(1) The director-general may carry out a care and protection appraisal of a child or young person if, after considering a voluntary report or a mandatory report about the child or young person, the director-general believes the child or young person may be at risk of significant harm.
(2) However, the director-general may carry out a care and protection appraisal of the child or young person only if—
(a) the director-general—
(i) has the agreement, under section 369 (1), of at least 1 parent or other person who has daily care responsibility for the child or young person; and
(ii) has notified, under section 369 (4), any other parent or person who has daily care responsibility for the child or young person (unless, under section 369 (5), notice is not required); or
(b) an appraisal order in force for the child or young person authorises the carrying out of the appraisal; or
Note Appraisal orders are dealt with in s 372.
(c) section 370 (Care and protection appraisal—obtaining agreement not in best interests of child or young person etc) applies and the appraisal is carried out under section 371 (Care and protection appraisal—visual examination and interview); or
(d) the director-general has daily care responsibility for the child or young person, or shares it with another person.