demands of work, home, university, and the constant desire to
sleep ‘just for a little while’. While often appearing
exhausted in class, the broad experiences that part-time students bring to class
discussions always add a pragmatic and
realistic understanding to the legal
issues under analysis.
Additionally, many students enter law as a result of
high marks in science-based subjects. For these students the constant
to participate orally in class can be a struggle. For this reason
developing communication skills is seen as a core component of
the Law Peer
Tutor program.
Finally, there are the growing numbers of students for whom
English is unfamiliar, untrusted and additional to their everyday languages.
law is a language-based discipline, greater ability, knowledge and more
attention to linguistic detail is needed than in other
disciplines, such as
commerce or engineering. Particularly challenging is the requirement at UNSW
that up to 20% of a student’s
final mark may come from class
participation. Yet, despite the best intentions of language proficiency testing,
this kind of total
academic immersion in a subject is often a threatening and
challenging experience, which has lead many students to sheer despair.
The data represents responses generated from
participants from 2002 to 2005. This was collected through an online survey form
written responses to specific questions. In the semester following their
participation in the program, both First Year students and
Law Peer Tutors are
invited via email to submit feedback. Response rates have varied from year to
year (possibly in line with changing
survey practices by the university, which
could indicate ‘survey fatigue’ amongst our students). The results
in this work represent a consolidation of those responses. While the
figures are not comprehensive nor statistically significant,
they provide an
opportunity for the developers of the UNSW program to reflect on its aims and
effectiveness. The analysis presented
below is a product of the reflexive
process undertaken by us and is shared in that light.
Overall, the responses
suggest a number of tendencies which are shared by Law Peer Tutors and First
Year student participants. The
data is remarkable in its consistency across
several years, which suggests that the fundamentals of the Program are accepted
function well on many levels. It also hints that the students who enter the
program are able to put something into the program and
to get something
beneficial from it. Overall, the results, collected both in written and
electronic form, demonstrate that the program
was successful because it adopts
an integrated approach to learning. By this we mean that not only does it
provide a safe and congenial
atmosphere for learning, but also it provides the
appropriate type of challenges in terms of learning the fundamental skills for
studying law.
In examining the program, we were informed by the theories
examined above and were concerned to identify how the programme contributed
three issues: confidence, networks and academic achievement. Through evaluating
the students’ feedback, it appeared that
these three issues had been
addressed in particular ways. Confidence was being achieved through the ability
to participate directly
in the learning process, in ways not always possible in
the classroom. Networks amongst students were being established through a
notion of collaboration and care amongst those in the peer groups. Academic
achievement was the most problematic issue and
saw a conflict between the
expectations of Law Peer Tutors and First Year students — something that
came to be labelled ‘tolerating
A Confidence Through Participation
Confidence is like the wind, you can feel it when you
have it, but when it’s not there, it can be paralysing. Much educational
research has posited the benefits of learning through participation, but this is
often a Catch 22 situation. If you have little confidence,
you do not
participate. Yet if you don’t participate, then you cannot gain
confidence. So, by working in small groups and becoming
quickly acquainted with
students, the Law Peer Tutors can create an environment in which some form of
participatory learning can
This aspect of the program focuses on the
student, their motivations, backgrounds and expectations, as students must be
able to confidently
see themselves as law students. Activities take into account
these varied motivations and are designed to be interactive, so that
can learn and practice skills of academic literacy specific to law: speaking,
reading, writing, researching. Such activities
include: the kind of questions
you ask when thinking like a lawyer, and use of current journals or newspaper
articles to focus on
what makes something a legal issue. Here one of the most
important tasks for the Law Peer Tutors is to build on Paulo Freire’s
comment that we should focus on ‘problem posing’ before
‘problem solving’. One of the main difficulties with
problem solving
is that the boundaries of what can be asked are already set, so a student rarely
has to question what is relevant
except in very narrow terms. Critical thinking
should be about questioning the context, as well as the content of an issue.
all, in whatever positions students occupy, they will be faced with
fragmented stories rather than cleverly designed scenarios focussed
on a single
issue of law studied in that previous semester. Connected to this approach is
the understanding that we are not just
training students for events contemplated
in the far-off future, but also so that students are confident to participate in
forms of advocacy for social justice in the here and now.
