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Last Updated: 30 March 2013
Delays in the New Zealand Civil Justice System?
Opinion v Fact
Saskia Righarts* and Mark Henaghan†
I Introduction
There have been increasing concerns among the profession and the public about the length of time civil cases take to progress through the court system. In recent years there has been two conferences dedicated to the issue of delay in the civil jurisdiction.1 The dramatic titles of these two conferences - one being “Civil Litigation in Crisis – What Crisis?” and the other being “Civil Litigation in Crisis – Beyond the Crisis”, underscore the views of many about the state of the civil justice system. Not only have there been two formal conferences about this issue, it is often a topic of discussion among the profession at informal meetings, and articles about this subject regularly appear in the media and the press.2 The viewpoint often expressed in these articles is that the civil justice system is sluggish, and as a result many litigants are turning to other forms of dispute resolution, such as mediation and arbitration. Given these concerns, there have also been calls from some quarters for the establishment of a specialist commercial court in New Zealand.3
While the negative views of many about the state of the civil justice system
is apparent, there is in fact a dearth of research investigating
civil case
progression that supports or negates these views. Just like the anecdotal views
reported above, the majority of research
on the issue of delay in civil
proceedings has focussed on whether participants in the court system (lawyers,
judges, court administrators,
and litigants), and the general public,
perceive that civil cases take too long to progress through the system.
As with the views above, this research demonstrates that civil litigation
considered by most to take too long, and that delay adds unnecessarily to the
hardship, both financial and emotional, experienced
by litigants. For example,
in a 2006 survey conducted by
* Professional Practice Fellow, Faculty of Law, University of Otago.
† Dean and Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Otago. The authors
would like to gratefully acknowledge the generous grant provided
by the New Zealand Law Foundation that enabled this research to be
undertaken. The authors would also like to acknowledge our research
assistant Rachel Laing for her work on this project. Further, the authors
wish to thank the Ministry of Justice for preparing the raw data for this
paper, and members of the profession and Judiciary who gave us helpful
insights and feedback on drafts.
1 “Civil Litigation in Crisis – What Crisis?” conference held 22 February 2008
in Auckland; “Civil Litigation in Crisis – Beyond the Crisis” conference
held 24 September 2009 in Auckland.
2 For example see, Anthony Grant “Is the High Court’s civil jurisdiction
in ‘a death spiral’? – Part 3” (2010) 153 NZ Lawyer 9.
3 Rob Stock “Civil Justice in Tatters” (2011) Stuff.co.nz Business Day
the Ministry of Justice, 59 per cent of respondents (who were members of the public selected at random) disagreed, or strongly disagreed, with the statement “courts provide services without unnecessary delay”.4
Further, in a recent study of 1,875 adults randomly selected from the electoral role, more than half of them disagreed, or strongly disagreed, that their case would be completed in a reasonable time if they went to court.5 When the Law Commission undertook an in-depth review of the operation of the courts in 2004,6 submissions from individuals, organisations, and law firms expressed widespread dissatisfaction with the duration of court proceedings.7 While this research does not provide concrete data about civil case progression times, it is important, because if individuals perceive that civil cases take too long to resolve in our courts, then it undermines their confidence in the system. In turn, parties may choose another avenue to resolve their dispute,8 or it may put them off pursuing a claim altogether.
The concerns raised above are not unique, with research carried out in other
jurisdictions revealing a perception that civil cases
take too long to be
resolved. For example, recent Australian studies reveal that the public and
members of the legal profession are
highly concerned by the slow pace of civil
proceedings.9 These concerns are also echoed in the United States of
America10 and Canada.11 The civil court systems in the
4 Ministry of Justice Public Perceptions of the New Zealand Court System and Processes (AC Neilsen, Wellington, 2006) at 23. This study was not limited to the civil justice system, but is reflective of the court system as a whole.
5 Saskia Righarts and Mark Henaghan “Public Perceptions of the New
Zealand Court System: An Empirical Approach to Law Reform”(2010)
12 OLR 329 at 337.
6 Law Commission Delivering Justice For All: A Vision for New Zealand Courts
and Tribunals (NZLC R85, 2004).
7 Law Commission Seeking Solutions: Options for Change to the New Zealand
Court System (NZLC PP52, 2002) at 21–22.
8 John Green recently established the “New Zealand Dispute Resolution
Centre” in response to the efficiency concerns in the civil jurisdiction.
This Centre offers litigants an alternative avenue from formal court
proceedings for resolving their disputes and offers a wide range of
mediation and arbitration services. See Darise Bennington “New Zealand
Dispute Resolution Centre opens to respond to litigation crisis” (2010)
9 See for example: Annette Marfording and Ann Eyland “Civil Litigation in
New South Wales: Empirical and Analytical Comparisons with Germany”
(2010) 28 UNSWLRS at 129; Rachel Callinan “Court Delays in NSW: Issues
and Developments” (Briefing Paper No 1/02, 2002).
