(1) A certificate that appears to be signed by the director-general that states any of the following is evidence of the matter:
(a) that a stated person was, or was not, subject to detention on a stated day;
(b) that a stated person was, or was not, in the director-general's custody on a stated day;
(c) that a stated young offender subject to full-time detention did not comply with a stated obligation of the detention;
(d) that the director-general gave a stated direction to a stated person on a stated day;
(e) that a stated person did not comply with a stated direction by the director-general on a stated day;
(f) that a stated decision was made by the director-general on a stated date;
(g) that a stated person did, or did not, occupy a position under this Act on a stated day;
(h) that a stated instrument under this Act was, or was not, in force on a stated day;
(i) that a stated instrument is a copy of an instrument made, given, issued or received under this Act.
(2) A certificate mentioned in subsection (1) may state a matter by reference to a date or period.
(3) A certificate of the results of the analysis of a substance under this Act, signed by an analyst appointed under section 883, is evidence of the facts stated in the certificate.
(4) A certificate signed by or for the director-general that states any matter prescribed by regulation is evidence of the stated matter.
(5) A court must accept a certificate or other document mentioned in this section as proof of the matters stated in it if there is no evidence to the contrary.