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eLaw Journal: Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law |
Author: | Ross Hyams Monash University School of Law |
Issue: | Volume 2, Number 3 (December 1995) |
Like most advances in technology, along with the benefits of reproductive technology
come the burdens. Advances in medical
and knowledge carry with them vexed questions of how this
knowledge and technology will affect how we live - our duties, our
our rights, our privacy and the State's control over our
lives. The potential conflict between
a foetus and its mother mirrors this
general problem. How do we decide whose interest should take precedence? In the United States, this question has
come in for some
scrutiny over the past decade. The rights which can be accorded to a foetus, and the duties
and responsibilities which are being
applied to mothers-to-be have led to
various doctrines being developed by American courts, mostly on an ad hoc
basis. This paper
will look at
some aspects of the potential foetal/maternal conflict and ask how
feminist ideology is dealing with it.
The concept of women's rights began to develop rapidly in the 1970's. Carol
Gilligan, in her book In a Different Voice[1], describes
the social revolution
which took place. She states that
traditionally, women had been socially engineered to a life of
In interviews carried
out by Gilligan, many women described themselves as "drifting along"
or "riding it out"
in a life guided by other's needs.[2] In such a life,
some women felt that they could not exercise control without being perceived
as selfish. However, the burgeoning
rights concept challenged this accepted morality of self-abnegation. Put simply, the notion
of morality
began to change to include a consciousness of self-interest. Some women
began to grasp the idea that their relationships
with men did not have to
be a dynamic of dependence, but of interdependence. In this atmosphere of a new "freedom to"
(that is,
freedom to have an independent existence) also came the development of a
new freedom from the expectation of the mothering,
nurturing or caregiving
Also with the 1970's came aspects of feminist thought in which motherhood could
not take part. This feminist ideology,
often now
referred to as "radical feminism' saw procreation as forced
labor in a patriarchal society which appropriated women's bodies
for the
purpose of continuing the race[3].
The fact that it is women who are only able to reproduce thus
condemned women to an existence
that could not be free. Thus, the only way to remove the
shackle of this form of slavery was to somehow deal differently with
- either to remove it from the role of women or to control it. Writers such as Shulamith Firestone,[4] and
earlier feminist thinkers
such as Simone de Beauvoir[5], saw women's
ability to procreate as the thing which differentiated them from men and
which led to
their oppression.
These writers argued that the oppression of women had the
requirement of motherhood at its core.
equality of the sexes could only be achieved when
women were no longer bound by the reproductive process.
Many feminist writers relate the issue of reproductive control to the public/private
dichotomy. This view of society
to males the values of rationality and objectivity, whilst
ascribing the irrational, the subjective and the natural, to women.
This perspective is especially invidious as it would have us subscribe to women's
role as childbearer, nurturer and homemaker as
being the "natural order
of things" as though these gender roles were not created by society but
by God or Nature. Carol
Smart, in her
book Feminism and the Power of Law discusses this dichotomy and states
that the legal system and medicine conspire
to preserve this
polarisation. She sees law and medicine
as acting in concert to relegate women to being "no more than their
bodily functions and processes, or bits of bodies".[6] Thus, our
legal institutions, legislation and the attitudes prevalent
in medicine
and heath care professionals form a strong social institution that asserts power
over women and their bodies. In support
of this argument, she cites historical examples of the interplay between
law and medicine, in which women and their bodies are subjected
control, such as the U.K. Contagious Diseases Act in the control of
prostitutes."[7] Thus, for many feminist thinkers the
Pill, abortion and later, reproductive technology, promised a new
autonomy. By exercising control over reproduction,
some women saw a future in which the public/private dichotomy would no
longer exist. Due to modern technology,
childbirth did not
have to be the "natural" order. Thus, if the biological differences between
the sexes became depolarised, surely the social
differences would follow. If women could be freed from the dictates of
biology, then the societal forces which inevitably followed
would also
break down - the relegation of women to gender roles such as child rearing
and home duties (the "private" sphere)
would accordingly be
rendered unnecessary.
The past decades have shown that the social benefits of reproductive technology
envisioned by some of the feminist writers in the
1970's have not
happened. Indeed, the pendulum seems to
have swung in the opposite direction.
Medical technology is increasingly
being seen by feminists as attempting
to exert further control over women's bodies and a new instrument that
enables male society
to intrude on woman's autonomy. The development of foetal rights has not taken much of a
foot-hold in Australia. This is
not because
the voices of feminism are less strident in this country. There is a probably a two-fold explanation
for this:
The breaking down of the traditional mystique surrounding doctors has not gone
as far here as it has in the U.S. The medical profession
has essentially
remained very paternalistic here. To a
large extent, women (and men) are still accepting their doctors word as
and do not have an expectation that they can disagree with diagnoses
and treatment, or have a remedy against the doctor when a certain
is performed which they did not want.
