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Review of: "Butterworths' Electronic Tutorials - Business Law"

Author: Warren Baillie
Student, School of Law, Murdoch University
Issue: Volume 3, Number 2 (July 1996)

Computer Tutorial by Alan Tyree, based on Business Law of Australia, 8th Edition Workbook written by Anne Ardagh which is based on Business Law of Australia, 8th Edition by R B Vermeesch & K E Lindgren.

  1. The Business Law tutorial covers a wide range of topics. There are 32 tutorials on various topics including: The Courts; Contracts; Remedies; Property; Intellectual Property; Partnership; Companies; Securities; Banking and Finance; Restrictive Trade Practices; Insurance; and Bankruptcy. The tutorials allow students to revise basic principles and definitions and then apply these in short problem questions. Each tutorial explains the subjects that it covers and identifies exactly what a student should know before attempting that particular tutorial.

  2. The software is very easy to install and straightforward to use. The format is simple - each topic is a separate tutorial, comprised of a number of short questions. On starting the tutorial program you will be presented with a menu of tutorials to choose from. The choice of tutorial is made by simply "clicking" on the appropriate button. Each question is selected in a similar manner. The student submits a response to each question and then checks this against the solution. The solution consists o f all the important points that the student should have considered, followed by a model answer. This enables the student to assess how well he/she has identified all the issues and answered the question. The student can mark his/her response against the solution and the program maintains a running progress score. The answers are quite clearly explained and include relevant case law. The solutions frequently refer to the Vermeesch and Lindgren text, on which the tutorials are based. As the questions and solutions are often quite brief, it is likely that further reference to Vermeesch and Lindgren would be necessary for a fuller understanding of the subject matter.

  3. As the Business Law tutorial covers so many topics, it would be useful to all students and it would be especially useful for those students using the Vermeesch and Lindgren text. It is an effective way to revise the basic principles of each topic and it is a good way to practice answering short problem questions. For a student commencing to study one of the topics, the tutorial may be useful as a guide to knowing what is covered in that topic.

  4. The main disadvantage of the tutorial is that it is difficult to maintain interest. The simple format, of short questions and solutions, makes no use of graphics or interesting problem scenarios. Typing in responses can be annoying and there is the strong temptation to look forward to the solution without actually entering an answer of your own.

  5. Although some may find the tutorial a little tedious, it is worthwhile as a tool for revision and for testing your knowledge and understanding of the various topics.

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