As Ben
White noted, when writing from the peer mentor’s perspective in 1994 in
relation to the Queensland University of Technology
pilot program, learning the
lawyerly skills necessarily spills over into their other studies, classes and
learning relationships
outside of law.15 However, we
would go further and argue that it is not the gaining of these skills which is
paramount, but rather the attitude or
disposition to turn these depositions into
something material.
A strength of our program, like many similar programs,
is its voluntary nature. If students self select, they are more likely to be
prepared to own their own learning, rather than see the program as some kind of
remedial work. Additionally, self selection also
indicates a willingness to work
on new acquaintances. More than 70% of students in the 2002 survey indicated
that it helped them
to make friends and to feel that they belonged
‘socially’ in the Law School. It appears then that these connections
vital to the resilience of students, and can help them when the pressure of
assignments becomes intense towards the end of semester.
Indeed, one student
noted that this kind of social caring is enduring: ‘We still keep in touch
and help members of our peer
When examining the level of care
and collaboration, it is useful to consider why students joined the program in
the first place. It
appears that the most commonly cited reasons for enrolling
in the Program reveal a conscious choice that there was something that
needed to improve. So, it is quite a clear tactic, particularly in the highly
competitive Law School. These reasons include:
‘poor English
skills/NESB’ (42%) of students and ‘wanted extra help outside
class’ (33.3%). Other reasons
show a more conscious understanding of the
learning context: for example, students saw this as an opportunity which offered
form of advantage, or that it was compulsory for international students, or
that the program acted to reassure them of what was expected
at university
level. All responses give a clear indication of the range of motivations and
perhaps also expectations that students
bring with them to their first meetings
with the Law Peer Tutors.
Data over the four year period reveal that these
expectations are durable, particularly in relation to the difference between the
peer tutoring meetings and their core law classes. The majority of participants
(54%) expected that small peer groups would provide
more personalised assistance
through detailed discussion of material inadequately covered in class. The most
salient expectation
cited by the students which differs from our aims for the
program was that there would be individual help, as well as small group
discussion of material inadequately covered in class. Here the role of Law Peer
Tutors was quite clear: they needed to explain that
this was not a content-based
tutorial, nor was it aimed at their individual needs. Rather it was directed at
the group as a whole
because of our principle that collaborative learning was
more useful.
Furthermore, many comments revealed the extent to which students
wanted to talk law outside of class but in a safe learning space.
Often this
meant that they could propose ‘questions which students would hesitate to
ask in the ordinary classes’. In
this way questions ‘large or
small’ could be discussed, and as a result new skills in communication
could be acquired.
Certainly, the concept of law as a subject that could be
learned was also an early expectation, and help with this coincided with
idea of forming study groups to focus on specific areas. As a whole the students
also expected a certain level of communicable
knowledge from the Law Peer
Tutors, which seems to indicate that recognition of having done the same course
is important to students’
motivation to participate in the meetings.
Pleasingly, data consistently shows that the program met the majority (83%)
of participants’ expectations. Some comments spelled
out that the system
itself was good, while others singled out the role their Peer Tutors played as
important factors in their feelings
towards exceeded expectations. A small
minority of students made comments similar to this: ‘More direct rather
than general
assistance on the assignment would be helpful’. Here we reach
the important balancing act of the program. As the program is
based on notions
of equity and of helping students with general skills we direct Law Peer Tutors
not to give specific advice on student
assignments: the in-class test (mid
semester), and the Extended Case Note. This provides some not-so-silent rancour
amongst students,
and some soul searching on behalf of Law Peer Tutors that they
‘are not doing’ their job.
While these comments offer much to
ponder, they need to be read in conjunction with the result that while half of
the participants
in the program were aware of expectations of them at the start
of the program, the other half were unaware of the expectations. This
could well
indicate that Law Peer Tutors need to clarify all expectations and ground rules
during the first meetings with students.
