(1) If the director-general gives a segregation direction, the director-general must prepare a notice—
(a) stating the direction; and
(b) explaining why the direction was given; and
(c) stating when the direction takes effect; and
(d) stating how long the direction lasts; and
(e) explaining that the direction may be reviewed or revoked—
(i) for a safe room segregation direction—under section 211 (Review of safe room segregation directions); or
(ii) for another segregation direction—under subdivision (Review of certain segregation directions).
(2) A notice under subsection (1) must be given as soon as practicable to—
(a) the young detainee; and
(b) if the young detainee is under 18 years old—a parent or someone who has daily care responsibility, or long-term care responsibility, for the young detainee; and
(c) if the young detainee is 18 years old or older—the young detainee's nominated person; and
(d) the public advocate; and
(e) if the young detainee is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander child or young person—the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people commissioner.