L t y d i - ~ r ~ ~ d ~ ~ z ~ !i) >~! I/ iI \ , I - !Hi() I I!) rc>ctmt t t ~ n ( l t ~ n r" not t o c,xtc.nil t l ~ c ' ar.t>:i of tc~~.tirrr!>i ; i l ~ i l r t \ . \. / \\.itl~oritf;i~ilt i > , fol t l ~ c , pit.st3n( \t.l-i tc.1.. ;I ~ ~ I I I II - II .\!,1,11l I - I . < I - ~ , I . J ~, "l:or it d o t ~ snot sc,t,nl conson;tl~t\vitl~c.urrr.nt iclcw of i ~ l > t t c . c ' 01. moralit!, t h a t for ,in ;rct of r~e~i:ligt~~lcc~. ~ ~ I . bligl~t01-\ . I ' I I I , I ~ . . . IIO\\.I,\ t11c actor shoultl I)(. l i ; l l ~ l t .fol- ; i l l c-onsc.~lrr~.rlc.c~h I~on.c~\-c~r i l ~ l i ~ ~ ~ r ~ l ".)., ;~nd lio\vt~\~c~igI-a\.c.. -I;. H . 1\1i I'rcr:ri.;ci.\. * c ~ ~ ~ i ~ l ~ '1.11tl cleciqio~~ t111> liglt t ' o i ~ r t111 ( ' o ~ ~ ~ ~ 1, .t'ol,. ~ ~ ~ o / ~ ~ of k t ~ i 1<(1rl,~ ti-\,\ in rccoguizing tllc. c.siatcrrc.t, of a tlrrt!. ot (.;tro or1 1111. ~ i t1 1 of occ~il~ic-ri to\val-tl\ I)c8r\o1i.;\+.i~o tl~cttl-;rtlitio~~,tIi ) i ) l ~ o < ~ t( ~ l t ~ ~ ~ o11 iI o t l ~ r ,conirnoli I a n woultl c.Ic,;11.1\ trc3\iJ:~.,~czi-. tirln. inr~ch to II:~, cli.;pel thrb fog of unrt,alit\- \vltic.li ha, 111lng round tilt' jt1(lici~11 aj~ljro;lct~ tlio cluc,\tion of c~~iti.ant> to whost, prc.-c.rlcc. hny riot I ) c ~ ~ r i liccnscd I)!. tllc. occul~ic.11)11t\vlrom Ilc h;~. not l)c,c>n c.r~c~rgcatic, c'no11g11 to rcxi)c,l. I t ;tl\o c.out:lirl. ;i coniidcr;ildc, ;iq-anlt on tht. \-ic.\\-\\.l\ic.lt I)!. infc'rring ;I lict5nc.t~\vl1ic11tlitl not cbxiit tr.c.;rtc.el l ) l , r -or!, ;I., lic.c,n-c I who tvc'i-~rcally in fact trc.\i~a\scz~-a. i'. C'itrc!\J - l'hr fiicti ~ v c ~ riot( ~co~rll~licatc~tl. ~. 'flic Sc,\!. 5or1tl1 \\';111,y ( ' o ~ n n ~ i s s i o ~ forr l<;~il\va!.- o\vnctl ant1 occli~)it~tl I;~rgc, ;iI-t.a o f rc a ;ll>out fi1-c hundretl ;tcrc*-.in the, 5\.(111(,!. irltil~stri;ll-111)url)of ('I!.(lv. f'art of thib arfa was 11wd a i a cturnp ort \r,l~ich:\.;iy ti1~l)tYl;Llnong ot11t.r debris abhc,.: from tllr. tirtl I ~ o s e , ot locomotive c~nginc~.~. 111 Yome c a i t . t h c ashc.5 \voriltl ront:tin livr ant1 I ) ~ ~ r n i r ico;rly. ' I - I I ~ , g :~.;hcs tiad hankt>ti u p I)nt I,elo\z thc hlirfacc rn11c11of the, ~llittt~ria! would rc,main in a inloulclcaring rontlition. Tl'hr,rc.\v;r.< a roircl ;11i(l c'c'rtain trircli; in tlicx ari.;r \vliicl~\vtw open t o 1)t~clt~~tri:in-n t lI t ~ l ;~ from >trccts on on? .,itlc. of the. arca,i to btrc.ct> on tllrl otllt31-. .Tll(.rt. w'ts al-o t.\.idcncc t h a t ~ ) c ~ : ~ p l c t r t i c u l a r l ~); clilldrrn \voul(l cli\.c~rgc, from t h c ~ ro;rd ; ~ n d tr;lcl; t o \.Lit a n d f o s i c k rollnd t l ~ e t l ~ u l ) .'fhcirt~ d \vas albo t ~ v i d t ~ n c c ~h;)uradic a n d i n t e r ~ n i t i t , n twarning\ gi\.c~n1)y of r:tilway officials t o kecx~) tt~cxd u m p a n d of occasion\ \vlrc,n offic~.rofT \vould warn ptxr>oni\?-lionlthc.1- found on tllc. t h ~ t n l ).uc.l~ 21s c~11iltlr.1~11, , t o lea\.(,. 'Thc plaintiff, a bo\. ;~gc.d fo~~rtclc~n a half !.c,;irs. \v;~ntlc~rc~tl ant1 over t h e d ~ r r n p arca ant1 \v;r .;ovcrt~Iy injured wllrn, going tlo\vn a hank of ashcs, hi. f t ~ \vtJnt througll tlrc s ~ ~ r f a ca n d contac-ttd tlic. t c. hot ashes undtwwath. 