(1) Where a complaint has been made to the ombudsman with respect to action taken by an agency, the ombudsman may, in his or her discretion, decide not to investigate the action or, if investigation has commenced, decide not investigate the action further—
(a) if the ombudsman is satisfied that the complainant became aware of the action more than 12 months before the complaint was made to the ombudsman; or
(b) if, in the opinion of the ombudsman—
(i) the complaint is frivolous or vexatious or was not made in good faith; or
(ii) the complainant does not have a sufficient interest in the subject matter of the complaint; or
(iii) an investigation, or further investigation, of the action is not warranted having regard to all the circumstances.
(2) Where a person who makes a complaint to the ombudsman with respect to action taken by an agency has not complained to the agency with respect to that action, the ombudsman may, in his or her discretion, decide not to investigate the action until the complainant so complains to the agency.
(3) Where a person who makes a complaint to the ombudsman with respect to action taken by an agency has complained to the agency with respect to that action, the ombudsman may, in his or her discretion, decide not to investigate the action unless the complainant informs the ombudsman that no redress has been granted or that redress has been granted but the redress is not, in the opinion of the complainant, adequate.
(4) Where—
(a) a person who has made a complaint to the ombudsman with respect to action taken by an agency and who has complained to the agency with respect to that action informs the ombudsman as provided by subsection (3) that no redress, or no adequate redress, has been granted by the agency; and
(b) the ombudsman is of the opinion—
(i) if no redress has been granted—that, since the complainant complained to the agency, a reasonable period has elapsed in which redress could have been granted; or
(ii) if redress has been granted—that the redress was not reasonably adequate;
the ombudsman must, subject to this section, investigate the action.
(5) Where a complainant has caused or causes action to which his or her complaint relates to be reviewed by a court, or by a tribunal constituted by or under an enactment, the ombudsman must not investigate, or continue to investigate, the action unless the ombudsman is of the opinion that there are special reasons justifying the investigation or the continued investigation.
(6) Where the ombudsman is of the opinion that a complainant has or had a right to cause the action to which the complaint relates to be reviewed by a court, or by a tribunal constituted by or under an enactment, but has not exercised that right, the ombudsman may decide not to investigate the action or not to investigate the action further, if he or she is of the opinion that, in all the circumstances, it would be reasonable for the complainant to exercise, or would have been reasonable for the complainant to have exercised, that right.
(7) Where, before the ombudsman commences, or after the ombudsman has commenced, to investigate action taken by an agency, being action that is the subject matter of a complaint, the ombudsman forms the opinion that adequate provision is made under an administrative practice for the review of action of that kind, the ombudsman may decide not to investigate the action or not to investigate the action further—
(a) if the action has been, is being or is to be reviewed under that practice at the request of the complainant; or
(b) if the ombudsman is satisfied that the complainant is entitled to cause the action to be reviewed under that practice and it would be reasonable for the complainant to cause it to be so reviewed.
(8) Where a complaint is made to the ombudsman by a complainant at the request of another person or of a body of persons, this section applies as if references to the complainant were references to the person or the body of persons at whose request the complaint is made.