The U.S. is simply a more litigious environment than Australia. Some commentators
blame the contingency fee
system for this atmosphere of litigation.
Accordingly, we must look to the United States and Canada for cases which have
given rise to the foetal rights debate.
The concept
of a foetus having legal standing can probably be
traced back to cases regarding the rights of inheritance. In the 1880's, courts
would allow a claim
upon a deceased's estate by a person who had been conceived before a
deceased's death but had been born thereafter.[8]
However, it was pushed
into the forefront of the law after the landmark abortion decision of Roe
v. Wade.[9] In this case, the following
comments were made by the U.S
Supreme Court about whether an abortion could be proscribed at the stage
of viability of the foetus:
"If the State is interested in protecting foetal life after viability, it may
go so far as to proscribe abortion during that
period except when it is
necessary to preserve the life or health of the mother"[10]
This particular passage has been cited by advocates of foetal rights as precedent
for the creation of the rights of a foetus over
and above that of the
mother. Some writers, however, believe
that much of the Roe v. Wade decision has been misinterpreted and is
authority for a foetal rights argument.
Nevertheless, since the Roe v. Wade decision, a number of cases
have been decided in
the U.S. which have raised the rights and the
interests of the foetus in being born healthy over the autonomy and wishes
of the mother.
The cases appear to fall
into one of two categories:
Those in which children (once born) are becoming entitled to sue for "abuse"
that took place whilst the child was a foetus,
The "forced caesarean" cases in which the wishes of the mother not to undergo
a caesarean section are overridden by the
interests of the child to be
born without complications.
In the former category, there are many cases, spanning back to 1946, recognising
the right of a child to succeed in a tort claim
for injuries inflicted
prior to birth. These cases all depend
on a subsequent live birth and the ability to show that a duty of
care was
owed to the foetus. They were developed as a recognition that parents
should be compensated for wrongs performed by third
parties upon the
mother while pregnant and were not intended to confer any specific rights
upon the foetus. In recent years,
this category of cases has expanded to allow a child, once born,
to sue its mother for prenatal "abuse" if the child is
born with
a defect due to the actions of its mother whilst the child was a foetus.[11]
It is the second category which is the more controversial and which requires
scrutiny. Specifically, the following
cases have provoked much debate:
2.1 Raleigh Fitkin-Paul Morgan Memorial Hospital v. Anderson, 1964:[12] Ms.
Anderson was a Jehovah's Witness who was eight months
pregnant and suffering
from haemorrhaging. The New Jersey
Supreme Court ordered a blood transfusion against her explicit wishes
order to save her life and that of the foetus.
2.2 Jefferson v. Griffin Spalding Country Hospital Authoriry 1981:[13] In this
case, Jessie Jefferson had placenta previa and was
39 weeks pregnant. She
refused to undergo surgery or blood transfusion, due to her religion. The
Supreme Court of Georgia ordered,
based on its belief that there was a 99%
chance that Ms. Jefferson's baby would not survive vaginal birth, that Ms.
Jefferson submit
to a caesarean section and blood transfusions, if necessary. In the final analysis, Ms. Jefferson
completely flouted the court order,
did not return to hospital and gave
birth vaginally to a totally healthy baby.
2.3 Taft v. Taft, 1983:[14] In this matter, Mrs. Taft refused, on religious
grounds, to undergo a surgical procedure which would
enable her to
continue her pregnancy rather that suffer a miscarriage. The trial judge ordered that Mrs. Taft
undergo surgery.
This was reversed on
appeal - however, the judge in the appellate court stated that the court
was able to override a woman's refusal
of such an operation, but that such
a decision was not required due to the specific facts of this case.
2.4 In re AC, Appellant 1987:[15] This is a tragic case in which Angela C. was
dying of cancer and was 26 weeks pregnant.
being heavily sedated and only having moments of real
lucidity, Angela had mouthed the words "I don't want it done"
asked whether she would agree to a caesarean section being performed
in an attempt to save the baby. Despite her
wishes, the District
of Columbia Court of Appeals permitted a caesarean
section to be performed. Her baby died
immediately and Angela died two days after
the operation. In that matter, it was generally conceded
that the operation had probably hastened Angela's death.