'Th(, I)o!. had playc'ti on t h c sitc >.ts;rr- go I)ut hat1 gonc t o li\,cl in the, colmtrv and thil d;ty of t h c ;~c-c-itlc,nt tlrc, first occ;i\ion on ~11ie.h 11;lci \.i\itcd t l ~ dutlll) since Iris lie' ' rcatul11. \\.;I\ 'fllr. action in the, Supr-cnc. ('ourt of SCM' South \\'alc~ was tougllt on the I);isis that to succred the boy w0111d have to establish tllat l ~ cwas on the l)remise> with the leave and licence of the oc~cul)ic~r tlics trial judge directed the jury on the conventional and 1itrc.h. 'The jury I~roughtin a verdict for the plaintiff and it was ;1s>umCdon appc';~lto the High Court that they must have found tllat the ])laintiff was a licensee and that the danger on the property \\a> in the. nature of a "concealed trap". An appeal to the Full ('our-t of S e w tioiltli \.Vales from the decision was dismissed and the ('ommissioner ;il)l)caled to the High Court which, with Menzies J. tlisscsnting, disniissed the appeal. 3IcTicrnan J. and the dissenting justice, Menzies J., were cwlltent to consider the problem on the orthodox approach of "lit-onsc or no licenw", the former finding that thc jury was justified i i ~inferring a tacit l)ermission, the latter concluding that assent could not Ije inferred from inadequate attempts to prevent tresi n . LVindeyer l . , whilst of the view that there was a wider dr~t!. tranictlnding tlrc hpecial rules concerning the duties of occupiers to\z.al-ti-;o r l t r a n t ~ ,also thought that as the authorities stood the matter could I)? put on the conventional basis t h a t the plaintiff should 11e. considcrccl a licensee and on this basis the jury's verdict \\-a\ sufticicntly >upported by the evidence. In spitt, tllcrrforo of the long and careful analysis of IYindeyer .I. xntl 11is admiral)lc, analysis of the developments which led to clu;tlifications of tllcs rule that the trespasser came a t his peril, the greatest interest lics naturally in the bolder approaches of Dixon ('.,I. and 1;ullagar J. 'fhesc two learned justices took the coursc, which might well :ip11:i1 the conventionally minded, of deciding the case on a legal I~ahiiwhich had not heen litigated in the court below. Both faced tl~rlfact that the IWJ- was in reality a trespahber; both found there was nonetheless :t duty. Ilixon C. J . regarded as purely fictional tl~c~ attempt to convt~rt trt:spasscr situation into one of licence by a tllc, doctrint. of irnl~licdor imputed permission. The d u t y of the licc,rlsor \\-ah fornlulated on the assun~ptionthat I!,- his voluntary ga\.e3 consisnt to t h r presenccx of visitorb on thc land. Such act a 1)abis was al)bc,~lt wllcsn it was clear that if the cluestion had I~een 1)ut to thc. occ~ll)icarhtl clearly would not have conhented to the l)rcb>c'nuL pc1r\onb on tht. land cven though thc attempt he made to of c~scludc them was half-hcarted. I n His Honour's 1-iew it was time to discard the fiction. The I~asisof the dut!. \\-as not to be found in tictitious iml~utedconsent hut rather from a cornbination of c.i~-ct~~n~tn!lrc.: danc:.c,r.