A code of practice may deal with the following matters:
(a) the care and use of animals for scientific purposes;
(b) the use of animals from pounds;
(c) the management and control of companion animals;
(d) the management of companion animals in pounds and shelters;
(e) the development of new breeds of companion animals;
(f) the breeding and selling of cats or dogs with heritable defects;
(g) the use of electric goads;
(h) horse agistment establishments;
(i) animal welfare in rural industry;
(j) animal welfare in intensive farming;
(k) transport of livestock;
(l) animal welfare in the management of saleyards;
(m) livestock and poultry slaughtering establishments;
(n) fishing;
(o) culling of native animals;
(p) control of feral animals;
(q) aerial shooting of animals;
(r) trapping and snaring of animals;
(s) commercial pest control;
(t) commercial keeping and display of animals;
(u) the operation of pet shops and other businesses that buy or sell animals as pets;
(v) the operation of businesses that board animals;
(w) the operation of any other business that deals with pets;
(x) keeping of zoo animals;
(y) animal welfare in the racing industry;
(z) any other matter related to animal welfare.