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eLaw Journal: Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law |
Author: | Anne Greenshields Librarian - Law, Murdoch University |
Issue: | Volume 6, Number 2 (June 1999) |
AustLII hosts all Australian leglislation and case law from all states (WA added only in July 1999)
URL: http://www.austlii.edu.auAustralian Bureau of Statistics selected statistics in full text, ordering options provided
URL: http://www.abs.gov.au/Decisions of the Superior Courts of New South Wales, 1788-1899 Published by the Division of Law Macquarie University. Decisions from of the Supreme Court of New South Wales handed down prior to 1900. All decisions in this database have been selected and edited by Bruce Kercher, Division of Law, Macquarie University. The database is under construction and with new decisions being added over the year. Access into the database is provided by a case index as well as an extensive subject index. Great source for anyone interested in Australian legal history. The site is also mirrored at AustLII and can be accessed through their search engine.
URL: http://www.law.mq.edu.au/scnsw/
URL: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/special/nswsc/pre1900/Legal Briefing Australian Government: Topical issues
URL: http://ags.gov.au/publications/briefings/index.htmlParliament of New South Wales Bills [pdf]
URL: http://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/gi/billist9.html
Parliament of South Australia: Hansard and Legislation
URL: http://www.parliament.sa.gov.au/index.htmParliament of Victoria: Hansard, Bills and Legislation
URL: http://www.parliament.vic.gov.auQueensland Consolidated Legislation on AustLII
URL: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/qld/consol_act/Queensland Consolidated Regulations on austLII
URL: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/qld/consol_reg/
Courts of Fiji Decisions including: Magistrates Court, High Court, and the Supreme Court, are now available at AustLII. Selected decisions date from 1962.
URL: http://www.austlii.edu.au/fj/cases/FJC/
URL: http://www.austlii.edu.auDecisions of the Superior Courts of New South Wales, 1788-1899 Published by the Division of Law Macquarie University. Decisions from of the Supreme Court of New South Wales handed down prior to 1900. All decisions in this database have been selected and edited by Bruce Kercher, Division of Law, Macquarie University. The database is under construction and with new decisions being added over the year. Access into the database is provided by a case index as well as an extensive subject index. Great source for anyone interested in Australian legal history. The site is also mirrored at AustLII and can be accessed through their search engine.
URL: http://www.law.mq.edu.au/scnsw/
URL: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/special/nswsc/pre1900/Famous American Trials Documents, images and commentary of 12 famous American trials.
URL: http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/FTrials/ftrials.htmParliament of South Australia: Hansard and Legislation
URL: http://www.pics.sa.gov.au/index.htmQueensland Consolidated Legislation on AustLII
URL: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/qld/consol_act/Queensland Consolidated Regulations on austLII
URL: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/qld/consol_reg/Supreme Court of Canada Information about the Court, relevant act and rules, judgments of the Supreme Court (SCR 1989 +) and the Charter Collection of Decisions relative to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1983-1995).
URL: http://www.scc-csc.gc.ca/Supreme Court of the Philippines Information about the court and full text of decisions Dec 1998+
URL: http://www.supremecourt.gov.ph/Tasmanian Legislation
URL: http://beta.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/tas/consol_act/
Advertising Law Internet Site Articles and links to related resources in the US
URL: http://www.webcom.com/~lewrose/
Philippine On-Line Legal Resources - full text of many Philippine statutes links to the Philippine Supreme Court decisions.
URL: http://www.chanrobles.comSupreme Court of the Philippines Information about the court and full text of decisions Dec 1998+
URL: http://www.supremecourt.gov.ph/
International Child Labor Program Discussion and reports many available in pdf format.
URL: http://www.dol.gov/dol/ilab/public/programs/iclp/
Racial Profiling in America -- American Civil Liberties Union.
URL: http://www.aclu.org/profiling/index.html
Frequently Asked Questions about Copyright. Relevant to UK but the questions have more general application. Prepared by Arts and Humanities Data Service and the Technical Advisory Service for Images (TASI)
URL: http://ahds.ac.uk/bkgd/copyrightfaq.html
Drugs and Crime Facts. US data on violations related to illegal drugs and their effect on crime rates, law enforcement, courts, and corrections from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and non-BJS sources (USA).
URL: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/dcf/contents.htmASIL guide to electronic resources for international criminal law (American Society for International Law)
URL: http://www.asil.org/resource/crim1.htmCriminal Victimization 1998: Changes 1997-98 with Trends 1993-98 US Department of Justice (USDOJ) Bureau of Justice Statistics reveals that the rate of violent and property crime has fallen to their lowest rates since 1973 when the survey began. [pdf]
URL: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/abstract/cv98.htmUnited Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia: Milosevic & Others Case. Documents relevant to the International Tribunal.
URL: http://www.un.org/icty/special/index.html
URL: http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/icty/icty.html
Although not strictly relevant to criminal law it is fascinating to see the "interest", or rather the lack of interest in the action in Kosovo as stated by the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
URL: http://www.smip.sv.gov.yu/World Justice Information Network (new address)
URL: http://www.wjin.net/
The Internet Law Library from LawGuru.com an excellent and simple way access US primary materials
URL: http://www.lawguru.com/ilawlib/index.html
American Legal Ethics Library This digital library contains both the codes or rules setting standards for the professional conduct of lawyers and commentary on the law governing lawyers, organized on a [US] state by state basis (Legal Information Institute)
URL: http://www.law.cornell.edu/ethics/
Losing Health Insurance Unintended Consequences of Welfare Reform. A report from Families USA. Full text in pdf.