10 See for example: John Beisner “Discovering a Better Way: The Need for
Effective Civil Litigation Reform” (2010) 60 Duke LJ at 549; John Zhou
“Determinants of Delay in Litigation: Evidence and Theory (paper
presented to the American Law and Economics Annual Meeting, New
York, May, 2008).
11 Ronit Dinovitzer and Jeffrey Leon “When Long Becomes Too Long: Legal
Culture and Litigators’ Views on Long Civil Trials” (2001) 19 Windsor
Y B Access Just 106 at 107; See Canadian Bar Association Report of
Kingdom are also perceived to involve unnecessary delays. In England, a 1996 report by Lord Woolf on the civil justice system in England and Wales concluded that the system was “too slow in bringing cases to a conclusion”.12 As a consequence of this report a series of reforms were introduced in 1999 to address the issues of delay and cost. The effect that the Woolf reforms has had on cost and efficiency of civil litigation remains a issue of debate, but a 2005 follow-up report (which tends to be the prevailing view) concluded that the reforms have improved the pace of proceedings, but have become more costly for many litigants.13
While the view that the civil justice system is sluggish is based primarily on anecdotal evidence and perceptions research, it is important that courts deal with (and are also perceived to deal with) civil disputes in a timely manner as lengthy litigation can have many negative effects. First, there is the emotional and financial cost of protracted litigation (both directly in the form of legal fees, and indirectly in the form of opportunity costs). Second, evidence may become unavailable or less useful over time, and witnesses may forget, move away, or pass away. Third, in a broad sense, the perception that cases take longer than necessary to proceed through the system has a negative impact on public confidence in the justice system.
Given the negative impression many individuals have of the
New Zealand civil justice system, we sought to examine how long cases actually
take to be resolved. The data in the figures that follow are for civil cases
disposed since 2005.14 Detailed below for both of the above courts
is the median time it takes a subset of civil cases to be disposed and the total
of cases in the specific categories we analysed.15 For
Canadian Bar Association: Task Force on Systems of Civil Justice (Canadian Bar Association, Ottawa, 1996) at 12, in which a survey of lawyers indicated that the areas of civil justice in most need of reform were the affordability of dispute resolution, followed by the speed with which cases are resolved.
12 Lord Woolf Access to Justice: Final Report to the Lord Chancellor on the Civil
Justice System in England and Wales (HMSO, 1996) at 2 of Overview.
13 Department for Constitutional Affairs The management of civil cases: the
courts and post-Woolf landscape (DCA Research Series 9/05, 2005) at iii.
14 This data was provided to us by the Ministry of Justice and was extracted
from their Case Management system (CMS). While the data presented
provides the most accurate picture of time to disposal for general civil
proceedings, as the Ministry does not usually report the data in this way,
the data is provided with the caveat that it may be subject to revision or
15 The median length data was calculated from the time of filing in the court
to the time they were resolved (at trial, settlement or withdrawn). Notices
of Discontinuance are not always filed immediately after resolution,
and in some cases can be filed many months after a case has in fact been
resolved. As such, the data provided are likely to show the median time
to resolution being longer than what it really is. The data is not
the High Court (which has primary jurisdiction for civil cases where the claim exceeds $200,000), the data only includes cases that were originally initiated by a statement of claim or notice of proceeding. For the District Court (which has primary jurisdiction for civil cases where the quantum of the claim is less than $200,000), the data presented is for disposed cases originally filed by a statement of claim or a notice of claim (from 1
November 2009).16 Consequently, the data presented in this paper
only represents a portion of overall civil proceedings that are dealt with by
courts (for example appeals, judicial reviews and bankruptcy cases are not
included). The resolution date is calculated as either
the date when the court
was informed by lawyers/parties that the case had settled during the process
(notice of discontinuance, or
enquiries from the court), the date of the
hearing, or the date that summary judgment was entered. The data is averaged for
year and separated into two categories: those that resolve prior to the
allocation of a hearing date, and those that resolve after
a hearing date has
been allocated.17
High Court Data
Figure 1: National Data for the number of cases initiated by statement of
claim or notice of proceeding disposed each year in the
High Court.
#!!(" #!!%" #!!)" #!!&" #!!*" #!'!"
down by procedural steps/events, nor is it broken down into different categories of civil actions. The data has, however, been separated into two distinct categories – those that are resolved prior to the allocation of a hearing date, and those that are resolved after the allocation of a hearing date.
16 The Disputes Tribunal is the primary forum for small disputes in New
Zealand, and hears civil cases up to a monetary value of $15,000 (or
$20,000 with both parties consent).
