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[2010] UMonashLRS 8
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Groves, M --- "Treaties and Legitimate Expectations - The Rise and Fall of Teoh in Australia" [2010] UMonashLRS 8
Last Updated: 14 October 2011
Treaties and Legitimate Expectations – The Rise and Fall of Teoh
in Australia
This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article
which has been published in final form at:
- In
an earlier edition of this journal, Sanjay Patel argued that unincorporated
treaties could and should provide the foundation for
legitimate expectations by
individuals seeking judicial review of administrative
action.[1] This
suggestion drew support from the decision of the High Court of Australia in
Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs v Teoh [1995] HCA 20 (1995)
183 CLR 273. That case broke new ground by holding that an unincorporated
treaty could found a legitimate expectation that administrative officials
normally act in accordance with the terms of the treaty. Teoh’s
case appeared to signal a greater recourse to both legitimate expectations and
treaties in administrative decision making but was
soon overtaken in Australian
by wider constitutional issues in Minister for Immigration and Ethnic
Affairs; Ex parte Lam [2003] HCA 6 (2003) 214 CLR 1. In that case the High
Court of Australia strongly doubted both Teoh and the doctrine of
legitimate expectations that underpinned it, though it seemed mainly concerned
to ward off any recourse to the
substantive variant of the legitimate
expectation that was accepted in R v North and East Devon Health Authority;
Ex parte Coughlan [2001] 1 QB 213. Teoh was thus left in limbo in
its country of origin, yet it continues to attract interest in other
- This
article examines the Australian response to Teoh and explains why the
case waned in Australia. It will be argued that the government and judicial
responses to Teoh are contradictory and have failed to confront the
central questions posed by Teoh. The article also explains why any
substantive version of legitimate expectations remains beyond the reach of
Australian courts.
Legitimate expectations of both the procedural and
substantive kind have become casualties of a much wider constitutional battle.
The courts appear to have won the day and secured the central elements of their
supervisory role but they have ceded territory in
areas such as legitimate
Teoh and its aftermath
- Legitimate
expectations appeared to become redundant in the immediate years before Teoh
with the adoption by the High Court of an expansive principle that the rules
of natural justice would apply to the exercise of any public power that
might “destroy, defeat or prejudice a person's rights, interests or
At the same time, the High Court adopted an increasingly strict approach to
legislative attempts to limit of exclude the rules of
justice.[3] The result
was that principles governing the implication of any duty to observe natural
justice and its possible exclusion were
both settled by the adoption of
presumptions weighted in favour of individuals challenging government
decisions.[4] The
legitimate expectation provided a useful device to strengthen otherwise weak
claims to specific procedural rights or natural
justice more generally but that
function appeared to be overtaken by the adoption of a more holistic approach
which simply assumed
that fairness was presumed to apply and instead asked what
it might require in the
- Teoh
was an unlikely vehicle to revisit the legitimate expectation. Mr Teoh
freely admitted he had never heard of the Convention on the
Rights of the Child
and also that the decision maker had neither adopted a policy nor made a
representation based upon the Convention.
A majority of the High Court instead
accepted that the mere ratification of the Convention was sufficient to create a
expectation that public officials would normally act in accordance
with the Convention. This expectation was held to apply when
officials proposed
to act contrary to the Convention, to require that people affected be given
notice of this intention and a chance
to argue against
it.[6] Mason CJ and
Deane J reasoned that such an expectation could arise because:
“...ratification of a convention is a positive statement by
the executive government of this country to the world and to the
people that the executive government and its agencies will act in accordance
with the Convention. That positive statement
is an adequate foundation for a
legitimate expectation, absent statutory of executive indications to the
contrary, that administrative
decision-makers will act in conformity with the
On this view, ratification of an international instrument was a sufficiently
clear and serious statement to both the international
community and the
Australian public to support a legitimate expectation. It might differ in
character to the behaviour that had
traditionally supported a legitimate
expectation, such as the public promulgation by a minister of an official policy
or the making
of a promise or representation by an agency, but it was deemed to
have the same basic character and should therefore be given the
same basic
- The
sole dissent in Teoh came from McHugh J, who questioned both the effect
given to unincorporated treaties and the coherence of any legitimate expectation
founded upon them. His Honour held that the recognition of a legitimate
expectation would breach rather than simply circumvent the
traditional rule that
treaties gained no domestic force until they were given legislative
effect.[8] McHugh J
also reasoned that any recognition of expectations based upon unincorporated
treaties would essentially enable the executive
to bypass the parliamentary
process and confer a de-facto force upon treaties without the use of
legislation.[9] His
Honour also fired what would prove to be two prophetic salvos at the reliance
the majority judges placed on natural justice.
