In the care and protection chapters:
"parental responsibility provision", in a care and protection order, or interim care and protection order, for a child or young person—
(a) means a provision about who has a stated aspect of parental responsibility for the child or young person; and
(b) may, but need not, include 1 or more of the following directions:
(i) that a stated person has daily care responsibility for the child or young person;
Note Daily care responsibility is dealt with in s 19.
(ii) that a stated person has long-term care responsibility for the child or young person;
Note Long-term care responsibility is dealt with in s 20.
(iii) that parental responsibility for the child or young person is shared between stated people;
(iv) that a stated person (including the director-general) who has long-term care responsibility for the child or young person must consult with each other person who shares long-term care responsibility for the child or young person in making a decision about a long-term matter for the child or young person;
Note Long-term care responsibility is dealt with in s 20.
(v) that a stated person who has parental responsibility for the child or young person must exercise the responsibility in a stated way.
Note If a care and protection order is in force for a child or young person and the director-general or a police officer believes on reasonable grounds that someone has contravened the order and because of the contravention, the child or young person is in danger, the director-general or police officer may apply to the Childrens Court for a warrant to have the child or young person taken into safe custody (see s 685).