This drawing of boundaries can often
present an important challenge for ‘rookie’ Law Peer Tutors, who
reveal that they
are hesitant in acting like a ‘tough lecturer’ for
fear that nobody will turn up next week! All first time teachers can
this feeling, so this is often a focus of discussion in early meetings between
the Learning Centre and the Law Peer Tutors.
In the end, social justice means
that clear ground rules need to be drawn, otherwise the Law Peer Tutor may tutor
throughout the session which benefits nobody. Finally,
however, clear ground rules enable the students to know when, how and to what
extent to participate; simply knowing the context can help them to more
confidently make decisions about the legal problem they face.
B Collaboration and Care
A vital aim of this program is what we call
‘collaboration and care’. This combination indicates that studying
law is
less an isolated activity, and more a part of a process of life long
learning, where students share ideas and learn to evaluate their
own assumptions
through open discussion, rather than assume there is a ‘right/wrong’
answer. Here the focus is that all
learning is collaborative to some
An outcome of this process is that students hear and try out other
types of learning strategies. In this way, the hierarchy of power
based on
knowledge is broken, allowing other ways to be seen as valid. So the knowledge
and experience of students are valued, and
they are not seen as blank slates
needing to be written on or broken pots needing to be fixed. The program is
designed to encourage
students to care about their work and see how it makes
sense in their everyday lives.
The program also represents collaboration
between the Law Faculty and the Learning Centre. There is a recognition of the
capabilities brought to this role. At a policy level, the Law Peer
Tutor program is an example of collaboration between Law Faculty
and The
Learning Centre. The Peer Tutors are paid, so there are significant rights and
responsibilities attached to their interaction
with students, how they talk
about law, and the activities they choose to do. Yet, there is a broad notion of
trust placed in the
Law Peer Tutors to act reasonably and equitably.
The Law
Peer Tutors Handbook is an example of this ongoing mentoring and collaboration,
and provides both a common foundation for
the work, but also gives Law Peer
Tutors and students a material basis for activities. This Handbook has two
sections. The first
section is designed for the Law Peer Tutors and includes
both a clear outline of rights and responsibilities of all participants
a number
of handouts about mentoring tutoring skills, working with small groups, duties
and expectations of law peer tutors, and
points of help. The second section aims
to help students, and includes a number of short handouts on specific academic
skills, such
as essay writing, exam preparation, class participation, note
taking, legal research, and how to read and summarise a case. Law Peer
played a key role in deciding the format and content of the Handbook because
they are working directly with students. Indeed,
the activities they use in
sessions with students form the basis of this Handbook. This form of peer to
peer tutoring offers many
immediate challenges particularly in terms of law,
where many students believe that only experts have ‘the’ answer, and
that there is a ‘right’ answer. As a result Law Peer Tutors have
become very adept at working with this initial resistance
in order to help
develop in students a critical and questioning approach to their study of law.
The Handbook and the Meeting Diary
have become a useful resource to help
transfer this knowledge through different ‘generations’ of Law Peer
Collaboration between Law Peer Tutors and students is based quite
clearly on respect and critique and establishing a trusting environment
rapidly. Therefore, Law Peer Tutors need to get to know their students quite
quickly. As the groups are no more than 4 people
this does not take long, and is
the clear focus of the early meetings between students and Peer Tutors. Feedback
from surveys shows
that significantly more women than men take up the
opportunity to participate in the program, generally at a ratio of 2:1. These
figures appear to point to the well researched statement that women are more
likely to seek help with learning than are men. Additionally,
the age of
participants is roughly 19–20 years of age, apart from the steady number
of graduate students who often show the
greatest determination to ask questions.
As research into mature age students surveyed indicates, their choice is guided
more by
their experience of life, so it is a more considered choice, rather than
HSC entry students whose motivation is much more influenced
by exam marks,
acquiring cultural capital associated with studying law, and bending to pressure
from family and friends. Perhaps
one of the most significant figures is the
response to the questions: what languages other than English were spoken at
home? Data
has consistently revealed that more than 80% of students in the
program spoke languages other than English at home. This figure is
also mirrored
by the Law Peer Tutors themselves who more often than not were not first
language speakers of English.