17 Matters are set down for hearing by judicial direction in accordance with
the District and High Court Rules, with the majority set down at the
second preliminary conference. Further, for many of the cases that resolve
prior to the allocation of a hearing date, judicial time is spent managing
these cases. The data in this category will include for instance cases dealt
with by way of summary judgment.
The above figure shows a steady increase in the number of these types of
cases that have been disposed of by the High Court, with
an increase from 1,295
in 2005, to 2,024 cases disposed in 2010 (an increase of 56 per cent). The
substantial increase in the number
of cases disposed in this jurisdiction
indicates, contrary to the views of some in the profession,18 that
the utilisation of the civil courts is not declining.19 Further, the
figure above shows the bulk of these cases were resolved prior to the allocation
of a hearing date with 84 per cent (1,706)
of cases last year falling into this
Figure 2: National Data for the median number of days from filing to resolution
in the High Court
$!!'" $!!(" $!!)" $!!*" $!!+" $!#!"
Over the past six years the median time20 it take cases to be resolved that are yet to be allocated a hearing date has being steadily tracking down from an average of 210 days in 2005, to 136 days in 2010. In contrast, for the cases that proceed to the point of being allocated hearing dates, the average time it takes for these cases to be resolved has remained relatively constant, from an average of 483 days in 2005, to 504 days in
2010. The median time these cases take to resolve has remained constant in
recent years despite the fact that the High Court has been
experiencing an
increase in the applications of cases that are complex (such as social welfare
claims, leaky homes claims).21
18 For example see Grant, above n 2, at 9.
19 Data shows (as it would naturally follow from the data above) that the
number of civil court filings have similarly increased over this period of
time, from 1,306 in 2005, to 2,168 in 2010, an increase in civil filings in the
High Court of 66 per cent.
20 The median value represents the value that is the mid-point of the data
21 Cases such as leaky homes and social welfare cases are more complex than
others because they often involve multiple parties, are high value, the
issues in dispute are complex, and the law surrounding them is
District Court Data
Figure 3: National data for the number of cases initiated by statement of
claim or notice of claim (from 1 November 2009) disposed
of each year in the
District Court.
%!!#" %!!'" %!!(" %!!)" %!!*" %!$!"
The past six years has seen a steady decrease in the number of these
specific types of cases disposed in the District Court, from 31,486 in
2005, to 21,909 in 2010 (a decrease of 30 per cent). Further, most of these
types of cases in the District Court do not proceed to the point where
they are allocated a hearing date, with only 277 (one per cent) of cases
last year falling into this category. The substantial decline in the number
of cases disposed in the District Court is opposite to the trend observed
in the High Court. Substantial changes were made to the District Court
rules of procedure which came into force in 2009.22 While there has been
some ancedotal reports23 from the profession that these reforms have not
been effective in their aims to reduce delay and cost, the number of civil
cases disposed by the District Court has been tracking down since 2005.
While it is beyond the scope of this paper to investigate the reasons for
this marked decline, this data does lend some support to the view that
for claims under $200,000 litigants are turning to other forms of dispute
22 District Court Rules 2009, see in particular R 1.3 which states the purpose of the rules changes “is to secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of any proceeding or interlocutory application”.
23 For example, comments made by some members of
the profession at a forum entitled “Managing the High Court’s Civil
A Forum for Judges and the Profession” (Dunedin, 24 August 2011)
expressed the view that the recent District Court changes
have been problematic
and have not improved the rate of progression of civil cases and the manner in
which they are managed.
Figure 4: National Data for the median number of days from filing to resolution
in the District Court.
$!!'" $!!(" $!!)" $!!*" $!!+" $!#!"
For those cases that were resolved prior to the allocation of a hearing date
in 2010, they took an average of 232 days (approximately
eight months) to
resolve.24 For the small percentage that proceed to the point of
being allocated a hearing date, the average time it takes for these cases to
resolved has decreased from 543 days in 2005 to 521 days in 2010. As many cases
disposed of last year were filed before the rule
changes took effect, the impact
of the rule changes will not be reflected in the 2010 data presented
Summary of the main trends
In summary, for the District and High Court, most civil cases initiated by
statement of claim or notice of proceeding do not proceed
to the point of being
allocated hearing dates and are resolved relatively quickly. Nationally in the
High Court last year, those
cases resolved prior to the allocation of a hearing
date were resolved in a median time of 136 days (accounting for 84 per cent of
these specific types of cases disposed), with the remaining that proceeded to
the point of being allocated hearing dates taking a
median of 504 days to
resolve (accounting for 16 per cent of these types of cases disposed last year).
