(1) The director-general may suspend an educational institution's exemption under section 784 if the director-general suspects on reasonable grounds that the educational institution has not complied with, or continued to comply with, the work experience standards.
(2) The director-general may suspend the exemption by—
(a) giving the educational institution written notice of the suspension, including the director-general's reasons for suspending the exemption; and
(b) telling the educational institution that it may make a submission, in writing, to the director-general about the suspension not later than 14 days after the day the notice is given to the educational institution.
(3) A suspension takes effect immediately.
(4) After the end of 14 days after the director-general gives notice of the suspension, the director-general must—
(a) consider any submission made by the entity; and
(b) either—
(i) revoke the suspension; or
(ii) give the entity notice of the director-general's intention to revoke the authorisation under section 787.