(1) An adult (the principal ) may, by a power of attorney, appoint 1 or more people to do anything for the principal that the principal can lawfully do by an attorney.
Note 1 If a form is approved under s 96 for this provision, the form must be used.
Note 2 The principal must understand the nature and effect of making the power of attorney (see s 17 and s 18).
Note 3 Section 14 contains limits on this general power of appointment in relation to enduring powers of attorney.
Note 4 A power to appoint a person to do something includes a power to appoint a corporation to do the thing (see Legislation Act
, s 160 (1)).
(2) By an enduring power of attorney, an adult (the principal ) may also appoint 1 or more people to do anything in relation to 1 or more property matters, personal care matters, health care matters or medical research matters for the principal that the principal could lawfully do by an attorney if the principal had decision-making capacity for the matter when the power to do the thing is exercised.
(3) However, an adult must not, by a power of attorney, appoint a person younger than 18 years old as an attorney.