(1) A party to a proceeding under the care and protection chapters may appear before the court—
(a) in person; or
(b) represented by a lawyer; or
(c) with the leave of the court, represented by someone else.
Note Representation of children and young people is dealt with in the Court Procedures Act 2004
, pt 7A (Procedural provisions—proceedings involving children).
(2) Also, the director-general may appear before the court by the director-general's delegate or someone authorised to appear on the director-general's behalf.
(3) If a party to a proceeding under the care and protection chapters (the represented party ) is represented by a lawyer in the proceeding, the lawyer must file with the court, and give to each other party to the proceeding, a written statement that the lawyer acts for the represented party and an address in the ACT for service of documents.
(4) A lawyer may stop representing a party to a proceeding under the care and protection chapters only if the lawyer files with the court, and gives to each other party to the proceeding, a written statement to that effect.