McHugh doubted that any
legitimate expectation could provide a significant procedural benefit because
the wide application of natural
justice in Australia required officials to
provide notice of any key issue upon which a decision might turn to the
attention of a
person affected and provide an opportunity to respond. In that
case, his Honour reasoned, the legitimate expectation gave way to
the more
practical question of “what does fairness require in all the circumstances
of the
McHugh J also highlighted the circular nature of an expectation in the
circumstances that the majority judges accepted it could
be evaded. Officials
could be required to provide notice that they do not intend to follow a treaty,
which they are not strictly
obliged to follow in any case, to a person who knows
nothing of the treaty that will in any event not be
considered.[11] That
absurd possibility greatly diminishes any claim that Teoh might foster
greater respect for rights or good administration. The discussion of
Lam’s case below will explain that these criticisms of the internal
logic of the legitimate expectation recognised in Teoh eventually gained
- Teoh
is often misunderstood or misused, so it is important to note two key limits
in its reasoning. First, the majority judges rejected
any suggestion that the
novel legitimate expectation they had recognised made the Convention a part of
domestic law or somehow directly
enforceable. They pointedly affirmed the
orthodox principle that international instruments are not directly enforceable
in domestic
law unless and until they are given legislative
effect.[12] The High
Court made clear that ratification of a treaty did not confer it with a direct
or enforceable quality. Any procedural
expectation that administrative
officials would normally act in accordance with the terms of a treaty was
exactly that: a procedural
presumption that could be rebutted generally by the
executive or in particular instances by decision makers. In theory the
of Teoh can be satisfied if decision makers provide notice
that they do not intend to take notice of a principle contained in an
treaty and provide an opportunity to a person affected to argue
why this course should not be taken. The regular suggestion by courts
of other
jurisdictions that Teoh enables a treaty to “be directly
enforceable in domestic
law”[13] or
gives rise to “enforceable”
clearly therefore overstate and oversimplify a central element of the case.
- The
second important feature of Teoh was its uncertain scope. Mason CJ and
Deane J stressed that ratification of a treaty could give rise to a legitimate
“particularly when the instruments evidences internationally
accepted standards to be applied by courts and administrative
authorities in
dealing with basic human rights affecting the family and
In the immediate aftermath of Teoh some commentators argued that this
passage confirmed the limited scope of Teoh and that the step taken by
the majority judges was an incremental rather than radical
step.[16] Upon closer
inspection, the passage quoted is not so limited. It simply states that a
legitimate expectation is more likely to
be triggered by ratification of a
particular form of human rights treaty, but does not disclaim the possibility
that expectations
may arise from other human rights instruments or those outside
the area of human rights. That possible uncertainty provides a major
flaw in
Teoh because there is little to indicate when, why or how expectations
are more or less likely to arise.
- Any
judicial suggestion that legitimate expectations might arise only, or are more
likely to arise from, human rights instruments
is also problematic. Lord Steyn
favoured this view in Re McKerr [2004] UKHL 12 [2004] 1 WLR 807 at [51]
when he noted the “growing support for the view that human rights treaties
enjoy a special status.” Sales and Clement
have argued that the scholarly
authority relied upon by Lord Steyn provided no significant reason of authority
or principle for a
sweeping distinction between human rights and other
treaties.[17] The
absence of judicial authority alone may not preclude the adoption of such a
principle, particularly if judges are able to construct
the first footholds from
scholarly sources. The distinct and more difficult question which arises from
the suggestion by Lord Steyn
and Teoh more generally is upon what basis
judges can judges claim the expertise and authority to categorise international
instruments? Any
attempt to do so by reliance on Teoh would require the
courts to sift through the many ratifications of treaties by the executive to
determine which ones provided a sufficiently
“positive statement” to
require judicial
action.[18] Lord
Steyn’s suggestion would require the equally difficult process of devising
a judicial taxonomy to determine which unincorporated
treaties may have a
domestic effect. Neither option would be attractive.
The aftermath of Teoh
- Teoh
was that rare administrative law case which attracted widespread public
attention. The mostly polemic commentary ranged from one
extreme of complaints
about judicial trashing of the separation powers to the other of bold
predictions on the rebirth of integrity
in government. The real consequences of
the case were far more mundane but had three key features.
(a) The joint Ministerial statements
- The
first was the immediate and sweeping joint statements issued by the federal
Attorney-General and Minister for Foreign Affairs.
These statements sought to
exploit the suggestion of Mason CJ and Deane J the ratification of a treaty
could generate a legitimate
expectation “absent statutory or executive
indications to the
The joint statements did so in bold terms. They declared that the ratification
of a treaty had not ever been and was not now intended
to be capable of
generating any form of legitimate expectation on the part of administrative
officials in the federal
- The
joint statements attracted considerable attention from scholars and the media
but were rarely raised in the courts, which was
surprising in light of the
explosion of migration litigation in the years after Teoh. The joint
statements were never considered by the High Court, so their precise status
remains unsettled but it seems clear they
did not inflict death by press release
upon Teoh. A small number of decisions from the Federal Court of
Australia suggested that an executive statement must be timely and precise
order to stymie any legitimate expectation arising from a treaty. On this view,
any statement must normally be made at or close
Very broad or sweeping statements, such as the attempt by the joint statements
to address every international instrument, may also
not be
sufficient.[22] In
Lam v Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs [2006] FCAFC 184
(2006) 157 FCR 215 at 226 a Full Court of the Federal Court suggested that an
effective executive statement would “need to direct attention to
manner in which decision-makers are required to undertake the task of making
particular decisions.” This reasoning suggests
that the executive
statements must reflect with some precision the environment in which an
expectation they seek to frustrate will
administered.[23] It
also highlights the curious result that ratification of a treaty may be deemed
to create an expectation in general terms which
could only be removed by much
more precisely focussed behaviour by the executive.
- The
issue of a joint statement by two government ministers highlights a neglected
aspect of Teoh that recently divided the House of Lords in another
legitimate expectation case. In R v (BAPIO Action Ltd) v SSHD [2008]
UKHL 47 [2008] 1 AC 1003 Lord Scott suggested that a legitimate expectation
could normally only be constructed by use of a decision-maker’s own
conduct.[24] In other
words, the expectations possibly created by one part of government could not be
raised against another part. Lord Rodger
flatly rejected “not only as a
matter of constitutional theory, but as a matter of substance” the idea
that the “powers,
duties and responsibilities” of government could
be segmented when government was ultimately “a single
The latter approach is surely correct and also consistent with other cases that
have acknowledged the complexity of modern government.
