(1) The ACAT must not make an interim order staying or otherwise affecting the operation or implementation of a decision under section 747 (3) (Childcare service licence—decision on application) to refuse to give a childcare service licence.
(2) The Supreme Court must not make an order or other decision under the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1989
, section 16 in
relation to a decision under section 747 (3) (Childcare service
licence—decision on application) to refuse to give a
childcare service licence.
Notes to ch 25
In making a decision under this chapter for a child or young person, the decision-maker must regard the best interests of the child or young person as the paramount consideration (see s 8).
In making a decision under this chapter otherwise than for a particular child or young person, the decision-maker must consider the best interests of children and young people (see s 8).