(1) The director-general must ensure, as far as practicable, that young detainees can send and receive as much mail as they wish.
(2) A young detainee may send mail to, and receive mail from any family member, significant person or other person nominated by the young detainee by written notice given to the director-general.
(3) For chapter 8, subsection (2) is taken to provide entitlements for each young detainee in relation to mail.
(4) However, the director-general may give directions denying or limiting the sending or receiving of mail by a young detainee if the director-general suspects on reasonable grounds that—
(a) the mail may—
(i) undermine security or good order at a detention place; or
(ii) revictimise a victim; or
(iii) circumvent any process for investigating complaints or reviewing decisions under this Act; or
(iv) have the purpose of causing community distress; or
(v) cause harm to the young detainee; or
(b) the direction is necessary and reasonable to safeguard the best interests of the young detainee.
(5) Also, subsections (1) and (2) are subject to—
(a) section 201 (Monitoring ordinary mail); and
(b) section 202 (Monitoring protected mail); and
(c) any operating procedure mentioned in subsection (6).
(6) An operating procedure may include provision regulating the following in relation to young detainees' mail:
(a) the way mail is sent or received;
(b) the provision of writing and other material for sending mail;
(c) the storage, and return to the detainee, of mail for which a direction is given under subsection (4).