Editorial Notice
Ralph Simmonds
Contributions Editor and Acting Technical Editor
- With the publication of this issue we mark two important
milestones in the history of E Law.
- One is the publication of our first
multi-media issue.
This is in fact the republication of an earlier issue, Volume
3, Number 3 (September 1996). This was largely devoted to the
of the Conference "Sexual Orientation and the Law"
held at Murdoch University on 3 August 1996. That issue has now
republished with the addition of a series of video files.
These files permit the reader to see and hear most of the paper
speaking to parts of their papers. This facility
requires the reader's Web browser to have the QuickTime add-in,
which the issue
page allows the reader to download. With that
facility, and by clicking on the picture of the author of the
paper, the reader downloads
a video clip.
- We believe this video facility makes a useful contribution
to understanding the Conference "Sexual Orientation and the
We are hoping to provide similar facilities
possibly with longer clips in some future issues. We therefore
welcome feedback
on this issue.
- The second milestone in the history of E Law
is the further development of our links with the
Australasian Legal Information Institute
- For some time AustLII had provided a link to us.
Also, it has helped us in the provision of html versions of our
earliest issues.
Shortly it will be a full mirror site for us.
- We are thus very pleased to provide in this issue
the first of what we intend to be a series of papers from the
first AUSTLII Conference,
"Law Via the Internet '97",
held in Sydney between 25 and 27 June 1997, in conjunction with
the University of Technology,
Sydney. Presenters at the Conference
were invited by the Conference organisers to submit papers to
E Law for publication through us on the Web. We are pleased
to publish in this issue the first paper submitted to us, by Professor
Thomas of Brigham Young University, "Accessing U.S.
Land Title Records through the Internet".
Ralph Simmonds
Professor of Law
Contributions Editor and Acting Technical Editor
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URL: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/MurdochUeJlLaw/1997/9.html