\rhicli r1.ttcncl tlic, I I of tlre !)rcmisc.;, i,i:. t!!cl ~ the circn~n\tancesthat the premises are to tllc knowledge of the occupier fl-clcluented and that in spite of the knowledge which the 0ccupit.r lias of the danger, he takes no precaution t o safeguard the entrants frorn that danger. He thought that the basal principle t o be invoked I)!. no means ir~volved imposition upon occupiers of the premiies of a liability for warit of care for the safety of trespassers. The rulc remained that a nlan trespassed at his own risk and the occupier \\.a- under no duty to him except to refrain from intentional or \vanton tiarm to lrirn. However a dut). existed wliere to of t occupier premises are freclucnted by strangers the k r i o ~ v l c d ~ c ~ l ~ c 1)eople and the occupier actively creates or :trc ojlent!. 1 1 ~ -!,Id o t l l t ~ a 5pccific pc.ril of which t h c I)rxrsons so using the premises are unaware anc1 \vt~icllthr!. arc. unlikelj- to esppct or continue:, its c.sistcr~cc~. '1'1it. j11tl;imc~nt F~lllagar- . is more explicit as to the source of of j tlic. \vidc.t- dl~t!.. ~)oirltcdout that tlic particular rules evolved it-: to thc. r-t,-l)c.c.ti\-t. dutic,+ towirrds licensees and invitees were only r-c,lc\.;tntt o tilc p~trticularrctlationship of entrant-occupier; they did not it1)ro~;ttc. tllc, gc\nc~-al 1;tw of negligence which might found a 1 - I >itnil:rrl>. tlits dclnial of any hpecial "occl1l)ic.r" dutjto\v;trd- a tscL>l)a\\c.r (lid not mran that circumstances ol.er and al)o\,c, tllcs c.liiir;~ctc~ tht. occupier as a trespasser might not give of ri-(3 to ;I gcmcr-:tl d ~ ~ of y t carp. This view of the matter follows on frorn ttl~l:ilqx-ot;\cliof the iamc learned justice in Rich v . Commis.sio~ic'r fiw Rt/iiii,i~\'.\~ got:, beyond it as the latter case might well Inlt ha\-<, I)c*ontle~.cril,c~cl on? of "current operations". He found tht, ;I1,a-iy of tlic \i-idc>lliahility i11 the instant case in the "neighbour" principle of Idol-tl .itkin in 1)o~zoghzle7'. S t e v t ~ z s o ~ z . ~ E f ( s \\'hil-t tlic~\.ic.\v- of Dixon C'..J. and Fullagar J . involve a wide and flesil,lv al~proachdcpcndent upon the facts of each case it is ol)\.iouy that tlir I-arietieh of fact situation which could rise may in the futures conil~el \.erJ. casc~fulanal~,.;is in judicial directions to jurie-. .hi. the limits t o hc set only by a principle of "foresct~al~ilitj-"O r arc. t11eJ- rlarrolved 1 a requirement that the danger ., mu-t 1,e ol:? "actively creatt,tl" ? Is the occupier, who has tempormil!. to 1car.e hi. house vacant, to be liable to idle folk who might corn? to l)r!. and fossick around a n apparently cmpty housc or c\.cbn indulge in ,onif. mild pilfering hecause he knows tlierc is a danger therc~and that >uch people might well bx likcly to 1lc attractcd I)!. c the sight of nn c.mpt!- h o u s ~ Arc \vt1 to ha\.(, classc.; of "good" ? trcsl>;t+~l-.ant1 "h:rd" trc\j):t~t1rs 511~11 ? (l~~ca-tions 1)(,rh;r1)h ar(% not c111itc. :~n-\vc%rt~d tlit~c-onsidci-ation t1i;rt tlic clsistc~ncc> I,\. ant1 tnea-111-c ot tllc, tlut!. must clc~tc~rminc~tl tlic, circ~~rn.t:llicc~s I)!. of r)ncli c ; i ~ > . I t rn;~!. I)c d o u b t c ~ li\~llt~thcr olilcr r111<.