Discussing the development of these cases, John Robertson, a Professor of Law
at the University of Texas, has suggested that the
State has the right to
pass laws prohibiting a pregnant woman's ability to drink alcohol, smoke,
or take drugs. Further, he believes
that the State should have the ability to legally punish women who act in
a way which may cause harm to the foetus, such as not taking
medication or refusing to undergo a therapeutic procedure to the foetus in
utero. Further, at the time of actual
he believes that if the mother's wish for vaginal delivery
conflicts with the need to safeguard the foetus' health, the foetus'
should prevail and the mother should be subjected to civil
liability and criminal prosecution if the child is injured as a result
the mother's will prevailing.[16] Robertson apparently sees foetal rights
as evolving after the woman makes her decision to forgo
abortion. Thus, he believes that, up to viability, a
woman has the right to exercise her autonomy in the decision not to
but having "crossed over" the viability threshold,
she then sacrifices her liberty and autonomy to act in a manner which
might affect the foetus in a negative way. This is because, once viable, the foetus acquires the right,
not only to be born but
to have its mothers actions proscribed by the State
in such a way as to ensure it (the foetus) is born as healthy as possible. Robertson
apparently believes that the State
then has the right to step in to protect the foetus, presumably because
the State has an interest
in the foetus being born healthy.
It would seem that the U.S. courts, whilst not necessarily enunciating the law
in exactly the terms that Robertson would envisage,
substantially agree
with his analysis. In the case of In re
AC, Appellant, 1987 (described above), the District of Columbia Court
Appeals looked to previous cases concerned with orders made for medical
treatment of children against the wishes of their parents
and stated
"There is a significant difference however, between a court authorising medical
treatment for a child already born and a child
who is yet unborn, although
the state has compelling interests in protecting the life and health of
both children, and viable unborn
Thus, it would seem that the State, in certain circumstances, is prepared to
put its interests in having women give birth not only
to healthy children,
but to just give birth, over and above the bodily integrity of the
individual woman concerned. Robertson
not see this as problematic and has no difficulty with a view of the
future in which woman's liberty, integrity and autonomy become
limited whilst the horizon of foetal rights expands. It is now to the arguments opposing the expansion
of foetal rights which
we need to turn.
Opposition to the doctrine of foetal rights take many and varied forms. This
paper will now consider the broad range of feminist
thought regarding the
foetal/maternal specifically and reproductive technology in general. The
arguments can be broadly described
under four headings:
3.1 Male attempts to control procreation: Some feminist writers see the development
of reproductive technology as an attempt by male-dominated
society to
procure the power of reproduction. This
is not simply because the medical profession itself is dominated by male
The motivations of males
in this area are implanted in much deeper psychological and sociological
roots. In her book, The Mother
Machine, Gena
Corea bases her views in this area on the following assumptions:
"I often refer to the developers and supporters of reproductive technology as
'men'. In doing so, I recognise the
The overwhelming majority of reproductive engineers are male.
The overwhelming majority of persons on whose bodies these men experiment
are female. The technology used
emerges from a science developed by men according to their own values and
sense of reality... When
I write the word 'men' in this book, I am writing
about some individuals, but also about the institution of masculinist
about men as a social category and dominant class".[18]
Corea looks to history in her belief that male society's concentration on the
development of reproductive technology is yet another
version of the male
desire to possess reproductive power.
She sees the male desire to control reproduction as a reaction
the alienation and separation of men not being part of the
reproductive process. To men,
reproduction and paternity are abstracts.
Men know that their sperm is part of the process, but it is a
mental leap between sexual intercourse, the growth of a foetus and
birth. Women suffer no such alienation,
as they are an intimate in the process.
This perception of the male motivation in the reproductive technology area is
echoed by other feminist writers.
Elaine Hoffman Baruch,
in discussing the concept of male "womb
envy" has stated that the (male) doctors who are conducting their
experiments on
women are a "type of contemporary Frankenstein, who
snatches the eggs out of a woman's body in his attempt to recreate
She concludes that, despite the fact the control of one's
body was at the core of feminist thought, this control is exactly what
being lost through male control of reproduction and thus this form of
technology may, in fact, be disadvantageous for women.
3.2 Invasions of the right to privacy and bodily integrity: It has been argued
that the current trends in the development of foetal
rights are intruding
further into a pregnant woman's right to bodily integrity. Some writers ask why a pregnant woman
does not have
the same right to be free from non-consensual invasion of
the body as any other individual. What
is it about being pregnant, they
ask, which removes this right of privacy?
Joan Mahoney, for example, argues very convincingly that no court has ever made
an order attempting to enforce a competent adult
to donate an organ. Indeed,
she cites the case of In re Pescinski[20] in which a U.S. court refused to
make an order permitting
a kidney to be removed from a mentally incompetent
person in order for it to be donated to that person's sister. Such a
was made on the basis that there would be no benefit to the mentally
incompetent person. She also refers to
the case of Winston
v. Lee[21] where the court held that a criminal
defendant was able to refuse surgery, even in a situation where performing
the surgery
was the only way to obtain evidence necessary to secure a
conviction against him.