This data would seem to suggest
that many cases are resolved within the
quidelines set down by the Rules Committee in the mid 1990s (that 75 per cent of
cases be
disposed of within 52 weeks of filing, 90 per cent within 65 per cent
24 Anecdotal evidence suggests that lawyers do not
routinely file notices of discontinuance in a timely manner in District Court
and often it is discovered that the proceedings have come to an end
only after enquiries from the Court. As such, this data likely
the true time it takes to resolve these cases.
100 per cent within 78 weeks). 25 26 However, given the median length of time is 504 days for those that proceed to the point of being allocated a hearing date(s), clearly a small porportion are failing outside the desired upper limit of 78 weeks for resolution. Further despite a substantial increase in disposal rates (and correspondingly filing rates), there has been no similar increase in overall median disposal times, suggesting increasing efficiency.
In the District Court, those cases that were resolved prior to the allocation
of a hearing date were resolved in a median of 232 days
last year (accounting
for 99 per cent of the cases) with those allocated hearing dates taking 543 days
on median to resolve (accounting
for one per cent of the cases). Unlike the
trend observed in the High Court, however, there has been a substantial decline
in civil
disposal rates in this court.
III Why are some cases slower to progress than others?
Overall, the data presented above would indicate a large proportion of civil
cases are resolved in a relatively timely manner, but
a small subset are slow to
proceed. Further research is required to examine the nature of these cases and
why they are slow to resolve,
but based on anecdotal evidence these are likely
to be the complex (whether legally complex, or complex due to the parties’
and lawyers’ motivations) and high value claims. While the data above
raises some concerns, the lack of empirical research
in New Zealand means that
it is impossible to know exactly what kind of cases are slow to resolve and why.
There are many factors
that are likely to have an influence on the pace of civil
litigation, and it is important that no factor is looked at in isolation
the justice system as a whole. While the specific causes of slow progression
times for some cases in New Zealand is unknown,
research from other
jurisdictions can inform us of the possible reasons for slow
Lack of judicial control over proceedings
Research from overseas, and in particular from the United States, repeatedly
identifies early and continuous judicial control over
proceedings as a crucial
factor in reducing case progression times. For example, in a 1988 study of trial
courts in New Jersey, Colorado
and California, the judicial characteristics that
were considered by lawyers
25 The Rules Committee is a statutory body comprised of senior members of the Judiciary, the Attorney-General, the Solicitor-General, and representatives from the Ministry of Justice and the profession. This body was established by virtue of 51B of the Judicature Act 1908, and is responsible for overseeing and reforming when necessary the procedural rules in the District, High, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court.
26 However, see John Hansen “Courts
Administration, the Judiciary and the Efficient Delivery of Justice [2007] OtaLawRw 2; (2008) 11
Otago Law Review 351 at 353, for an opposing viewpoint, that even though the
timeframes set down by the Rules Committee have been shown to be achievable,
“few hearings are held within those timeframes”.
and judges to have the greatest influence on trial length included
decisiveness, the extent to which a judge exercises control over
the trial, and
whether other docket matters are allowed to interrupt a trial.27 This
finding is supported by research from Australia which suggests that timely
dispute resolution is put most at risk when litigants
and their advocates are
allowed to control the pace of proceedings, largely because slowing down
proceedings may be in the interests
of one of the parties (and thus used as a
tactic),28 or in the interests of the lawyers.29 Although
New Zealand already has a case management system in place,30 there
are other ways in which the powers of judges to move cases expeditiously through
the court process can be augmented. In a recent
Australian study, it is noted
that because party control over proceedings is so entrenched, effective case
management might only
be achieved by statutory reform obliging, rather than
merely empowering, judges to control the pace of proceedings.31
Other possible solutions include obliging judges to refuse requests for
adjournments where counsel are not prepared and do not have
a good reason for
not being prepared, or imposing sanctions on counsel for causing unnecessary
delay. Given the concerns over civil
case progression times, the judiciary are
presently investigating changes to the judicial case management practice in New
These proposed reforms are discussed in the next section.
Discovery processes
Overseas research frequently cites discovery processes as a major factor that contributes to delay, especially in large commercial disputes.32
Overseas research has also demonstrated that the discovery process is
becoming increasingly complex, which in turn, increases the
time it takes to
resolve cases. The complexity of the discovery process is argued to be largely a
result of the electronic era and
the increasing complexity of commercial
transactions, resulting in a large number of documents that are discoverable in
civil disputes.33 Given the quantities of documents that are
discoverable in High Court cases under current New Zealand discovery
rules,34 this process inevitably will add to the time it
27 Dale Sipes and Mary Oram “On Trial: The Length of Civil and Criminal Trials” (National Center for State Courts, Virginia, 1988) at 53–54. See also Steven Gensler “Judicial Case Management: Caught in the Crossfire” (2010) 60 DLJ at 669-744.