This shared experience can certainly ascribe a
very different and deeper dynamic to the collaboration — this authenticity
a certain integrity to the comment: ‘these are the strategies that I
use’. Curiously, our experience of teaching first
year Foundations of Law
classes underlines the attraction of law for first and second generation
migrants and their families. This
attraction of the professions for children of
migrants is not unusual as the accumulation of cultural capital in
terms is an ongoing necessity for migrant families; in
addition, this necessity often tends to lead to increased pressure on the
students as they feel that they are carrying a family burden. As noted
previously, the vast majority of the Law Peer Tutors are in
a similar position
— whereas lecturers are not — so they can often lend a friendly ear
to listen, to empathise and then
to offer some concrete strategies to turn an
apparent disadvantage into an advantage.
While Law Peer Tutors are encouraged
to be creative in their approach to facilitating meetings, and there is great
variety in how
they do this, it appears that there are a number of common
factors. In identifying the content of peer group meetings, 78% of participants
noted that the groups engaged in both general conversation and detailed analysis
of cases and material. A slightly smaller proportion
of peer groups (74%)
engaged in legal problem solving techniques, while 59% of peer groups engaged in
the explanation of English
and legal words and 56% of groups discussed essay
writing techniques. These figures indicate a general tendency about what kinds
of activities occurred, rather than a strict format which was followed each
By adopting this kind of flexibility, Law Peer Tutors are able to
demonstrate an environment of caring about students and the ideas
they hold. The
majority of participants (74%) found that they could discuss problems openly
with their tutor to ‘a great extent’.
The remaining 22% of
participants could discuss problems openly with their tutor to a ‘moderate
extent’, but only 4%
felt that they could ‘not at all’discuss
problems openly with their tutor. The training of Law Peer Tutors is vital to
creating this kind of environment; facilitation of this kind is not an inherent
process, but rather requires a practiced empathy,
able to be applied calmly and
discretely, particularly when dealing with the everyday experience of cultural
diversity. Indeed, most
participants rated their tutor as either ‘very
aware’ (48%) or ‘quite aware’ (30%) of special or cultural
needs of peer group members.
Nevertheless, there are always challenges in
working with both inexperienced Law Peer Tutors, stressed students, and the
of language. One student stated it quite plainly: ‘Some group
members had language difficulties that were not addressed by
peer tutor
groups.’ This response indicates also the limits of the effectiveness of
peer tutor groups. Learning a new language
takes time and effort, and some
guidelines for entry have been rather flexible in the past. Here the Law Peer
Tutors find themselves
in a mostly powerless situation because the students just
do not have the language capacity to deal with studying law, and no amount
tutoring in one semester can bridge that gap.
Yet, on the other hand, Law
Peer Tutors were able to exercise well the power they did possess. One student
commented encouragingly:
‘My tutor was aware of the special needs of
international students studying in a second language.’ Here the
of the Learning Centre has proved crucial; the resource on academic
reading and writing were able to plug a few gaps in terms of
possible strategies
to adopt which were not demeaning, but could build on the linguistic competency
that students already possessed.
That studying law is a struggle is endorsed
by all research, and recent work by the Learning Centre at UNSW has shown that
should be seen as one of the essential ingredients for student
success. Here the Law Peer tutors can play a crucial role because
they have the
time to both listen deeply and then to suggest some specific strategies for the
students in their group. The success
of this aspect of the program was related
by one student’s comment: ‘My peer tutor encouraged students to
study during
difficult times.’ These difficult times are often beyond what
lecturers can notice in classes of 35 students or more, so the
Law Peer Tutors
are often the most effective agents of building resilience. Indeed, the majority
of students rated their tutor as
either ‘very effective’ (48%) or
‘quite effective’ (33%). Students noted that what made the Law Peer
effective was not only that they were ‘reliable’,
‘organised’, and encouraging, but also that they modelled
a critical
stance in relation to learning knowledge as they ‘insisted that group
members come to their own conclusions, rather
than spoon feeding.’ In
addition, one intriguing response was that the Law Peer Tutor was
‘opinionated at times’,
which can be interpreted in both a positive
and negative light. Perhaps this indicates that the Law Peer Tutor was
attempting to
impose ideas or to show off knowledge, which is a temptation for
all Law Peer Tutors when starting their work. However, equally possible
is that
the Law Peer Tutor has deliberately chosen to express an opinion about a current
event in order to stimulate a debate. In
effect, this donning of the mantel of
the ‘devil’s advocate’ has been a favourite teaching tactic
since Socrates.