If governments can rely
on that complexity to invite the courts to take a more holistic approach to the
valid exercise of official
authority in cases such as Carltona Ltd v
Commissioners of Works [1943] 2 All ER 560 they can hardly complain when the
courts allow citizens to view government in the same holistic way. Teoh
was notable for treating this assumption as orthodox in the highest levels of
(b) Reform to the parliamentary scrutiny of treaty
- After
Teoh Australia gave serious consideration to denouncing the Convention on
the Rights of the Child so that it could re-enter the Convention
with a
reservation to overcome Teoh. This possibility was dismissed,
albeit with some reluctance, on the ground that denunciation would greatly
damage Australia’s
international reputation.
[26] The Parliament instead reformed
the treaty making process itself, mainly by establishing a Joint Parliamentary
Committee (drawn
from both Houses of Parliament) to advise upon
Australia’s entry into all international agreements. Many commentators
questioned whether the advisory role of the Committee enables it to exert
any real influence over the treaty process, particularly
when its advice is
tendered to the executive which continues to enjoy the same untrammelled
discretion to enter a treaty on the terms
on whatever terms it wishes. The
advisory powers of the Joint Committee also make it powerless to address the
continued habit of
governments to ratify treaties and then largely ignore
- Although
the Joint Committee was plainly intended to improve oversight of the treaty
process it might also inadvertently foster one
part of Teoh, which was
the notion that ratification of a treaty was a solemn statement to the wider
public and not simply a platitudinous official
exercise. That judicial fiction
is harder to deny now that the treaty process is overseen by politicians of all
persuasions and
both chambers of the parliament. On this view, the Joint
Committee may not be toothless. It may instead bite the hand that created
- (c) The
displacement of expectations by detailed guidelines
- In
the aftermath of Teoh the Minister for Immigration promulgated
increasingly detailed guidelines to govern the continued stream of cases similar
to Teoh, namely the deportation of a non-citizen who had been convicted
of substantial criminal offences but who also had significant family
ties to
citizens.[28] It was
eventually accepted that these increasingly detailed documents contained
“such an elaborate regime” they extinguished
any scope for a
legitimate expectation based upon the Convention on the Rights of the
Child.[29] The courts
seemed comfortable with that outcome because the ministerial directions
contained detailed reference to the need to take
account of the impact that any
decision to deport a person might have on Australian children. The substance of
Teoh was therefore largely integrated into the lexicon of migration
decision-making by its incorporation into the ministerial policy.
It was at
this point that the legitimate expectation became relatively easy to displace.
The ironic consequence is that the only
sure way to effectively displace Teoh
was by a process that amounted to an indirect acceptance of the decision.
- The
possibility that Teoh could be expunged by ministerial directions was
curious on several counts. Although the High Court anticipated that
indications” might overcome any legitimate expectation,
it was widely assumed that any indication would need sufficiently formal
trappings to provide a clear indication of an intention to counteract the
consequences of ratification of a treaty. It hardly seemed
likely that some of
the endless stream of mundane procedural guidelines issued by immigration
authorities might succeed where a solemn
joint statement by the Attorney-General
and Minister for Foreign Affairs might not. More puzzling was the light touch
the courts
often gave to these ministerial directions. They quickly accepted
that the Minister need not follow his own direction and, even
if he did, he
could misconstrue it without falling into legally reviewable
- Although
Teoh was clearly a significant decision it largely faded in Australian
law. Once the substance of the case had been adopted in migration
bureaucrats were largely able to adopt a formulaic approach to the case. They
would normally make reference to the case
as part of their reasoning and pay
careful attention to the impact of any migration decision upon children but
would then invariably
decide deportation of the person in question was the
better decision.[31]
The High Court did not reconsider Teoh for eight years. During that
period the ground completely shifted underneath Teoh. The next section
explains that shift and how constitutional considerations served to both empower
and constrain the High Court
of Australia.
The rebirth of constitutional judicial review of administrative
action in Australia
- The
seeds of Teoh’s demise were planted in another legitimate
expectation several years earlier. In Quin v Attorney-General (NSW)
[1990] HCA 21 (1990) 170 CLR 1 a magistrate (Quin) contested a change of policy
that frustrated his appointment to a new court that replaced the one upon which
he had sat. Quin essentially claimed a legitimate expectation that his
application would be treated according to the announced policy
of the Attorney
which was later changed to his disadvantage. The High Court rejected the claim
on many grounds, largely due to its
reluctance to accept that a legitimate
expectation could be used to enhance a claim to judicial appointment. The
enduring feature
of the case was the detailed explanation that Brennan J gave of
the purpose and scope of judicial
review.[32] Brennan J
drew upon the famous American case of Marbury v Madison [1803] USSC 16; 5 US 137 (1803)
to explain that it was the “province and duty” of the judicial
branch of government to declare and apply the law.
Brennan J also reasoned that
this duty simultaneously defined and constrained judicial power. He explained:
“The duty and jurisdiction of the court to review
administrative action do not go beyond the declaration and enforcing of the
which determinates the limits and governs the exercise of the repository’s
power. If, in doing so, the court avoids administrative
injustice or error, so
be it; but the court has no jurisdiction to simply cure administrative injustice
or error. The merits of administrative
action, to the extent that they can be
distinguished from legality, are for the repository of the relevant power alone
and, subject
to political control, for the repository
- The
most notable feature of this passage and the wider reasoning of Brennan J was to
transpose the doctrine of Marbury v Madison from judicial review of
legislative action to administrative action. In doing, Brennan J confirmed
several important features of
Australian judicial review. One was its operation
within a constitutional separation of powers that divided and allocated
to different arms of government. The result imposed necessary
limitations upon each of government, including the judicial branch.