28 Callinan, above n 9, at 25.
29 Marfording and Eyland, above n 9, at 293.
30 The rollout of the Case Management System (CMS) to all District Courts
was completed in 2003. Ministry of Justice “Report of the Ministry
of Justice Baseline Review” (2004) <http://www.courts.govt.nz/
31 Marfording and Eyland, above n 9, at 295.
32 See for example Beisner, above n 10, at 563-581.
33 Ibid, at 550.
34 Judicature (High Court Rules) Amendment Act 2008, Rule 8.18
cases to progress through the system. However, given the concerns that have
been raised about discovery processes in New Zealand,
reforms aimed to reduce
delays and cost of discovery will be implemented in New Zealand in 2012. These
reforms are discussed in the
next section.
Demand on court resources
In New Zealand, while some specialisation occurs at the District Court level (for example, judicial warrants are issued are issued for family, civil, youth and jury hearings), judicial time is divided between the civil and criminal jurisdictions. For example, in the High Court, 34 per cent of judicial sitting time is spent on civil cases, 34 per cent in criminal cases, with the remaining spent on other categories of cases such as appeals (civil and criminal) and applications for judicial review.35 Given that court resources are finite, it is inevitable that the demand on court resources in other areas will have an impact on the judicial time that can be devoted to hearing civil cases. For example, estimated hearing days for criminal trials increased from 1,349 in 2006, to 1,993 in 2010, and as a consequence more judicial time has to be dedicated to hearing these cases.36 It may be tempting to argue that simply adding more judges will result in greater efficiency in the civil jurisdiction. American researchers, however, have discovered that the consequences of reducing court congestion in this way are counter-intuitive; freeing up court time may provide an incentive for more people to file claims, thus increasing (or at least not decreasing) the demand on court resources.37 It has even been suggested that reducing the number of cases per judge may result in a reduction in productivity of existing judges.38 Therefore, it follows that reforms in the civil justice jurisdiction ought to focus on making the use of existing court resources more efficient. Increase in case complexity
Some commentators argue that civil cases take longer to resolve than they did in the past as litigation has become increasingly more complex.39
The reasons for this perceived or real increase in litigation complexity,
however, is less clear. Changes in technology (such as the
use of emails
increasing number of documents potentially discoverable; large multi- company
and international business agreements),
uncertainties in the
that that parties must make an affidavit of all documents that are in (or
have been) in their possession that relate to the proceedings in question.
35 Forrest Miller “Managing the High Court’s Civil Caseload: A Forum for
Judges and the Profession” at paragraph 18. (Paper presented to members
of the legal profession, Dunedin, New Zealand, 24 August 2011).
36 Ministry of Justice “High Court Workload: December 2010” (2010)
37 Thomas Church and others Pretrial Delay: A Review and Bibliography
(National Center for State Courts, Virginia, 1978) at 20; See also George
Priest “The Simple Economics of Civil Procedure” (1999-2000) 9 Kansas
Journal of Law & Public Policy 389.
38 Church and others, above n 37 at 20.
39 Hansen, above n 26, at 359.
law itself and even perhaps lawyer behaviour (defensive lawyering, and lack
of litigation experience resulting in exacerbation of
the complexity of the
legal issue at hand) may all contribute. Several studies from overseas found
that case complexity is a factor
influencing court delay in civil trials.40
However, some researchers have concluded that case complexity is not a
significant factor, and that the courts which process simple
cases quickly, also
process more complex cases quickly.41 More investigation is needed
into the nature and extent of complex civil cases in New Zealand and whether
specific reforms are required
to better manage the progression of these types of
cases through the court system.
Lack of judicial specialisation
It is been argued that the lack of judicial specialisation in New Zealand courts is a factor that slows civil disputes progressing through the court system.42 The main arguments in favour of specialisation are that it will improve efficiency and also the quality of judicial decision-making.43
These arguments, which are well versed in the international literature,
however are yet to receive robust empirical validation.44 Despite
this fact, the view that specialisation naturally results in enhanced efficiency
and quality is one of the main reasons why
some individuals are advocating for
the establishment of a specialist commercial court in New Zealand. For example,
Barrister Anthony
Grant believes that the highly technical nature of many civil
disputes entails that “the age of the generalist has passed”,45
and suggests that litigants are wary of generalist judges, causing them to
opt for alternative dispute resolution procedures such
as specialist
arbitration.46 Anecdotal evidence suggests litigants are
increasingly choosing this option over formal court procedures, despite the
risks involved
in forgoing trying the dispute in court, such as limited rights
of appeal. However, there is also strong opposition to judicial specialisation
as a solution to improve civil case progression times on the basis that it risks
the impartiality of a judge’s assessment of
an individual case.47
Further, one has to question whether a country the size
40 Sipes and Oram, above n 27, at 37; Callinan above n 9, at 23.
41 Steven Flanders and Others Case Management and Court Management in
United States District Courts (FJC-R-77-6-1, 1977) at 18–19.
