(1) If a young detainee who is under 18 years old is detained at a detention place, the director-general must take reasonable steps to tell someone who has daily care responsibility, or long-term care responsibility, for the young detainee about—
(a) the young detainee's admission to a detention place; and
(b) if the young detainee is required to appear before a court or tribunal—the time and place of each appearance.
(2) If the director-general and someone else share daily care responsibility, or long-term care responsibility, for the young detainee, the director-general must act under subsection (1) in relation to the other person.
(3) If a young detainee who is 18 years old or older is detained at a detention place, the director-general must take reasonable steps to tell the young detainee's nominated person about the matters mentioned in subsection (1) (a) and (b).