It also
entrenched a sharp distinction between judicial and merits review. Brennan J
described the latter as a “forbidden
field” to Australian
judges for constitutional
reasons.[34] On this
view, the scope of judicial review was not to be determined by reference to the
“protection of individual interests
but in terms of the extent of power
and the legality of its
Another striking feature of Brennan J’s reasoning was it is permeated with
constitutional principles but the key pages do not
contain a single reference to
the Australian Constitution. In the absence of direct reference to the federal
Constitution it seemed clear that Brennan J anticipated no significant
difference between judicial review at the State or federal level.
The next important step occurred in Craig v South Australia [1995] HCA 58
(1995) 184 CLR 163 when the High Court emphatically endorsed jurisdictional
error concept as the device by which the courts could determine the law
police the constitutional boundaries imposed upon tribunals and administrative
officials. The distinction between jurisdictional
and non-jurisdictional errors
that was swept away in England by Anisminic Ltd v Foreign Compensation
Commission [1968] UKHL 6; [1969] 2 AC 147 was pointedly affirmed in Craig. The
central elements of Brennan J’s reasoning in Quin and the Craig
case were then melded in Corporation of the City of Enfield v
Development Assessment Commission [2000] HCA 5 (2000) 199 CLR 135. In that
case the High Court rejected the doctrine devised by the Supreme Court of
America in Chevron USA Inc v Natural Resources Council Inc [1984] USSC 140; 467 US 837
(1984). The High Court reasoned that the deference Chevron granted to
administrators to determine competing interpretations of the law was
antithetical to the role Australia’s constitutional
arrangements granted
to executive agencies. The High Court also drew upon the central propositions
of Quin’s case to affirm that equivalent restrictions applied to
the courts. Just as administrative tribunals and officials could not tread
the judicial terrain of declaring and law, the courts could not undertake the
executive function of deciding the merits of administrative
- The
story so far might appear one of judicial restraint and limitation but the
benefit of this arrangements was starkly illustrated
in Plaintiff S157/2002 v
Commonwealth [HCA] 2 [2003] HCA 2; (2003) 211 CLR 476. In that case the High Court faced
a privative clause that appeared to oust every form of review of every possible
decision that
might be made under migration legislation to determine asylum
claims. The clause had been drafted with careful reference to a much
decision of the High Court which sanctioned the use of privative clauses, so
long as the clauses met very particular
requirements.[37] The
clause in issue in Plaintiff S157/2002 took advantage of the possibility
in the widest possible terms and seemed to entirely deprive asylum claimants of
any recourse to
the courts. The High Court held that privative clauses were to
be interpreted against the “minimum entrenched provision of
review” introduced by s75(v) of the Constitution. It followed, the Court
reasoned, that:
“The centrality and protective purpose of this jurisdiction of this
Court...places significant barriers in the way of legislative
attempts to impair
judicial review of administrative action. Such jurisdiction exists to maintain
the federal compact by ensuring
that propounded laws are constitutionally valid
and ministerial and other official action lawful and within
The High Court confirmed that the concept of jurisdictional error was central
to determining the proper scope of administrative officials.
The courts would
determine and correct any error of a jurisdictional character as part of their
constitutionally mandated role.
The High Court also confirmed that the
constitutional role it was granted effectively precluded the enactment of any
privative clause
that purported to limit or exclude this judicial function. In
view of the extremely expansive and open ended conception of jurisdictional
error adopted by the High Court, the guarantee of judicial review to police
jurisdictional error amounted to nothing less than the
entrenchment of judicial review more
This emphatic assertion of the entrenched status of judicial review effectively
closed a long and intensely fought dispute between
the courts and the federal
parliament, during which Australia saw the enactment of the strictest privative
clauses in the common
law world. These clauses were, almost without exception,
directed to migration decisions and most commonly asylum claims. Plaintiff
S157/2002 marked a constitutional settlement of sorts because the privative
clause was not held unconstitutional but was instead interpreted
to apply only
to exclude review of decisions not infected with jurisdictional error. In
short, the facade of the clause remained
but its substance was obliterated. In
the recent case of Kirk v Industrial Relations Commission of NSW [2010]
HCA 1 (2010) 239 CLR 531 the High Court applied similar reasoning to the State
Courts. The Court held that the integrated judicial system
established by s73
of the Commonwealth Constitution and which invested the High Court with an
appellate jurisdiction from the State Supreme Courts presumed that the State
courts would
continue to both exist and exercise their core function of
supervisory review at the State level. It was also held that the jurisdiction
of the State Supreme Courts would, like their federal counterparts, be
delineated by reference to their function of detecting and
jurisdictional error at the State level.
The return of the constitutional chickens to the roost in
- Just
a few months after the dust had settled in the constitutional battle culminating
in Plaintiff S157/2002, the legitimate expectation returned to the High
Court in Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs; Ex parte Lam [2003]
HCA 6 (2003) 214 CLR 1. Lam was an unlikely vehicle to revisit the issue
because the applicant claimed a denial of natural justice in a very limited
basis. Lam
was eligible for deportation by reason of his criminal offences and
interviewed at length while in prison about his circumstances.