Yet, it appears overall that the right balance is struck, and
that a sustainable community of sorts is created, as one student attests:
‘My tutor was not only a tutor, but also a counsellor, text book, guide
for university work and also a good friend.’
Generally, a good measure
of the program’s success is the goodwill generated by word of mouth. Here
the recommendations of students
are crucial. The majority of participants would
recommend the Peer Tutor Program to other first year students. This figure has
relatively constant: more than 65% of students would ‘highly
recommend’ the Program, and around 25% would moderately
recommend the
Program. Indeed, a number of students who were participants in the program have
then become Law Peer Tutors in subsequent
years, which is perhaps the most
enduring recommendation of the effectiveness of the program.
Not only is it
the content of the discussion which is attractive to students, but also it is
the manner in which ideas are expressed
by the Law Peer Tutors. Comments showed
that students appreciated the down to earth explanations of complex legal
concepts which
matched their current level of knowledge. Indeed, recent
discussions on standards reveal that many lecturers lose sight of what can
expected of first year students; after all, it is a long time since they were in
first year. Also the students noted the value
of talking about what was expected
in terms of legal assignments as well as how to do them. Significantly, a number
of students recognised
the access and equity basis of the program (for example
for international students and those of Non English Speaking Background),
they also mentioned that it was a program that would be useful for all students.
Some responses raise the further issue that
although the program is successfully
shaking off its status as being for students with a ‘deficit’, it is
perhaps now
being seen as a ‘mark generating machine’ by students,
particularly those familiar with private coaching and tutoring
programs aimed at
ambitious school children. This is a tendency that needs to be watched
And the final word in this category belongs to a student who sees
the program as more than just help with academic skills or in making
For this student the quality of the learning relationship has quite important
long term outcomes: ‘Peer tutoring program
is vital and very effective
survival guide for any 1st yr students.’
C Tolerating Uncertainty
This aspect focuses on the students’
relationship with the content of the program, that knowledge is not only
conditional, or
functional, but also transformative. As noted, First Year is
about social and academic acculturation; that is, learning the rules
of the
game, and in this process the program offers a chance to talk ‘law’
outside the often competitive context of the
classroom. So, establishing good
networks or communities of social and academic support is crucial in tolerating
the student’s
need to turn the ‘unfamiliar’ into the
‘knowable’. Learning something new is also about risk, and here the
Law Peer Tutor program creates an environment which encourages students to think
and act critically both within and without the boundaries
of law as a
The tendency of first year law students seems to focus
unswervingly on ‘the answer’ — that mythical place of
exactitude and certainty, where everything suddenly becomes clear.
One of the aims of UNSW’s first year law course is to delay
trigger-response in order to allow the student to understand an issue more
deeply and critically. As the Law Peer Tutors reorient
their own thinking about
law and put this into practice, they encounter resistance. One student summed up
this tendency succinctly
in a gloss on the most recent (2006) survey:
‘Instead of us asking questions, you should give the tutor an outline of
is relevant and what we should be learning and know! Because we don’t
know what to ask!’ Here the weariness and the frustration
is quite keenly
felt, but also buried beneath this demand is a student who accepts that law will
test them in ways that are quite
unforeseeable. This response also echoes
Freire’s lamentation that schooling is set up to ‘domesticate’
than to ‘educate’. So for him, schooling is failing people
and society because it allows little room for the asking of
questions. As a
result, students have not been trained in asking questions to elicit information
beyond ‘what is on the exam’.
Many students who ask this kind of
question choose to opt out of the program early, which is a shame because their
narrow approach
will handicap their later studies. It may also lead to the
discourse of cynicism which unfortunately continues to dominate the corridors
law schools.