URL: http://www.familiesusa.org/uninten.htm
URL: http://www.familiesusa.org/about.htm
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (USA) Statistical and legal information related to the banking industry
URL: http://www.fdic.gov/index.html
European Roma Rights Center
URL: http://errc.org/International Child Labor Program Discussion, statistics and reports many available in pdf format.
URL: http://www.dol.gov/dol/ilab/public/programs/iclp/
International Organization for Migration Significant documents in the area of migrants rights and trafficking in migrants.
URL: http://www.iom.int/The Nikor Project Dedicated to the nearly twelve million victims ruthlessly destroyed by Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime. A site supporting research into the Holocaust. Links to summaries and extracts from the International Military Tribunal (Nuremberg) as well as to full text of the trial and supporting documents from The Trial of Adolf Eichmann
URL: http://www.nizkor.org/
URL: http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/people/e/eichmann-adolf/transcripts/
ASIL guide to electronic resources for international criminal law (American Society for International Law)
URL: http://www.asil.org/resource/crim1.htm
International Crisis Group Political and ethnic conflict is current crisis situations are analysised. Crisis in Kosovo, Central Africa, Bosnia-Hertzegovina, Algeria, Cambodia have all been reported on. (The reports are slow to download.)
URL: http://www.crisisweb.org/icghome.htmInternational Organization for Migration Significant documents in the area of migrants rights and trafficking in migrants.
URL: http://www.iom.int/
Project on International Courts and Tribunals The Project's mission is "to address the legal, institutional and financial issues arising from the multiplication of international courts and tribunals." Much of it is still under construction but the "synoptic chart portrays the present and potential make-up of the international judiciary" shows its potential.
URL: http://www.pict-pcti.orgQuestion of East Timor UN site
URL: http://www.un.org/peace/etimor/etimor.htmReliefWeb "The purpose of this effort is to strengthen the response capacity of the humanitarian relief community through the timely dissemination of reliable information on prevention, preparedness and disaster response". Disasters include Kosovo crisis and Hurricane Mitch. (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.)
URL: http://wwwnotes.reliefweb.int/United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia: Milosevic & Others Case. Documents relevant to the International Tribunal.
URL: http://www.un.org/icty/special/index.html
URL: http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/icty/icty.html
Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (A different view of events..)
URL: http://www.smip.sv.gov.yu/
American Journal of Comparative Law Current Issue on line, also the index to the entire series Vol 1 - 45
URL: http://comparativelaw.org/journal.htmlContents pages of lastest issues of Butterworths Australian legal journals.
URL: http://www.butterworths.com.au/journalcontents/journals_index.htmFirst Monday - peer reviewed internet journal.
URL: http://firstmonday.org/Joystick — Scandinavian Netjournal of the Sociology of Law
URL: http://www.soc.lu.se/joystick/Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture University of Albany, NY (USA)
URL: http://www.albany.edu/scj/jcjpc/Law News Summary of current legal news sources as well as full text articles on many issues (US focus)
URL: http://www.lawnewsnetwork.com/Legal Briefing Australian Government: Topical issues
URL: http://ags.gov.au/publications/briefings/index.htmlMountbatten Journal of Legal Studies 1997+ The MJLS is a fully referred journal published by the Law Faculty at Southampton Institute twice a year. Articles are available in html and pdf format.
URL: http://www.solent.ac.uk/law/New York University Law Review
URL: http://www.nyu.edu/pages/lawreview/index.html
The Law Reform Database indexes more than 6000 law reform materials from common law jurisdictions around the world. (British Columbia Law Institute.)
A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates 1774-1873
US Library of Congress's American Memory Collections.
URL: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/amlaw/lawhome.htmlEarly Manuscripts at Oxford University. Scanned images of ancient, medieval, and Celtic manuscripts - 30 are available at the moment, including some medieval legal texts. (These are large JPEG images and may take some time to download.)
URL: http://image.ox.ac.uk/Decisions of the Superior Courts of New South Wales, 1788-1899 Published by the Division of Law Macquarie University. Decisions from of the Supreme Court of New South Wales handed down prior to 1900. All decisions in this database have been selected and edited by Bruce Kercher, Division of Law, Macquarie University. The database is under construction and with new decisions being added over the year. Access into the database is provided by a case index as well as an extensive subject index. Great source for anyone interested in Australian legal history. The site is also mirrored at AustLII and can be accessed through their search engine.
URL: http://www.law.mq.edu.au/scnsw/
URL: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/special/nswsc/pre1900/
Famous American Trials Documents, images and commentary of 12 famous American trials.
URL: http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/FTrials/ftrials.htm
College of Law a subsidary of the Law Society of New South Wales. It aims to provide programs and services "to improve by education the quality of legal services to the Australian community."
URL: http://www.collaw.edu.au/
Communications Media Center at New York Law School. 'This system provides statutory, regulatory, judicial and scholarly materials in the fields of communication, information and media' relevant to the US.
URL: http://www.cmcnyls.edu/default.html-ssi
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URL: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/MurdochUeJlLaw/1999/12.html