He provided
detailed information, material from relatives and friends and a letter from the
person caring for his children. Government
officials sought further
information, including contact details for the carer of the children so that the
officials could assess
Lam’s relationship with the children and the effect
his deportation might have upon them. The officials did not contact the
They instead collated the information and provided a detailed brief of advice to
the Minister who decided to cancel’s
Lam’s visa. Lam claimed a
denial of procedural fairness and argued that the later letter he received
created a legitimate
expectation that the Minister would not decide the case
until his subordinates had spoken to the carer of Lam’s children.
claim seemed stronger than one than the one in Teoh because it was based
upon a direct representation and it did not depend on any treaty. For this
reason, Lam did not rely directly
upon either Teoh or the newly
established substantive expectation of Coughlan [2001] 1 QB 213 but the
High Court took the occasion to strongly disapprove of both.
(a) Treaties as the foundation for legitimate expectations
- For
present purposes the key findings into Lam can be divided into three
parts. The first concerned Teoh and legitimate expectations more
generally. Four of the five members of the High Court expressed strong
reservations about Teoh but the case was not
overruled.[40] McHugh
and Gummow JJ doubted whether the ratification of a treaty could provide a
“positive statement” of the sort accepted
in Teoh. Their
Honours also questioned whether courts should interpret or accord meaning to the
ratification of treaties. McHugh and Gummow
JJ reasoned that the courts also
should not “add to or vary” the powers granted to administrative
officials “by
taking a particular view of the conduct of the Executive of
external affairs.” The judicial arm of government, they cautioned,
“declare and enforce the limits of the power conferred by statute upon
administrative decision-makers, but not by reference
to the conduct of external
affairs, to supplement the criteria for the exercise of that
power.”[41] This
conception of the judicial role clearly draws from the one adopted by Brennan in
Quin’s case, in that it envisages a relatively divided and orderly
allocation of functions. Whether the implication of a legitimate expectation
from the ratification of a treaty necessarily transgresses those boundaries is,
however, contestable.
- Callinan
J also doubted whether ratification of a treaty could provide a secure
foundation for a legitimate expectation, mainly because
the process of judicial
implication might overlook important issues about the treaty process, such as
whether parliament might enact
the treaty in whole or in part or whether
parliament believed any obligations arising from the treaty might be satisfied
by existing
law.[42] The
underlying concern of Callinan J, which was the potential that judicial
recognition of expectation based upon the executive
ratification of a treaty
might underline the role of parliament, echoed similar concerns of McHugh
J’s dissent in Teoh.
- These
aspects of the reasoning of McHugh, Gummow and Callinan JJ cast clear doubt over
the possibility that ratification of a treaty
can and should provide the
foundation for a legitimate expectation. Importantly, however, McHugh and
Gummow JJ placed considerable
reliance on the principles that flow from the
structure of the Australian Constitution in this part of their reasoning.
Whether that might provide a coherent point of limitation is another matter
because the concerns
of Callinan J, which question the wisdom of courts
ascribing a particular meaning to the ratification of treaties, clearly cannot
be confined to Australia.
- (b) Doubting
the continued role of the legitimate expectation
McHugh and Gummow JJ also expressed grave doubt about the continued value of
legitimate expectations. Their Honours thought the
concept was at best of
“limited utility” in light of wider evolution of natural justice.
McHugh and Gummow JJ suggested
that the legitimate expectation required further
consideration if it was to remain a useful legal concept.
[43] Hayne and Callinan JJ both also
doubted the continued value of legitimate expectations, though to differing
extents. Hayne J did
not express a concluded view but suggested the concept
should not be used “without careful articulation of the content of the
principle which is said to be engaged” in any
case.[44] Callinan J
was openly sceptical about the “invention” of the legitimate
expectation and reasoned that the concept was
“an unfortunate one, and apt
to mislead.”[45]
His Honour concluded that Teoh probably represented the “high
watermark” of the doctrine, which should in future at least be restricted
to cases where
people had turned their mind “consciously to the
matter...[and] reasonably have believe and expected that certain procedures
would be
- These
various remarks are at least cautious and often sceptical of the legitimate
expectation. They clearly doubt a central theme
of Teoh, which was that
government actions such as the ratification of a treaty may provide a signal to
the world or the domestic population
sufficient to support a legitimate
expectation in a particular person. While they did not eradicate the legitimate
expectation they
clearly confine its use in many situations, including those
like Teoh. The logical question that follows is whether that limited
room leaves any room at all for the legitimate expectation. Gleeson
CJ offered
a conception of natural justice that suggested not.
- (c) Is
natural justice a better fit?
- Gleeson
CJ was the only member of the court in Lam to consider the requirements
of natural justice in detail. He characterised the principle of Teoh, so
far as it related to fairness more generally, to hold that unfairness will arise
when decision-makers informs a person that a
particular procedure would be
followed and without warning this does not occur. Gleeson CJ reasoned that any
such principle was
“far too broad”. If it was based on a legitimate
expectation, he cautioned, “it required the concept of legitimate
expectation to carry more weight than it will bear. If such a proposition were
accepted, it would elevate judicial a
level of high and arid
Gleeson CJ instead favoured a more practical conception of fairness. He
explained that “Whether one talks in terms of procedural
fairness or
natural justice, the concern of the law is to avoid practical
On this view, the important issue was not the nature or source of an expectation
but the effect it had. The problem for Lam was
that he could not point to any
further information that he or the carers of his children could have given to
the already detailed
information he supplied. The different problem for Teoh,
one could speculate, was that he could not explain how the failure to observe
treaty provision he did not know about caused any unfairness to him.
