(1) An accused detainee may elect to have a disciplinary charge against the accused detainee dealt with under this division by giving the administrator a written notice in which the accused detainee—
(a) admits the behaviour breach charged; and
(b) accepts the proposed disciplinary action stated in the charge notice.
a signed admission and acceptance on the charge notice
Note If a form is approved under s 886 for an election under this section, the form must be used.
(2) The election must be given to the administrator—
(a) not later than 48 hours after the administrator gives the accused detainee the charge notice; or
(b) within any extended period allowed under subsection (3).
(3) On written application by the accused detainee, the administrator may extend the period within which the election must be made if the administrator believes on reasonable grounds that it is appropriate to extend the period.
(4) The administrator must give the accused detainee written notice of a decision under subsection (3).