(1) The use of force under this division includes the use of restraint.
(2) The director-general must ensure, as far as practicable, that the use of force involving a restraint is proportionate to the circumstances, and in particular that—
(a) the circumstances are sufficiently serious to justify the use; and
(b) the kind of restraint is appropriate in the circumstances; and
(c) the restraint is used appropriately in the circumstances.
(3) The director-general must also ensure that restraints are only used under this division—
(a) by youth detention officers trained to use them; and
(b) in accordance with a youth detention policy or operating procedure that applies to their use.
(4) In applying force under this division, a youth detention officer may use a restraint, including any of the following:
(a) body contact;
(b) handcuffs, restraint jackets and other restraining devices;
(c) anything else prescribed by regulation.