42 For example this was a view expressed by members of profession at the
“Civil Litigation in Crisis – Beyond the Crisis” Conference above n 1.
43 Lawrence Baum “Probing the Effects of Judicial Specialization” (2009)
58 Duke Law Journal 1667 at 1676; Marfording and Eyland above n 9, at
44 For example see Baum above n 43, at 1668-1684; Lawrence Baum “Judicial
specialization, litigant influence, and substantive policy: The court of
customs and patent appeals” (1976-1977) 11 LSR 823; Jeffrey Stempel
“Two cheers for judicial specialization” (2005) 61 BLR 67.
45 Grant, above n 2, at 9.
46 Ibid.
47 Lawrence Baum “Probing the Effects of Judicial Specialization” (2009) 58
DLJ 1667 at 1678.
of New Zealand has the resources to have specialist judges, and whether the
lack of specialisation is actually a significant factor
in slowing cases
progressing through the system.
Counsel behaviour
Research unequivocally shows that the style and work habits of lawyers have a
significant influence on the duration of civil proceedings.
inexperienced counsel may raise their client’s hopes of success in the
proceedings, and only come to a more reasoned
view of their client’s
chances of success well into the proceedings, when much time (and money) has
been spent. However, the
conclusions of overseas researchers do not always point
in the same direction. While some studies suggest that counsel inexperience
causes an increase in trial duration,48 it has also been
posited that inexperienced lawyers may settle more often than more experienced
lawyers and may therefore actually
reduce delay.49 Reforms aimed at
increasing counsel competency may include introducing a certification process
for trial advocates, ongoing and mandatory
continuing legal education, providing
courts with the power to order barristers to meet the whole or part of any
wasted costs, and
imposing on counsel a “duty to cooperate”.50
However, caution must be exercised when considering imposing duties and
liabilities on lawyers, because of the risk of encouraging
lawyering”,51 which will undoubtedly slow proceedings even
Local legal culture
“Local legal culture” refers to informal court system attitudes,
practices, expectations, practitioner incentives, and
professional courtesy. In
New Zealand our current legal procedures and behaviour are not necessarily
geared towards efficiency. In
fact, some of the obligations on legal counsel may
result in defensive lawyering, which in turn may prolong court procedures. For
example, Rule 13 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and
Client Care) Rules 2008 (“The Rules”)52
48 Ronit Dinovitzer and Jeffrey S Leon “When Long Becomes Too Long: Legal Culture and Litigators’ Views on Long Civil Trials” (2001) 19 Windsor Y B Access Just 106 at 138.
49 Hans Zeisel “Court Delay and the Bar: A Rejoinder” (1969) 53 Judicature
111 at 113.
50 Christopher Finlayson “Counsel’s Duty to Cooperate – Achieving
Efficiency and Fairness in Litigation” (Speech at New Zealand Bar
Association Conference, 12 September 2009); Toby Futter “The proposed
‘duty to cooperate’ in civil litigation: Are things really that bad?” (2010)
51 Grant, above n 2, at 9.
52 These are the rules, made in accordance with the Lawyers and
Conveyancers Act 2006, which govern solicitors’ and barristers’
obligations of practice in New Zealand. A breach of these rules may result
in a complaint been made to the New Zealand Law Society, who have the
power to impose certain binding sanctions (for example, order a
states that:
The overriding duty of a lawyer acting in litigation is to the court concerned. Subject to this, the lawyer has a duty to act in the best interests of his or her client without regard for the personal interests of the lawyer.
Similarly, Rule 13.3 states:
Subject to the lawyer ’s overriding duty to the court, a lawyer must
obtain and follow a client’s instructions on significant
decisions in
respect of the conduct of litigation. Those instructions should be taken after
the client is informed by the lawyer
of the nature of the decisions to be made
and the consequences of them.
Further, given the obligations on counsel to keep their clients informed of the litigation and the requirement that they discuss alternatives to litigation (Rule 13.4), some counsel may understandably take an overly cautious approach to the case. Such caution may not enable the issues in dispute to be identified early, and for the case to proceed at a faster pace.
