(1) The director-general must keep a register containing details of each young detainee at a detention place.
(2) The register must include the following details in relation to each young detainee:
(a) the young detainee's full name, including any assumed name;
(b) the young detainee's age and date of birth;
(c) the young detainee's sex;
Note For transgender and intersex young detainees, see s 189.
(d) the authority for the detention of the young detainee;
(e) the period of authorised detention;
(f) for a young detainee under a sentence of imprisonment—details of the sentence, including any combination sentence;
(g) the current place of detention;
(h) the security classification for the young detainee;
(i) the case management plan (if any) for the young detainee;
(j) details of any known condition of the young detainee that requires, or is likely to require, a health service;
(k) details of anything taken from the young detainee under section 158 (Identification of young detainees);
(l) details of property the young detainee has at the detention place;
(m) for a young detainee who is under 18 years old—details of people who have daily care responsibility, or long-term care responsibility, for the young detainee and details of notifications under this Act of those people;
(n) for a young detainee who is 18 years old or older—details of a person nominated by the young detainee (the nominated person ) to whom the director-general can give any notifications required under—
(i) section 113 (Transfer—notifying people responsible for or nominated by young detainees); or
(ii) section 157 (Detention—notifying people responsible for or nominated by young detainees); or
(iii) section 182 (Injury etc—notifying people responsible for or nominated by young detainees); or
(iv) section 207 (2) (c) (Notice of segregation directions—safe room and other); or
(v) section 237 (5) (c) (Alcohol and drug testing of young detainees); or
(vi) section 251 (Notice of strip and body searches—person responsible for or nominated by young detainee);
(o) for a young detainee who is 18 years old or older—details of any notifications given to the young detainee's nominated person;
(p) anything else the director-general considers necessary or appropriate for the proper management of the young detainee.
Examples—other things director-general may consider necessary or appropriate
1 young detainee's nutritional or health needs
2 young detainee's need for spectacles, contact lens, crutches, prosthesis or other artificial aids
3 young detainee's language or literacy difficulties
4 any cultural background or religious affiliation identified by the young detainee