- An
important consequence of the reasoning of Gleeson CJ was to shift the onus to
prove unfairness squarely upon the person claiming
it. This highlights a
neglected feature of Teoh, namely a personal and subjective claim to
fairness that should ultimately underpin any legitimate expectation was turned
on its
head. Teoh did not know about the treaty and almost certainly would not
have offered further information, yet the failure to draw
attention to a matter
of no personal knowledge or apparent practical value was held to cause
unfairness. The approach of Gleeson
CJ requires those who claim a legitimate
expectation, or unfairness more generally, to explain more clearly not simply
the source
of that claim but precisely what unfairness has arisen. Although
Gleeson CJ did not address the legitimate expectation or Teoh, there is
little doubt that his Honour’s avowedly practical search for unfairness
would certainly have led Teoh to fail.
- (d) The
constitutional heresy of substantive unfairness
- Just
as the Teoh and its particular legitimate expectation were not relied
upon in Lam, the doctrine of substantive unfairness recognised in R v
North and East Devon Health Authority; Ex parte Coughlan [2001] 1 QB 213 was
also not raised directly by the parties. Nonetheless the High Court signalled
the serious constitutional obstacles that lay
before any Australian adoption of
Coughlan. The English notion of substantive unfairness is difficult to
describe in an outside view but the main concern arises in the third
recognised by the Court of Appeal. This was a promise or practice where the
benefit is substantive rather than procedural
and the court “will in a
proper case decide whether to frustrate the expectation is so unfair that to
take a new and different
course will amount to an abuse of
Neither this passage nor the many later cases that have sought to explain it
appear to offer a clear method to determine when or
how official behaviour
becomes “so unfair” that it requires
enforcement.[50] A
separate but related concern is that the balancing exercise, to weigh individual
and wider public interests, which the Court of
Appeal suggested would guide this
exercise, appears to edge close or even into merits
- Four
members of the High Court hinted that Coughlan was clearly beyond the
constitutional reach of Australian courts. Gleeson CJ reasoned that the
constitutional jurisdiction granted
to the courts “does not exist for the
purpose of enabling the judicial branch of government to impose upon the
executive branch
its ideas of good
On this view, the normative concepts of good administration and the like that
have been offered in cases following Coughlan to explain the ultimate
foundation of substantive unfairness are ones which the judicial branch of
Australian government cannot enter.
McHugh and Gummow JJ, with whom Callinan J
agreed on this point, similarly reasoned that Coughlan and later cases
“...concerned with the judicial
supervision of administrative decision-making by the application of certain
minimum standards
now identified by the English common law. These standards fix
upon the quality of the decision-making and thus the merits of the
outcome...this represents an attempted assimilation into the English common law
of doctrines derived from European civilian
Their Honours continued:
“In Australia, the existence of a basic law which is a written federal
constitution, with separation of the judicial power,
necessarily presents a
frame of reference which differs from both the English and other European
systems...An aspect of the rule
of law under the Constitution is that the role
or function of Ch III courts does not extend to the performance of the
legislative function of translating policy
into statutory form or the executive
function of
- These
passages draw together several different threads. The first is that English and
Australian public law have clearly separated
and will remain so for the
foreseeable future. The High Court of Australia regularly attributes this to
the “tectonic shifts”
caused by the increasing influence of European
principles on English
law.[55] Sir Robin
Cooke similarly suggested that the common law is becoming less
English.[56] The
better view is that the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth countries are now
guided by different principles and the combined
effect of those principles is to
draw both bodies of law in different directions. In the case of Australia, the
dominant influence
in public law is clearly the Constitution. Any principle of
judicial review must conform to constitutional doctrine or face inevitable
rejection. The Constitution entrenches not only a minimum protected level of
judicial review of administrative action but has also given rise to a form of
power with clear limits. The principles that flow from the conception
of judicial review expounded by Brennan J in Quin’s case
simultaneously define and confine judicial review. They demarcate the
boundaries within which the judicial function is necessarily
exclusive and
secure but they also mark out other boundaries beyond which the courts cannot
step. The most obvious is the traditional
divide between judicial and merits
review but, according to Lam, this almost certainly includes those
grounds of judicial review such as substantive unfairness that draw the courts
close to merits review. Proportionality would also almost
certainly fall within the same prohibited category. It is clear that
minimum entrenched level of judicial recognised in Plaintiff S157/2002 is
accompanied by important limitations. The price of secured judicial power was
the effective surrender of some of the more recently
developed grounds of
- The
apparent winding back of Teoh by Lam is less explicable by
Australia’s constitutional arrangements. It seemed more likely that the
court doubted both the coherence
of any claim to a legitimate expectation based
upon the ratification of a treaty and also the practical value that any such
might occupy in light of the expanded Australian approach to natural
justice. The emphasis of Gleeson CJ upon the practical focus
of fairness,
simply highlights the inherent contradiction in Teoh, namely the
legitimacy of an expectation based upon an act (whether the ratification or a
treaty or from some other source) of which
its claimant is unaware. How can
people legitimately expect anything based upon something they do not know of?
The answer is simple.
