The president must—
(a) after consulting with the director-general and the other commissioners, prepare a draft governance and corporate support protocol for each 3-year period that includes—
(i) how the responsible directorate and the commission will consult and communicate with each other; and
(ii) a strategic plan for the 3-year period; and
(iii) how funding will be allocated within the commission for each year in the 3-year period; and
(iv) a budget for each commissioner mentioned in section 12 for each year in the 3-year period; and
(v) performance criteria to be met by the commission in each year of the 3-year period; and
(vi) financial and performance reporting and auditing requirements for the 3-year period; and
(vii) processes for requesting funding; and
(viii) anything else prescribed by regulation; and
(b) give the draft plan to the director-general for endorsement; and
(c) publish the approved plan on the commission's website.