A further challenge was that these responses reflected a
significant difference in the expectations of participants in the program.
one level, we saw the educational value in providing a supportive but not
prescriptive learning environment outside of the formal
classroom. At another
level, the Law Peer Tutors were balancing their own experiences as a first year
student with the instructions
we provided through the training and de-briefing
sessions. At a third level, the First Year students had very urgent academic
that focused on marks and achievement.
Applied to the Peer Tutor
Program, the idea of ‘tolerating uncertainty’ means not just
withholding conclusions for a short
time but also that it is okay for students
not to understand everything straight away. The role of the peer tutor groups is
to provide
an opportunity for students to raise and discuss these concerns in a
setting that is not laced with assessment or ‘continual
Students also get to see the doubt and confusion of other students, which might
lead to the realisation that ‘I
am not alone’ in the struggle to
understand the course.
However, this notion of ‘tolerating
uncertainty’ was not always readily appreciated by First Year students and
goes to
the heart of the normative and philosophical underpinnings of the Law
Peer Tutor Program. The clash was between a program that focused
on improving
the transition to studying law at university and the First Year student need to
perform well in their assignments. Obviously,
these two aims are not necessarily
contradictory however they very easily can be and this was highlighted in the
experiences of some
of our First Year students and Peer Tutors.
One of the
challenges of the program is how to prepare our Law Peer Tutors to handle these
conflicting expectations. One tendency
has always been to ‘give in’
and provide the answers the students want. As noted earlier, this pressure
combines with
the tutor’s desire to appear knowledgeable. It creates a
real risk that the aims of the program can be subverted by participants
who are
only doing what they think is best in the circumstances. Strategies to deal with
this include a heavy emphasis in training
on the specific, and in some ways,
limited role Law Peer Tutors have in conveying academic content to their First
Year students.
Another technique can be to conduct role-plays to practice how to
deal with demands by students for that type of assistance. This
can be supported
in the tutor debriefing sessions by appreciating that other tutors are receiving
similar pressure but that a common
position must be maintained.
following results manifest the extent to which the Program has achieved its
outcomes of assisting first year students with studying,
university life,
assignments and learning skills. Most participants found that the Program
assisted either to ‘a great extent’
(44%) or to a ‘moderate
extent’ (37%) with studying in general. Of the remaining students, 11%
found that it helped only
to a ‘minor extent’. In addition, it
reveals the extent to which the program may have assisted in specific areas of
study in which first year students may require extra assistance. The
majority (48%) of participants indicated that it assisted in
studying law to
‘a great extent’, with a further 44% indicating that it assisted to
a ‘moderate extent’.
As a consequence, in reference to written
assignments, the majority of students (52%) indicated that the program assisted
with law
assignments to ‘a great extent’. A further 30% of
participants claimed that it helped to cope with law assignments to
‘moderate extent’. More specifically, in terms of case reading
skills, responses consistently show that almost two-thirds
of participants
indicated that the program helped them to ‘a great extent’. In
addition, 30% of participants found that
it helped them to a ‘moderate
extent’ with case reading. These responses are encouraging because case
reading is often
seen as both the most important and most challenging type of
reading skill for first year students. It is also, perhaps, the skill
needs the most scaffolding work in first year classes. Case reading needs to be
taught less through implication and more through
clear explication; less as an
art, and more as a craft.
Lastly, responses of students also show the extent
to which the Program may have helped the understanding of law in less immediate
terms. For example, adapting to the general demands of university life was also
considered a significant feature by the majority
of participants (50%) who found
that the Program assisted to ‘a moderate extent’ to cope with the
demands of university
life. Of the remaining participants, 23% found that the
Program helped to a ‘minor extent’, 15% to ‘a great
Additionally, the acquisition of and familiarisation with new
learning skills is also crucial to learning the law. Indeed, the majority
participants found that the program helped either to a ‘great
extent’ (52%) or ‘a moderate extent’ (41%)
in putting into
practice these learning skills.
