(1) This section applies if a care plan includes a proposal mentioned in section 455 (b) (iii) in relation to a child's or young person's living arrangements.
(2) The director-general must prepare a proposal (a stability proposal ) that outlines how the director-general proposes to ensure long-term placement in a safe, nurturing and secure environment.
(3) A stability proposal may include—
(a) for a child or young person who lives with their parents—strategies to ensure stable and long-term living arrangements; and
(b) for a child or young person who does not live with their parents—
(i) an assessment of whether restoration of the child or young person to their parents is a realistic possibility; or
(ii) a proposal for restoration that includes changes at the home or by the parents that the director-general believes would need to occur before the director-general would consider it safe for the child or young person to return to their parents; or
(iii) a proposal for long-term placement that the director-general considers to be in the best interests of the child or young person.
(c) anything else the director-general considers necessary to ensure a long-term placement in a safe, nurturing and secure environment.
(4) A proposal for long-term placement may include—
(a) placement under a care and protection order with a long-term parental responsibility provision; or
(b) placement under a care and protection order with an enduring parental responsibility provision; or
(c) placement under a parenting order under the Family Law Act 1975
(Cwlth); or
(d) adoption under the Adoption Act 1993
(5) The director-general must not include adoption in a proposal for long-term placement for an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander child or young person under subsection (4) unless the director-general has considered the Adoption Act 1993
, section 39G.