The law allows the invocation of all manner of common law
principles and presumptions that the people in whose favour they operate
almost always blissfully unaware. The difficulty arises when this possibility
is characterised as an expectation. The notion
is artificial and inevitably
Is there a possible solution to the use of unincorporated
- Taggart
long ago pointed to a possible solution when he acknowledged the many internal
contradictions of Teoh and suggested that the case might provide a
“wobbly stepping stone” to a more coherent principle in which treaty
could become relevant considerations in some administrative decision
making.[57] To regard
treaty issues as relevant considerations would overcome any artificial
connection between treaties and legitimate expectations,
or natural justice more
generally. McHugh and Gummow JJ were plainly unsympathetic to this possibility
in Lam,[58]
mainly because their Honours thought the possibility was also implicitly
rejected in Teoh. It is also worth noting that Taggart did not explain
when or how treaty considerations might become relevant. Perhaps the solution
might be to regard treaty issues relevant considerations when they deal with
fundamental rights or freedoms. This possibility would
admittedly require
further consideration of what treaties do and do not concern fundamental rights
or freedoms and also the argument
of Sales and Clement that no such taxonomy in
treaties does or can exist. But the nomenclature of rights and freedoms did not
acceptance of the principle of legality, so one can question whether it
can provide a necessary stumbling block to any recourse to
treaties. This
possibility would enable the courts to consider the central question raised by
Teoh, which was arguably ignored in the barrage of technical objections
taken to the case in Lam. Should public officials who exercise public
powers be required, in some limited circumstances yet to be finally settled, to
whether to take account of fundamental principles that are contained in
treaties to which their country is a signatory? People might
disagree on the
answer but few would disagree that the question should be asked more directly
than it was in
[∗] Monash
University, Australia.
[1] Sanjay Patel,
‘Founding Legitimate Expectations on Unincorporated Treaties’ [2010]
Judicial Review 74.
[2] Annetts v
McCann [1990] HCA 57 (1990) 170 CLR 596 at 598; Ainsworth v
Criminal Justice Commission [1992] 10 [1992] HCA 10; (1992) 175 CLR 564 at 577.
[3] Annetts v
McCann [1990] HCA 57 (1990) 170 CLR 596 at 598-9; Re Minister for
Immigration and Multicultural Affairs; Ex parte Miah [2001] HCA 22 (2001)
206 CLR 57, at 73-5, 84-5, 95-8, 111-5.
[4] Legislative
attempts to exclude the duty to observe natural justice abound in Australian
migration law, in the form of schemes that
seek to create an exhaustive
framework intended to exclude recourse to the common law. The High Court
invariably finds schemes are
not sufficiently clear or exhaustive. See, eg,
Saeed v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2010] HCA 23 (2010) 267
ALR 204.
[5] A point laboured
by McHugh J in Teoh [1995] HCA 20 (1995) 183 CLR 273 at 311-2.
[6] Teoh
[1995] HCA 20 (1995) 183 CLR 273 at 291-2 per Mason CJ and Deane J.
[7] [1995] HCA 20
(1995) 183 CLR 273 at 291.
[8] [1995] HCA 20
(1995) 183 CLR 273 at 315-9.
[9] [1995] HCA 20
(1995) 183 CLR 273 at 316.
[10] [1995] HCA 20
(1995) 183 CLR 273 at 312.
[11] [1995] HCA 20
(1995) 183 CLR 273 at 314.
[12] [1995] HCA 20
(1995) 183 CLR 273 at 287-8, 291 per Mason CJ and Deane J, (Gaudron J agreeing
on this point), 302 per Toohey J.
[13] In the
matter of an Application by MacFiolla Cathain [2009] NIQB 66 at [36] per
Treacey J.
[14] European
Roma Rights Centre v Immigration Officer at Prague Airport [2003] EWCA Civ
666 [2003] 4 All ER 247 at [101] per Laws LJ. The description is particularly
inapt for Teoh, given the explanation below that Australian law does not
allow substantive expectations of any form.
[15] Teoh
[1995] HCA 20 (1995) 183 CLR 273 at 291. Gaudron J agreed generally with
Mason CJ and Deane J but placed greater weight on the separate citizenship
rights she accorded
to Mr Teoh’s children: 304. While this reasoning
identifies a quite separate base for the expectation, her Honour’s strong
reliance on the vulnerable status of the children and the impact of the
deportation of their father upon the wider family reinforce
is broadly
consistent the focus of Mason CJ and Deane J upon specific categories of
treaties. Later cases have acknowledged that
this possibility has not taken
root. See, eg, Lam v Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs
[2006] FCAFC 184 (2006) 157 FCR 215 at [35].
[16] Kristen
Walker and Penny Mathew, “Minister for Immigration v Ah Hin Teoh”
[1995] MelbULawRw 16; (2005) 20 MULR 236, 246-7, 249.
[17] Philip Sales
and Joanne Clement, “International Law in Domestic Courts” (2008)
124 LQR 388 at 398-9.
[18] McHugh J
expressed a similar concern on the difficulties that bureaucrats would face in
deciding, first, which treaties to consider
and, secondly, whether and how
particular treaties might give rise to legitimate expectations: Teoh
[1995] HCA 20 (1995) 183 CLR 273 at 316-7. His Honour also noted that the
task was made more difficult by the more than 900 treaties to which Australia
was a party
at that time. The same problems could easily vex judges.
[19] Teoh
[1995] HCA 20 (1995) 183 CLR 273 at 291.
[20] Joint
Statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Attorney-General,
“International Treaties and the High Court Decision
in Teoh” (10 May
1995) and ‘The Effect of Treaties in Administrative Decision-Making’
(25 February 1997). The first
statement was issued by a Labour government and
the second by a conservative Liberal government. The preparedness of both sides
politics to disclaim Teoh was a rare example of political consensus in
[21] Department
of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs v Ram (1996) 69 FCR 431 at 437-8. Some
exceptions to this general temporal requirement were canvassed in Lam v
Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs [2006] FCAFC 184 (2006)
157 FCR 215 at 227.
[22] Tien v
Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs [1998] FCA 1552 (1998) 89
FCR 80 at 103.
