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This is a Bill, not an Act. For current law, see the Acts databases.
(As presented)
(As presented)
A Bill for
An Act to appropriate money for the purposes of the Territory for the financial year beginning on 1 July 2024, and for other purposes
The Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory enacts as
This Act is the Appropriation Act 2024-2025
This Act is taken to have commenced on 1 July 2024.
This Act is made for the purposes of––
(a) the
, section 57 and section 58; and
(b) the
, section 6 and section 8.
In this Act:
financial year means the year beginning on 1 July 2024.
5 Terms used in Financial Management Act 1996
A term used in the
has the same meaning in this Act.
6 Appropriations of $8 254 057 000
(1) If a territory entity is mentioned in a part of schedule 1, column 1—
(a) the amount mentioned in that part, column 2 is appropriated to the territory entity for net controlled recurrent payments in the financial year for the territory entity; and
(b) the amount mentioned in that part, column 3 is appropriated to the territory entity for capital injection in the financial year for the territory entity; and
(c) the amount mentioned in that part, column 4 is appropriated to the territory entity for payments to be made on behalf of the Territory in the financial year for the territory entity.
(2) The amount mentioned in schedule 1, part 1.23 (Treasurer’s advance), column 5 is appropriated to the Treasurer’s advance for the Financial Management Act 1996
, section 18.
(3) The amount mentioned in schedule 1, part 1.24 (Capital works reserve), column 3 is appropriated to the capital works reserve for the Financial Management Act 1996
, section 18D.
7 Net appropriations for capital injections
For the
, section 9A, the appropriations for capital injections mentioned in schedule 1, column 3 (except for the appropriation for capital injection mentioned in part 1.10 (Superannuation Provision Account)) are for, or partly for—
(a) the net cost of purchasing or developing assets; and
(b) reducing liabilities.
, section 17 applies to all appropriations mentioned in schedule 1 except––
(a) the appropriations to the following territory entities:
(i) ACT Executive;
(ii) ACT Gambling and Racing Commission;
(iii) Cultural Facilities Corporation;
(iv) Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission;
(v) Public Trustee and Guardian;
(vi) Office of the Work Health and Safety Commissioner;
(vii) Superannuation Provision Account; and
(b) the appropriation to the Treasurer’s advance; and
(c) the appropriation to the capital works reserve.
9 Payments to the Commonwealth
, section 17A applies to the appropriation mentioned in schedule 1, part 1.7 (Justice and Community Safety Directorate), column 4.
10 Superannuation appropriation
For the
, dictionary, definition of superannuation appropriation, the appropriation mentioned in schedule 1, part 1.10 (Superannuation Provision Account), column 3 is for superannuation.
(see ss 6 to 10)
column 1
territory entity |
column 2
net controlled recurrent payments |
column 3
capital injection |
column 4
payments on behalf of Territory |
column 5
total |
Part 1.1
ACT Local Hospital Network |
1 154 501 000
1 154 501 000
Part 1.2
ACT Health Directorate |
342 884 000
64 626 000
653 000
408 163 000
Part 1.3
Canberra Health Services
82 800 000
82 800 000
Part 1.4
Education Directorate |
1 047 243 000
202 890 000
378 958 000
1 629 091 000
Part 1.5
Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate |
628 241 000
120 687 000
154 450 000
903 378 000
Part 1.6
Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate |
538 661 000
351 584 000
890 245 000
Part 1.7
Justice and Community Safety Directorate |
461 465 000
51 867 000
271 393 000
784 725 000
Part 1.8
Community Services Directorate |
281 560 000
14 610 000
200 377 000
496 547 000
Part 1.9
Major Projects Canberra |
54 264 000
432 013 000
486 277 000
Part 1.10
Superannuation Provision Account |
421 947 000
421 947 000
Part 1.11
Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate |
177 936 000
28 702 000
1 968 000
208 606 000
Part 1.12
Housing ACT |
63 021 000
130 620 000
193 641 000
Part 1.13
Canberra Institute of Technology |
87 321 000
17 498 000
104 819 000
Part 1.14
City Renewal Authority |
17 908 000
16 346 000
34 254 000
Part 1.15
Legal Aid Commission (ACT) |
19 808 000
19 808 000
Part 1.16
Office of the Work Health and Safety Commissioner |
16 491 000
142 000
16 633 000
Part 1.17
ACT Executive |
16 474 000
16 474 000
Part 1.18
ICON Water Limited |
14 176 000
14 176 000
Part 1.19
Cultural Facilities Corporation |
10 458 000
2 933 000
13 391 000
Part 1.20
ACT Gambling and Racing Commission |
6 763 000
6 763 000
Part 1.21
Public Trustee and Guardian |
2 634 000
2 634 000
Part 1.22
Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission |
798 000
798 000
Total appropriated to territory entities
4 926 133 000
1 939 265 000
1 024 273 000
7 889 671 000
Part 1.23
Treasurer’s advance |
79 386 000
Part 1.24
Capital works reserve |
285 000 000
285 000 000
Total appropriations
4 926 133 000
2 224 265 000
1 024 273 000
8 254 057 000
1 Presentation speech
Presentation speech made in the Legislative Assembly on 25 June 2024.
2 Notification
Notified under the
on 2024.
3 Republications of amended laws
For the latest republication of amended laws, see www.legislation.act.gov.au
© Australian Capital Territory 2024
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