E Law: NetWatch September, 1996
Author: |
Anne Greenshields
Librarian - Law, Murdoch University
Issue: |
Volume 3, Number 3 (September 1996)
This issue of Netwatch focuses on issues of sexuality and gender and the law to reflect the substantive component of this issue of E-Law. Not all of the links are exclusively legal however most contain some discussion of legal i
ssues pertaining to issues of sexual orientation, sexuality and gender.
New sites spotted:
- SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SECURITY v. "SRA" No. NG745 of 1992 FED No. 869/93 Social Security [1993] FCA 573; (1993) 118 ALR 467 (1993) 43 FCR 299 (1993) 18 AAR 49
8[1993] FCA 573; , (1993) 31 ALD 1
"This is an application by way of appeal from a decision of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal affirming a decision of the Social
Security Appeals Tribunal that the respondent was qualified under s. 37(1)(a) of the
Social Security Act 1947 (the Act) to receive
a wife's pension as being a woman who is the wife of an invalid pensioner... The respondent is a male-to-female transsexual who has
not undergone sex reassignment surgery. She was described in one of the medi
cal reports tendered before the Tribunal as a classic
male-to-female transsexual." Extensive discussion and referencing to transsexual cases and articles.
URL: http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/sinodisp.pl/au/cases/cth/federal_ct/unrep6592.html
on writ of certiorari to the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts.
[June 19, 1995]
URL: gopher://gopher.utah.edu:70/0ftp%3Aftp.cwru.edu@/hermes/ascii/94-749.ZO.filt
- ROY Romer v. Evans (U.S., 1996) on writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Colorado
[May 20, 1996] (state may not ban municipal homosexual anti-discrimination
URL: gopher://gopher.utah.edu:70/0ftp%3Aftp.cwru.edu@/hermes/ascii/94-1039.ZO.filt
- Toonen v Australia
URL: http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/sinodisp.pl/au/cases/nt/supreme_ct/unrep663.html
The Views of the Human Rights Committee: Comm No 488/1992, in Toonen v. Australia, has been published in the Report of the Human
Rights Committee, Volume II, Official Records of the 49th session of the General Assembly,
Suppl. No. 40, U.N. Doc. A/49/40, at p.
- Merits Response - December 25th 1993 Communication to: The Human Rights Committee submitted for consideration under the First Optional Protocol to the International
Covenant o
n Civil and Political Rights in relation to Tasmanian anti-homosexuality laws.
URL: http://bizo.biz.usyd.edu.au/QRD/tas/law/merits_response.html
Statutes, treaties and proposed bills
Goverment Policy statements etc.
Journals and Articles
- Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy
The Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy solicits work relevant to gender law and policy from
all perspectives, disciplines, and authors.
URL: http://www.duke.edu/~jrd4/djglp.htm
Euroletter published on behalf of ILGA - The International Lesbian and Gay Association
URL: http://fglb.qrd.org:8080/fqrd/assocs/ilga/euroletter/
- Essays on Law and Sexuality. Abstracts and links to internet articles on the subject of law and sexuality. Indexed at Cambridge Faculty of Law, University
of Cambridge (UK).
URL: http://www.law.cam.ac.uk/SUBJECTS/24.HTM
Gay in America 1996 photojournalist series in the San Francisco Examiner, June 1996.
URL: http://www.sfgate.com/examiner/special/gia/
- Law & Sexuality A Review of Lesbian and Gay Legal Issues
URL : http://www.law.tulane.edu/journals/law_sex.htm
- Lisa's Transgender Information Pages
A personal account of being a transexual including personal, social and legal discussion.
URL: http://www.law.tulane.edu/journals/law_sex.htm
- Mens Issues Pages,
WWW virtual library with a vast array of links
URL: http://www.vix.com/pub/men/
- The National Journal of Sexual Orientation Law
URL: http://sunsite.unc.edu/gaylaw/
- Recognition of Same-Sex Marriage: Time for Change? E-LawCurrent Developments, September 1994, Inge Lauw (Australia)
URL: http://www.murdoch.edu.au/elaw/issues/v1n3/lauw2.txt
- Sexual Orientation and the Law in Britain and Ireland Dr. Robert Wintemute School of Law, King's College London. Paper presented to the 25th Annual BIALL Study Conferenc
e at Birmingham
in September 1994.
URL: http://ltc.law.warwick.ac.uk/lawlibrarian/articles/article4.html
- Social Policy Compilation- Chapter Eleven: (Christian Belief and) Sexuality and Human Values Social Policy Compilation published by Advisory Committee
on Social Witness Policy of the USA Presbyterian community.
- Transgender law Articles and texts to ftp from Netcom.
URL: ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/os/osprey/politics/
- Victimless Crimes: Decriminalisation of Homosexual Sexual Activity E-Law, Current Developments, September 1994, Inge Lauw (Australia)
URL: http://www.murdoch.edu.au/elaw/issues/v1n3/lauw3.txt
- The Yale Journal of Law and Feminism is committed to publishing pieces about women's experiences, especially as they have been structured, affected, controlled, discussed,
or ignored by the law.
These experiences include the particular experiences of women of color and of lesbians.
URL: http://www.yale.edu/lawnfem/law%26fem.html
Organisations and Conferences
Lists and Directories
Same Sex Marriage
New Sites Spotted
Australian sites and developments
Primary Legal Materials- Case law and statutes