The care coordinator has the following functions:
(a) to coordinate the provision of treatment, care or support to people with a mental disorder in accordance with community care orders made by the ACAT;
(b) to coordinate the provision of appropriately trained people for the treatment, care or support of people with a mental disorder who are subject to community care orders;
(c) to coordinate the provision of appropriate residential or detention facilities for people with a mental disorder in relation to whom any of the following orders are in force:
(i) a community care order;
(ii) a restriction order with a community care order;
(iii) a forensic community care order;
(d) to coordinate the provision of medication and anything else required to be done for people with a mental disorder in accordance with community care orders and restriction orders made by the ACAT;
(e) to make reports and recommendations to the Minister about matters affecting the provision of treatment, care or support, control, accommodation, maintenance and protection for people with a mental disorder;
(f) any other function given to the care coordinator under this Act.