[23] See also
Tien v Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs [1998] FCA 1552
(1998) 89 FCR 80 at 103; Browne v Minister for Immigration and Multicultural
Affairs (1998) 27 AAR 353 at 369.
[24] [2008] UKHL
47 [2008] 1 AC 1003 at 1016, citing R v Secretary of State for the Home
Department; Ex parte Mapere [2000] EWHC 633; [2001] Imm AR 89 at [34], [36].
[25] [2008] UKHL
47 [2008] 1 AC 1003 at 1018.
[26] Parliament of
Australia, Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, ‘United Nations
Convention on the Rights of the Child’
Report, 1998) at 65-6 (available at
[27] See Ben Saul,
‘Administrative Law and Human Rights’ in Matthew Groves and HP Lee
(eds), Australian Administrative Law: Fundamentals, Principles and Doctrines
(Cambridge UP, 2007).
[28] Migration
Act 1958 (Cth) s499 grants the Minister a broad power to issue directions to
migration officials. These directions are subject to parliamentary
[29] See, eg,
Baldini v Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs [2000] FCA
173 at [30].
[30] Hopkins v
Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2007] FCA 1101 at [40].
[31] The formulaic
nature of the reasons of migration officials increased shortly after Teoh
due to a separate decision of the High Court essentially accepted the use of
standard form paragraphs by migration officials: Minister for Immigration
and Ethnic Affairs v Wu [1996] HCA 6 (1996) 185 CLR 259.
[32] This
description is especially appropriate because the judgment plainly echoes an
earlier speech of Brennan J published as ‘The
Purpose and Scope of
Judicial Review’ (1986) 24 Australian Bar Review 93.
- [33]Quin
[1990] HCA 21 (1990) 170 CLR 1 at 35-6.
- [34]Quin
v Attorney-General (NSW) [1990] HCA 21 (1990) 170 CLR 1 at 38.
- [35]Quin
v Attorney-General (NSW) [1990] HCA 21 (1990) 170 CLR 1 at 36.
- [36]Corporation
of the City of Enfield v Development Assessment Commission [2000] HCA 5
(2000) 199 CLR 135 at 152-4 [43]- [44] per Gleeson CJ, Gummow, Kirby and Hayne
JJ, citing Attorney-General (NSW) v Quin [1990] 21 HCA (1990) 170 CLR 1
at 35-6 per Brennan J.
- [37]R
v Hickman; Ex parte Fox and Clinton [1945] HCA 53 (1945) 70 CLR 598.
- [38]Plaintiff
S157/2002 v Commonwealth [HCA] 2 [2003] HCA 2; (2003) 211 CLR 476 at 513-4 [104] per
Gaudron, McHugh, Gummow, Kirby and Hayne JJ.
- [39]The
High Court has repeatedly confirmed that the categories of error that may be
jurisdictional is not closed. See, eg, Kirk v Industrial Relations Commission
of NSW [2010] HCA 1 (2010) 239 CLR 531 at 573-4 [72] per
French CJ, Gummow, Hayne, Crennan, Kiefel and Bell JJ.
- [40]Teoh
was likely saved because Lam was only heard by a bench of five of the
seven members of the High Court. Any decision to overrule a relatively recent
case of the
High Court would clearly have required all of its members to
- [41]Lam
[2003] HCA 6 (2003) 214 CLR 1 at 33-4 [102].
- [42]Lam
[2003] HCA 6 (2003) 214 CLR 1 at 49 [152].
- [43]Lam
[2003] HCA 6 (2003) 214 CLR 1 at 16 [61]- [64].
- [44]Lam
[2003] HCA 6 (2003) 214 CLR 1 at 37 [119].
- [45]Lam
[2003] HCA 6 (2003) 214 CLR 1 at 45-6 [140]- [141].
- [46]Lam
[2003] HCA 6 (2003) 214 CLR 1 at 47 [145].
- [47]Lam
[2003] HCA 6 (2003) 214 CLR 1 at 9 [25].
- [48]Lam
[2003] HCA 6 (2003) 214 CLR 1 at 14 [38]. Hayne J similarly suggested that
fairness should focus simply on “the fairness of the procedures
adopted...If the procedure
was fair, reference to expectations, legitimate or
not, is unhelpful, even distracting”: ibid at 35-6 [111].
- [49]Coughlan
[2001] 1 QB 213 at 242.
- [50]That
difficult was amplified by the Court of Appeal’s assertion that it was
clearly for the court to pronounce “whether
the consequent frustration of
the individual’s expectation is so unfair as to be a misuse...of
power”: Coughlan [2001] 1 QB 213 at 251. This approach appears to
offer little more than the court’s own opinion as a touchstone.
- [51]A
pointed tacitly conceded when the Court of Appeal acknowledged it would take
account of the fairness of any outcome: Coughlan [2001] 1 QB 213 at 246.
Lam [2003] HCA 6 (2003) 213 CLR 1 at 11-12 [32].
[53] Lam
[2003] HCA 6 (2003) 213 CLR 1 at 23-4 [73].
[54] Lam
[2003] HCA 6 (2003) 213 CLR 1 at 24-5 [76].
[55] A phrase
recently used by Gummow ACJ and Keifel J in Minister for Immigration and
Citizenship v SZMDS [2010] HCA 16 at [21].
[56] A point made
by Sir Robin Cooke in “The Road Ahead for the Common Law” (2004) 53
ICLQ 273 at 274.
[57] Michael
Taggart, ‘Legitimate Expectation and Treaties in the High Court of
Australia’ (1996) 112 LQR 50 at 54.
[58] Lam
[2003] HCA 6 (2003) 213 CLR 1 at 24-5 [76].
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