However, barristers and solicitors have an overriding duty to the court, and
they must facilitate the administration of justice (Rule 2). It is often
mentioned in the literature that the support of professionals from within the
court system is essential to the success
of reforms aimed at reducing civil case
processing time.53 That is, externally imposed reforms will only be
effective if the local legal culture responds to the changes and is committed to
instituting them. For example, Geoff Davies has warned that there may be a
subconscious reluctance on the part of lawyers (due to
their adversarial
mindset, legal training, and perception of litigation as a business) to embrace
reforms, which they perceive will
reduce the fees they are able to
charge.54 Further, John Hansen argues that New Zealand’s
implementation of its Case Management System has achieved “only limited
success” because not all judges, administrators and lawyers have embraced
the system.55 On the other hand, several overseas studies suggest
that case progression times can be improved where lawyers, judges and court
all share the goal and expectation of reducing delay.56
It is, therefore, important that reforms aimed at improving case
processing times be accompanied by initiatives
apology, order payment of a fine, order the lawyer be struck off the roll
and barred from practising).
53 For example, see Ronit Dinovitzer and Jeffrey S Leon “When Long
Becomes Too Long: Legal Culture and Litigators’ Views on Long Civil
Trials” (2001) 19 Windsor Y B Access Just 106 at 113.
54 Geoff Davies “Civil Justice Reform: Why We Need To Question Some
Basic Assumptions” (2006) 25 CJQ 32.
55 Hansen above n 26, at 356.
56 Barry Mahoney Changing Times in Trial Courts: Caseflow Management and
Delay Reduction in Urban Trial Courts (National Center for State Courts,
Virginia, 1988) at 197-205; Horace Gilmore “Comment Upon ‘The “Old”
and “New” Conventional Wisdom of Court Delay” (1982) 7 The Justice
System Journal 413 at 415; Steven Flanders “Modelling Court Delay”
(1980) 2 Law & Policy Quarterly 305 at 316.
focused on creating a legal culture that is supportive of delay reduction
IV Current reform initiatives
The issue of perceived (or real) delays in resolving civil disputes is not a
new one. In fact, the Judiciary and the Rules Committee
has been investigating
for a period of time how to improve the efficiency of the civil justice system.
While much speculation remains
about what causes protracted litigation in some
cases, two causes that are frequently cited in the literature are discovery
and case management practices. As such, two of the major areas of
reform currently being investigated are changes in the discovery
procedures and
judicial case management procedures.
Discovery processes
Given the concerns about the inefficiency of current civil discovery processes, significant changes are being implemented in 2012 with the aim of improving the quality of discovery and reducing the time it takes and the cost to litigants. These reforms, which have been developed by the Rules Committee over a period of time since 2002 and with significant input from the profession, arose over concern about the Peruvian Guano “train of enquiry” test used in New Zealand.57 This test stipulates that every document that is either directly or indirectly capable of supporting or harming a parties’ case, or which may lead to a “train of inquiry” that would support or harm a parties’ case, is discoverable. This test, therefore, results in many documents being discovered that are peripheral to the issue(s) in dispute. Time and money is expended not only in collating these documents, but also in the other side sifting through them and locating those that are relevant to the dispute. As such, other countries in the commonwealth have abandoned the Peruvian Guano “train of enquiry” discovery test. For example, the United Kingdom has opted for an “adverse documents” test, where only documents that that are relied on by parties’ to advance their case and those that are detrimental to the case are discoverable.58 However, despite these changes overseas there are anecdotal reports that the change in the discovery test has had little or no effect in streamlining discovery processes, as counsel behaviour has not changed, nor has it been enforced upon them.59
In light of developments overseas and concerns with the process in New
Zealand, the changes that have been approved by the Rules Committee
(High Court
Amendment Rules (No 2) 2011) will result in all counsel providing initial
disclosure when pleadings are submitted. These
57 Compagnie Financiere du Pacifique v The Peruvian Guano Co (1882) 11 QB
58 The United Kingdom has, however, retained the right of judges to order
a “train of inquiry” test in cases where it is deemed necessary.
59 Lord Rupert Jackson “Review of Civil Litigation Costs: Final Report”
(Report for the Ministry of Justice, England,
pleadings must include all the documents referred to in the pleading and documents they will rely on (if in counsel’s possession). At the first case management conference, an order for either standard or specific disclosure will be made. Standard disclosure requires counsel to disclose all documents that they rely on (or another party relies on) to support their case, and documents that adversely affect their case (or another parties’ case). Alternatively, a judge may order specific disclosure, where the order may be for more or less documents to be disclosed than the requirements of standard discovery, depending on the facts of the case.60
The discovery reforms also will enable the electronic listing and exchange of
documents. Finally, under Rule 8.2 counsel will have
a duty to co- operate in
the discovery process. These reforms represent a significant change, and one if
embraced by the profession,
should improve the efficiency of the discovery
process, and in turn, the pace of civil litigation.