Mahoney compares these cases to the forced caesarean cases and asks why the
court feels itself able to deny bodily integrity to pregnant
women whilst
upholding the same for competent males, those accused of serious criminal
offences and the mentally incompetent?[22]
Further, there appears to be a contradiction in the way in which the U.S. courts
have been dealing with the privacy issue in the
Roe v. Wade decision. On the one hand, the judiciary have used the
Roe decision as precedent to recognise the right of privacy -
for example,
in the now famous Karen Quinlan case in 1976, in which it was decided that
Karen Quinlan, although comatose and terminally
ill, had the right to
privacy and thus the removal of her life support system.[23] Further, a
court in Michigan recognised the rights
to be free from non consensual
invasions of the body when it barred psychosurgery on mental patients in
Kaimowitz v. Department of
Mental Health.[24] Again, in this case, Roe was
invoked in order to protect privacy.
However, Roe has also been used as a basis
for the argument that,
after foetal viability, the State may intervene against a woman's explicit
wishes to protect the foetus.
would seem to be totally contradictory.
Advocates of foetal rights who invoke Roe as precedent for
invasions of women's privacy
apparently see no difficulty in the fact that
this case is also used as an argument against invasions of privacy. Thus, if Karen
Quinlan had been pregnant
whilst in a coma, Roe could have been resorted to as authority for the
opposite proposition (that is, to
continue to invade Karen Quinlan's
privacy in order to bring a foetus to term). The gender bias here is impossible to ignore. Roe
stand for two opposite propositions - one upholding privacy if you are
male or not pregnant, one denying privacy if you are
pregnant with a viable
3.3 Equality before the law: The U.S. Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment protects
people from discrimination on the basis of membership
of a disadvantaged
group. Since the case of Reed v.
Reed[25] in 1971, U.S. courts have increasingly interpreted this to
women as members of a "disadvantaged group". Indeed, as a reaction to some courts
deciding that discrimination because
of pregnancy could not be defined as
sex discrimination, the U.S.
Congress passed the Pregnancy Discrimination Act[26] in 1980.
This Act specifically and explicitly
includes pregnancy-related discrimination under the rubric of sex
Given Congress' apparent new found sensitivity to discrimination in the workplace,
it seems bizarre that courts are continuing to
discriminate against women
by allowing foetal rights' claims. Dawn
Johnsen points out that the "similarly situated" model
provides a standard for equality in the workplace by requiring that
similarly situated people be treated the same regardless
of race) is not
appropriate in sex discrimination.
She states that it is the inherently dissimilar situation of the
sexes which
has been used by courts to rationalise different treatment of
the sexes - by first acknowledging the difference and then using that
difference to justify discrimination against women.[27] Unfortunately,
despite anti-discrimination legislation like the Pregnancy
Act, courts are still finding a way to bypass the requirement that the
sexes are treated as equals. If
equality was
truly being upheld by the U.S. Congress and courts, then the
foetal rights issue would develop no further.
3.4 The "slippery slope" argument: Opposition to foetal rights by the
use of this argument is not necessarily a feminist
viewpoint, but it is
raised in much of the feminist literature. Writers such as Dawn Johnsen have expressed concern at the
for expansion of foetal rights, and the consequent limitation to
women and increase in control over their bodies and reproductive
by men. Combined with arguments set out
in the first category (above) concerning male desire to continue to
control women,
it is a forceful contention. Johnsen, amongst others, asks
"Where will it end?" and envisages a future whereby pregnant
women are proscribed by law as to diet, smoking, infectious diseases,
drugs, exercise, high altitudes and sexual intercourse.[28]
Thus, this "floodgates" perspective visualises a future in which
foetal rights continue to expand.
In a society which
remains essentially patriarchal, seeking to
control women and to take further control of the reproductive process,
there is a very
real possibility of women's autonomy being increasingly
Litigation thrives in the U.S. there continues to be expansion of rights, duties
and positive obligations. The
imposition of positive
duties, so anathema to the common law of the U.K.
and Australia, seems to be prevailing in the U.S.
In Australia, it is unlikely that the concept of positive obligations and duties
will extend as far as it has in the U.S. in the
near future. However,
there is worrying precedent in relation to a court's belief in its ability
to make decisions against the wishes
of pregnant women. In the 1989 Family Court case of In the
Marriage of F[29] the Court decided that it had the jurisdiction to grant
an injunction to prevent a woman having an abortion, but declined to do
so. Although this decision is a far
cry from a forced caesarean
case, it does show that the Family Court of
Australia believes itself able to interfere with female autonomy and decision-making
in the area of reproduction.
