(1) An authorised person who enters premises under this chapter may, for this Act, do 1 or more of the following in relation to the premises or anything on the premises:
(a) inspect or examine;
(b) take measurements or conduct tests;
(c) take samples;
(d) take photographs, films, or audio, video or other recordings;
(e) make copies of, or take extracts from, a document kept at the premises;
(f) require the occupier, or anyone at the premises, to give the authorised person records, or copies of records that the person has or has access to that are reasonably required by the authorised person for this Act;
(g) require the occupier, or an employee or agent of the occupier, to give the authorised person any other assistance to exercise a power under this chapter.
Note The Legislation Act
, s 170 and s 171 deal with the application of the privilege against self incrimination and client legal privilege.
(2) A person must take all reasonable steps to comply with a requirement made of the person under subsection (1) (f) or (g).
Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units.