(1) If the Regulator decides under section 561(1) to forfeit a thing or sample, the Regulator must as soon as practicable give an information notice for the decision to—
(a) the person from whom the thing or sample was seized; and
(b) the person who was the owner of the thing or sample immediately before the forfeiture; and
(c) each person having a registered interest in the thing or sample.
(2) The information notice may be given—
(a) by post; or
(b) in the case of the person from whom the thing or sample was seized, by leaving the notice in a conspicuous position and in a reasonably secure way at—
(i) for a thing or sample taken for examination, whether or not it is seized under section 549—the place where the thing or sample was taken; or
(ii) for a thing or sample seized under this Chapter other than under section 549—the place where the thing or sample was seized.
(3) However, subsection (2)(b) does not apply if the place is—
(a) a public place; or
(b) a place where the notice is unlikely to be read by the person for whom it is intended.