(1) The director-general must review a safe room segregation direction—
(a) after it has been in effect for 2 hours; and
(b) at the end of every subsequent 2 hour period for which it is in effect.
(2) When reviewing a direction under subsection (1) (b), the director-general must—
(a) seek the advice of a health practitioner (other than a non-treating health practitioner) about the action the director-general should take under subsection (4); and
(b) have regard to that advice in deciding what action to take.
(3) The director-general may also review a safe room segregation direction at any other time, on the director-general's own initiative or on request by the young detainee.
(4) After reviewing a safe room segregation direction under subsection (1) or (3), the director-general must do 1 of the following:
(a) confirm the direction;
(b) make a further safe room segregation direction if the grounds for making the direction exist;
(c) revoke the direction under section 209 (4);
(d) make a direction under section 109 that the young detainee be transferred to a health facility.
(5) To remove any doubt, the director-general may make more than 1 further safe room segregation direction after a review.