As noted before, the origins of the program
lie firmly in providing additional help to students of Non English Speaking
Perhaps the most challenging aspect of the feedback provided over
the years has been the questioning of the extent to which the program
in English for law. The majority of participants (41%) indicated that the
Program assisted in English for law to a ‘moderate
extent’. The
remaining students suggested that the Program assisted to only a ‘minor
extent’ (26%), to a ‘great
extent’ (18%), and ‘not at
all’ (15%) in coping with English for law. These figures may well be
explained by the
inexperience of the Law Peer Tutors, as it is a special skill
to teach what is effectively a new language in law to students still
with a second language in English.
This factor is compounded by the different
needs of students, as well as by the shifting language requirements set by the
Law School
as a means of entry. There is a very broad range of language skills
possessed by the students in First Year Law. While there is a
solid core of
students who are more than proficient in English, there is a sizeable number of
students for whom English, especially
formal legal English, will be a challenge.
Although the university provides other resources for these students, the aims of
our program
quite obviously extend to dealing with this type of problem. Several
possible strategies have been considered over time. One was
‘stream’ the groups, such that students with specific English
language difficulties would be placed together. One
aim of this approach was
that students may develop an affinity or collegiality with other students
dealing with similar issues. However,
one significant limitation to this
approach was that it denied the opportunity to see and hear law being discussed
in non-academic
terms to the very students who would most benefit from the
exposure. Students who may be alienated by the language of the classroom
have a greater opportunity to understand and appreciate in the context of a peer
tutor group. Another strategy was to pay no
attention at all to the language
capabilities of students when allocating them to groups. In this way, the
beneficial opportunities
mentioned above might be obtained. One drawback was a
feeling by some students in those groups that students with limited English
skills did not participate in or contribute to the group. There were feelings
from both proficient and less-proficient English speakers
that the differences
were a hindrance to effective learning.
Again, the solution comes back to
the skills of the Law Peer Tutor to deal with these conflicting skills and
expectations. The challenge
of providing both a generalist and targeted program
at the same time is one of the on-going challenges we face. The goodwill and
sincerity of our students and tutors nearly always ensures that an effective
peer group is established, however this issue certainly
requires greater thought
and research, particularly in working out what are the limits to what we can do
and achieve.
Some interesting qualitative answers were provided about the
type of practical assistance offered. Generally, there have been four
kinds of responses. Firstly, Law Peer Tutors were able to clarify expectations
of lecturers in terms of assignments. Questions
ranged from the different levels
of grading, which may be the first experience for these students, to the format
of the finished
work, as well as to the kinds of strategies adopted by Law Peer
Tutors in doing their own work. Sharing such common experiences of
with new concepts was particularly appreciated by students. Additionally,
promoting discussion of law in general and in
terms of the class readings was
also a focus of the meetings. At times Law Peer Tutors were also able to help
students reflect on
their own marked written work, particularly after the in
class test. Putting this first assessment into context is always an important
task and challenge for Law Peer Tutors. This assessment can prove to be either a
milestone or a millstone; anecdotally, the Law Peer
Tutors are crucial in
ensuring that students can turn this anxiety and uncertainty into something more
positive and enduring.
Curiously, many of the Law Peer Tutors themselves
also did not do very well on that first assessment, which indicates that they
being able to rise to the challenge of studying law after initial setback.
So, they are in a good position to comment on what is
needed. Overall, responses
from students show that the program improved most students’ understanding
of law. The majority of
participants (55%) felt that the Program had improved
their understanding of law to ‘a great extent’. A further 37%
that their understanding of law had been improved to a ‘moderate
extent’. Although it is reasonable to assume that by
the end of a semester
a student would have improved their understanding of law as a subject, it is the
confidence which they have
gained in this process which is a better indicator of
long term effectiveness.
Intimately connected to a better understanding of
law is the assumption that this will translate into marks gained. It is
to go beyond just a pragmatic assumption at this point, yet responses
did suggest some link. More than 30% of participants felt that
the Program
helped to improve their law marks to a ‘great extent’. In addition,
the majority of students (52%) indicated
that the program assisted in improving
their marks in law to a ‘moderate extent’. The remaining 15%
indicated that it
assisted but only to a ‘minor extent’. Admittedly,
the question of what influences a shift in marks is fundamentally
overdetermined, but the important point here is that the students have
attributed this increase to their participation in the program.
