(1) If a police officer takes emergency action for a child or young person, the police officer must—
(a) immediately tell the director-general, in writing—
(i) the name of the child or young person; and
(ii) why the emergency action was taken; and
(b) if practicable—tell the following people about the emergency action as soon as practicable:
(i) the parents of the child or young person;
(ii) each other person (if any) who has daily care responsibility, or long-term care responsibility, for the child or young person; and
(c) deliver the child or young person to the place or person advised by the director-general.
(2) However, if it is not practicable for the police officer to tell the director-general in writing immediately, the police officer may tell the director-general orally immediately and then in writing as soon as practicable.
(3) If the director-general takes emergency action for a child or young person, or is told that a police officer has taken emergency action for a child or young person, the director-general must, as soon as practicable, tell the following people that emergency action has been taken for the child or young person:
(a) if not already told about the emergency action—
(i) the parents of the child or young person; and
(ii) each other person (if any) who has daily care responsibility, or long-term care responsibility, for the child or young person;
(b) the public advocate;
(c) if the child or young person is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person—the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people commissioner;
(d) the Childrens Court.