In making an appraisal order for a child or young person, the Childrens Court may include any of the following whether or not it was applied for:
(a) a requirement that—
(i) a person attend, alone or with someone else, at a stated place at a stated time for the appraisal; or
(ii) a person or entity comply with arrangements made by the director-general for the appraisal; or
(iii) that a person or entity allow entry to a stated place for the appraisal;
(iv) a person or entity give the director-general information about the care, wellbeing or development of a child or young person; or
(v) something be produced to the court or given to the director-general or someone else; or
(vi) that a person not have contact with the child or young person, or not have contact with the child or young person except if a stated person or a person of a stated class is present;
Note Contact includes indirect contact (see s 348).
(b) a temporary parental responsibility provision.