Case management
The second major reform is the proposed changes to the present case
management procedures in the High Court. Judicial case management
was introduced
into New Zealand in the 1990s as it was seen as necessary to increase the speed
at which cases progress, aided by
judicial monitoring of compliance with
procedural orders and litigation processes. Despite having a case management
system in place,
concerns have been raised about its effectiveness as a large
proportion of case management is largely being left to legal counsel.61
For example, there are anecdotal reports that compliance with discovery
orders is often not enforced until the courts hear complaints
from frustrated
legal counsel.62 The problem with case progression being
lawyer-driven is that the goals of a lawyer (such as lack of time due to
overloading themselves
with other case commitments, purposeful delay tactics on
instruction of the client – or themselves – to force the other
to abandon the case or settle), are not always commiserate with aiding the
administration of the courts and assisting with
the speedy resolution of a case.
While there is debate about whether active judicial case management does
actually facilitate litigation
process, and whether it is an appropriate role
for a judge, the prevailing view is that judicial case management is vital to
that cases proceed in a timely manner.63
60 See The Rules Committee “Draft Rules on Discovery (v 1.18) – High Court Amendment Rules (No 2) 2011” (2011) Courts of New Zealand Rules Committee <http://www.courtsofnz.govt.nz/about/system/ rules_committee/consultation/High-Court-Amendment-Rules-No-1-
2011-to-accompany.pdf> for the new rules on discovery.
61 Miller, above at n 35, at paragraph 22.
62 For example several members of the profession at the “Civil Litigation in
Crisis – Beyond the Crisis” Conference, above n 1, commented that this
was a factor slowing case progression.
63 Sipes and Oram, above n 27, at 53–54. But see Steven Gensler “Judicial
Case Management: Caught in the Crossfire” 60 DLJ at 670-743 for a
discussion of the pitfalls of having highly prescriptive judicial
Given concerns about delays in obtaining civil trial dates in Auckland, the Chief High Court Judge Justice Winkelmann commissioned research on the progression of a subset of 330 civil cases resolved between 2008 and 2009.64 The main finding of this research was that cases settle predominately against the trial date, with the majority of cases that are resolved in this manner settling in the period between when the trial date is confirmed and the date of the hearing.65 As a consequence, changes have already been implemented to increase loading rates (the number of cases assigned to the same trial dates), with the knowledge that only a few will eventually proceed to trial, with the remaining settling. This change has already resulted in a substantial decrease in waiting lists for short cause cases (where predicted trial length is five days or less) in both Auckland and Wellington.66 Based on their work, and input from the profession, the Judiciary and the Rules Committee have identified that early identification of the issues in dispute is essential to promote efficient case resolution. As such, several changes are being proposed in an effort to promote efficiency. These include moving the first conference date out to between 10 and 12 weeks after filing (to allow parties to make progress before the conference), setting down a trial date at the first conference for the majority of cases, making issue identification a key component of the judicial conference(s), for complex cases establishing an “issues conference” where the issues are clearly identified and tested, and closer management of timetabling and compliance with procedural steps.67
These proposed reforms, combined with the changes to the discovery process,
represent the biggest changes in the management of civil
cases since case
management was first introduced. While these proposed reforms represent a bold
step forward, their success will
rely on a fundamental shift in counsels’
litigation attitude and behaviour. To this end, overseas jurisdictions that have
battled to improve the civil justice system have discovered that it
can be difficult to modify ingrained behaviours and attitudes.
V Conclusion
Research from court users and opinions expressed by some among the profession
raise serious concerns about the pace of civil litigation
in New Zealand. The
data presented in this paper, however, paints rather a different picture. In
particular, it appears that this
perception is
management practices.
64 Two High Court Judges, Miller and Venning JJ conducted this research.
65 Forrest Miller “Civil Case Management” (paper delivered to LEADR
Conference, Wellington, November 2010).
66 Miller, above n 35, at paragraph 72.
67 Members of the Judiciary are presently conducting consultation about
these proposed changes with the profession. For a discussion of the
Case Management project presently underway see The Rules Committee
“Committee Minutes - 21 February” (2011) Courts of New Zealand
Rules Committee <http://www.courtsofnz.govt.nz/about/system/
not completely borne out as many cases are resolved in a fairly timely
manner, and only a subset appears to be slow to resolve. Given
the dearth of
empirical evidence that plagues this field, however, we can only speculate to
the causes of slow resolution for some
cases. While significant reforms in this
area should improve the efficiency of the civil justice system, further research
is clearly
needed to understand the dynamics of civil case resolution,
particularly the factors that hamper or aid case resolution. Further
work is
also required to understand why civil disposal rates in the District Court have
declined by 30 per cent since 2005, a figure
on face value that tends to
indicate those with lower end claims are turning away from the courts to other
forms of dispute resolution.
While it is critical that our civil justice system
is efficient and is one the public has confidence and faith in, case progression
is only one measure of performance. There is a point at which a focus on speed
and efficiency undermines the just and fair determination
of a dispute, and
future reforms and research in this area must always bear this principle in
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