-; ~ p ~ ~ l i c , to~ tli,'l t . the> ~ I~ 110-itioi~of tres1,:~sst~rs \rho \vcre rc~cognize~tl t~-t~.l~a-(~l--r i t ]lot ;L<~ l cli~guiicd;I\ licenhces, \c.ilrc. ilrritc>s o inc~l;rhtica, Inan!. tliink. 'l'lif> oltl(~rformulation ~-t~cogni\t,rl on!!. ;L i111t\. t o rc,fr;~in r o ~ n\vilfill not f injriry t o trc,il,;isser.; but ;11-o onex not to ; ~ r t rc,ckl:,-- tii-rc;c:irtl in of l i i ~ r t w r ~ c :.Is \i'indr!.cl- J . 11oint. o u t , i l l . ~ I I I ~ ot tilts C;L-1., "rc~klis.->tliiregard" Iiai I r e n interprrltrtl ;I- arno~lntilli. to littic. I ~ O I - c . t h a n lack of rt.:\sonahle cnrc.l I t I, tl-uc t h a t the o1dt.r iornlul;itian c n v i ~ a g e dl)o-iti~.c, acts of ~ni>f(~;~canc,c t!il, cwlnnli1:i I)rlt la\\. 11;~- ful-nishczd nnnic~r-c~r~c~sarnl)lv.: of ,i'r;~(lrlalc ~ z l ) ~ ~ i l - i 1o n 11 ~~I r.ar1ic.r forrnulatc'd princ-ij)lt~. 511c11 a n : I ] I ~ I ~ O ; L ( III:L\. ~LII-111.11 IIIOI I 11 r~l)l.~ort~lnitics wiir i11dicj;11I ~ O I ~ ~ I -tO1i;11i:III 111lic-itt11111i~ I ) I I I - ' for I "fol-c,~c~c~,tl)ilit\." tc,st. ~ I I I I 'I . Y o I ; - C / ~ ( ~ Y ~ / L ~ ~ l'r/l,st,\. '1'111. I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~\vl:~,tiit,l. \ , : ~ l i i l 1)11rp0,~~3 ~ ~ I~ t t I h c r t for 0 1 - c 1 i r i t ; l I I I I 11c.r II tlciiniti\.c,l!. ansn.crcd ti!. tllc ('oul-t of .\1111e-;11l l I < I I ~ I ; I I I ( iI l l < I j i ~ i l y i rnc,rit which is in cornl~ltst(. ;~ccortl\vith the, ~ - ( , c ~ ~ ~ i t of tlil, tic,c.i-ie~i~ I'ri\.\. Council on a ~ q ) c a from the, Iligll ('ourt of .\rr.tr<~l],i Lci(li..' l 111 c, i,. It/. (;t'~i. ~ O Y . .vt'ik' .~'oI(~/I ~I'(dt~s.1111 rt7 E//(/~/C.O~I'~ < I t(,,t;ttor h i . r i i d l r a r y c,\tatr t o ;L ~~;rri.ll council "for- tllc~I)rll-llo.r, ot I I I . I I \ . ~ ( ~ ~ I I ; , ,on)(, uscxful niclrnorial t o m\.,c.lf". It \v;i. al.guc.tl t l r ; ~ ttlri. \\.;L. .i \.alitl cIr;~l-itnblc i f t , or altr.rnatI\~c~l\. l ; ~ tit f c l l illto t11;it I.I;L-- ot g tl tr-lr,t> for non-ch;rrit;rl,lt. 11111.1)ow. \sl~ic'l~, tho11g11 11ot 1 Il,l~-it:llllt., \vill ~it~\.r.rtht,lc~h. enfol-ccltl I,\. tllc. corlr-t,. 11cs ('o111.t oi . \ l ~ ~ ) t ~ ~ t l r-c.j(~cttd 110th conti-ntioni. I t i, \vitl~till, + I Y . I J I I ~ I , L I . L : I I I I ~ I , I I O I ~ I \ . ~ t h a t thii not(. is co~lc-c~rri(~d. ' l . l ~ c y \.alitl oiil\. i t it I 'l'l~t,1e;lding 1,rincil)lt. is t h a t ; I tr.11.t \\ill c~olistitr~tcd thc. i)t,ric~lit indi\.itlrl;ll> or- for 1~11-1)o,e,for of \\.l~ic'li tlrt, l a n ~ rc,c~ogniscai 21, c11:tritaljlt~. 'rl~i. r111(, 11:~sII(,(,II (,~111.c,-,c~l i11 liumc3rou:, tleci\ionb, i n c l ~ ~ d i i.lfovici, i , . Hi,flzoj of I ~ i ~ r l ~ i r ~ r o:;' ~ ~ t r 1 : ig Hi 1 i'.. \ ; ~ c ~ ! / Socief\l I ~ k l . anel Lt,ri/z~" MY ,~ ('(i\~,,;' ant1 w;r- l - ~ ~ - ; ~ f t i ~ .i r ln c ~ d i t h t ~case under tliicu.iion. In t h e wort!, of I.ord E\-c~-hcatll I . f Z . , "no ~ r i n c i l ~ lpcl-hapi Ilai greatvr s a n c t i o ~ lor ;111tilorit\- l x ~ l ~ i n itl r, t