There is every reason to suggest that, given the prevailing litigious environment
in the U.S., foetal/maternal conflict cases in
that country will continue
to come before the courts and the doctrine of foetal rights will be upheld
and, more than likely, expanded.
most feminists, this is a very worrying trend. If women's autonomy and right to bodily integrity continue
to be viewed by U.S.
courts as secondary to the rights of the unborn,
there is little to stop the case law developing in the direction of the
slope" that Dawn Johnson envisages.
Most feminist thought appears to view female autonomy as paramount. This view continues to be upheld
through all the various feminist
viewpoints, regardless of whether the
writings are expounding the "radical" feminist view or the views
of "modern"
(post 1980's) writers.
An expansion of the foetal rights doctrine can only be seen as the
antithesis of this concept.
Thus, it would seem that the task for feminism in the future in relation to
this conflict is to centre the autonomy principle. Female
autonomy was at the core of the abortion debate in
the U.S. and resulted in the achievement of the principles enunciated in
Roe v.
Wade. Similarly, it would
seem that autonomy is also the primary focus in the foetal/maternal conflict. Expansion of foetal rights
presents a
challenge to women which is fundamental, as it has wider implications
which are not limited to the forced caesarean cases
or children's ability
to sue their mothers. Inherent in the foetal rights debate is the state's
ability to invade not only in the
area of women's choices, but their
privacy, and worse, their very bodily integrity.
[1] Gilligan C, "In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women's Development"
(1982), Cambridge, Mass., Harvard
University Press.
[2] Id. at l4l.
[3] Hoffman Baruch E, "A Womb of His Own" in Baruch, D'Adamo, Seager
et. al. (eds.), Embryos, Ethics and Women's Rights,
1988 at 135.
[4] Firestone S, "The Dialectic of Sex" (1971) London, Johnathon
[5] de Beauvoir S, "The Second Sex" (1960) London, Landsborough Publications.
[6] Smart C, "Feminism and the Power of Law" (1989) London, Routledge
at 96.
[7] Id. at 94.
[8] Johnsen, D "The creation of Foetal Rights; Conflicts With Women's Constitutional
Rights; Liberty, Privacy and Equal Protection"
95 Yale L.J 599(1986)
at 601.
[9] [1973] USSC 43; 410 U.S. 113 (1973).
[10] Id. at 163-4, cited in Gallagher, I "Prenatal Invasions and Intervention:
What's Wrong With Foetal Rights" (1987)
I0 Harvard Women's Law
Journal 9 at 15.
[11] Grodin v. Grodin, 102 Mich. App. 396, 301 N.W.2d 869(1980).
[12] 42 N.J. 421, 201 A.2d 537, cert. denied, 377 U.S. 985(1964).
[13] 274 SE 2d. 457(1981) Supreme Court. Ga. cited in Rodgers, S "Foetal Rights
and Maternal Rights: Is there a conflict?" (1986) 1 Canadian Journal
of Women and the Law 456 at 466.
[14] 446 N.F.2d. 395(1983).
[15] 533 A.2d 611 (D.C. 1987) cited in Mahoney, J "Death with Dignity: Is There
An Exception for Pregnant Women?" (1989) University of Missouri-Kansas
City Law Review 221 at 226.
[16] Robertson, J "Procreative Liberty and the Control of Conception, Pregnancy
and Childbirth" Virginia Law Review 69
(1983) 405 at 455.
[17] Cited in Graycar. R & Morgan J, "The Hidden Gender of Law"
(1990) Leichhardt, Federation Press at 224.
[18] Corea G, "The Mother Machine" reproduced in Alpern, K (ed.)
"The Ethics of Reproductive Technology" (1992)
New York, Oxford
University Press at 229.
[19] Hoffman Baruch, E supra Note 3 at 136.
[20] 67 S.W.2d 145 (Ky. Ct. App. 1969).
[21] [1985] USSC 68; 470 U.S. 753(1985).
[22] Mahoney supra Note 15 at 229.
[23] In re Quinlan, 70 N.J. 10, 355 A.2d 647,664, cert. denied 429 U.S. 922(1976).
[24] Cited in Gallagher supra Note 10 at 17.
[25] [1971] USSC 177; 404 U.S. 71,75(1971).
[26] 42 U.S.C. 2000e (k) (Supp. IV 1980).
[27] Johnsen supra Note 8 at 622.
[28] Id. at 606-607. [29] (1989)13 Fam L R 189.
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