As for the
long-term or practical impacts, the majority of participants (89%) felt that the
peer tutor meetings helped them to acquire
tools that they could later use
themselves. Indeed, one student noted that acquiring these tools was one of the
reasons for enrolling
in the program: ‘Because my skills of expression and
legal analysis were not developed.’ In addition, first year law
have recently been diminished by an increased über-competitiveness
expressed by first year law students, as a result of the pressures of clerkship
and later career opportunities; this appears to be
a wholly inevitable
consequence of recent pressures on higher education funding. Here too, according
to a number of responses, the
Law Peer Tutors have been a calming influence in
contextualising law and the culture which surrounds it.
Together, these
figures indicate deeper learning strategies have been assimilated by students
which will prove to be sustainable and
thereby be more useful throughout their
whole degree.
There are a number of important conclusions to be drawn from our experience over the past ten years.
* Dominic Fitzsimmons is a Learning Adviser at The Learning Centre, and lectures in first year law at the University of New South Wales: d.fitzsimmons@unsw.edu.au.
** Simon Kozlina lectures in the Law Faculty at University of Western Sydney: s.kozlina@uws.edu.au.
*** Prue Vines is Associate Professor and Director of First Year Studies, Law Faculty, University of New South Wales: p.vines@unsw.edu.au.
1 Paolo Freire, ‘Pedagogy of the Heart’, cited in bell hooks, Teaching Community: A Pedagogy of Hope (1998) 44.
2 bell hooks, Teaching Community: A Pedagogy of Hope (1998) 45.
3 Paolo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed (first published 1970, 1996 ed) 30.
4 Robert Putnam, Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy (1993).
5 Martin Krygier, ‘Law as Tradition’ (1986) 5 Law and Philosophy 237.
6 See especially; Pierre Bourdieu, Language and Symbolic Power (1991); Pierre Bourdieu, Outline of a Theory of Practice (1977).
7 There is a rich literature across the spectrum of education. Some important foundational works include, David Johnson, Roger Johnson and Karl Smith, Active Learning: Co-operation in the College Classroom (1991); Paul Ramsden, Learning to Teach in Higher Education (1992); Stephen Brookfield, ‘Self-Directed Learning, Political Clarity and the Critical Practice of Adult Education’ (1993) 43(4) Adult Education Quarterly 227 .
8 See, eg, bell hooks, Yearning: Race, Gender, and Cultural Politics (1990), bell hooks, Teaching to Transgress: Education As the Practice of Freedom (1994); bell hooks, Feminism is for Everybody: Passionate Politics (2000).
9 Frances McGlone, ‘Student Peer Mentors: A Teaching and Learning Strategy Designed to Promote Cooperative Approaches to Learning and the Development of Lifelong Learning Skills’ [1996] QUTLawJl 13; (1996) 12 Queensland University of Technology Law Journal 201.
10 Marlene Le Brun and Richard Johnstone, The Quiet (R)evolution: Improving Student Learning in Law (1994).
11 Dennis Pearce (ed), Australian Law Schools: A Discipline Assessment for the Commonwealth Tertiary Education Commission (1987).
12 Craig McInnes and Simon Marginson, Australian Law Schools After the 1987 Pearce Report (1994). For a more recent assessment on support for student learning in law at various Australian universities, see Samantha Hardy, ‘Improving Law Students’ Written Skills’ (EDGE Teaching Fellow Report, University of Tasmania, 2005).
13 Janet McCrae (1993) 4 Peer Tutoring Newsletter, cited in McGlone, above n 9, 205.
14 Paul Redmond and Chris Roper, Report of the Hong Kong Review of Legal Education and Training (2001) 73.
15 Ben White, ‘The Student Peer Mentor Program in its Trial Year — A Mentor’s Perspective’ [1996] QUTLawJl 14; (1996) 12 Queensland University of Technology Law Journal 221.
16 Ann Black, ‘Student Perceptions of Teaching Methods: An Analysis of How Perceptions Can Impact Upon the Learning Process’ (1996) 14 (2) Journal of Professional Legal Education 203, 214.
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URL: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/LegEdRev/2006/6.html